Comments by "Clint Holmes" (@clintholmes2061) on "Tulsi Gabbard On "Abolishing" Private Insurance" video.

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  11.  @Blodhelm  Regarding, "Whoa there buddy, turn down the paranoia dial a little." Because there aren't paid shills? Oh wait. There are and if you want to deny it it's you who has trouble with reality. Regarding, "Any system like Medicare for All will still have holes or procedures that aren't covered." Only if holes are left and there is no reason to leave them. Regarding, "Allowing for the existence of private insurance can fill the gap." Why again are there gaps being left? Why exactly is the private health insurance industry a better answer than just giving great comprehensive universal health care? Better idea, we close the gaps. Private insurance has no place in good system. They are completely unnecessary to a robust single payer system. Regarding, "Even single-payer systems still don't "abolish" private insurance entirely." The idea is to cover all areas that insurance would be used. You make it illegal to double up on coverage. And just like that they have no room to breathe and no reason to exist. The goal isn't to "abolish" them with brute force, but to destroy all the places they would exist. We give good universal care and there is no reason for them. And if you want a boob job or a dick implant you can pay for it out of pocket or finance it. Those are already the types of things that private health insurance doesn't cover. Regarding, "Having <1% of the population choosing additional and regulated private insurance vs forcing everyone to use it, is still a huge shift." Or better yet we just do it right the first time. Why are you determined to have a slice of cake when it would be better to just have the whole pie? Regarding, "Private insurance doesn't even need to be eliminated by law" Yup. That's the idea. To not technically eliminate it but to create a system that covers everything private health insurance would cover, to outlaw duplication of coverage, and just like that they have no reason to be and the world is a far better place. Regarding, "Not using the language of "abolishing" insurance however, can be useful for deflecting the panic of the uninformed who fear major changes but would be more amenable to the concept of a mixed system." Stupid people are going to be stupid regardless. I know what I want, a world where private health insurance companies are gone. Anyone not committed to that goal isn't fighting for what's right and what I want. I don't have time for word games. I want leadership and a clear representation of my values. Private health insurance companies have no place in out society. I'm not interested in half measures. That's what the ACA was and it was a failure and blowjob to the powers that be. It's time for the real hope and change that I was promised long ago but never received. Let's just do it right the first time shall we? Because the whole world is rightfully laughing at us while we let our people die unnecessarily.
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  23.  @chadsimmons4496  Regarding, "so my opinion differs from you, that's me being intellectually dishonest... Got it." We can have our own opinions. We don't get to have our own facts. And it's a fact that the majority of Tulsi's supporters would support Sanders if she dropped out today. Regarding, "Ron Paul voters." Aren't really relevant to this conversation if they aren't going to support any other dem nominee if Tulsi dropped out. It's about the people that would go elsewhere in the party if Tulsi isn't around. Regarding, "I sure as heck wouldn't be smearing Tulsi Gabbard" I love Tulsi but I have substantive problems with her including the one I've mentioned. It's my opinion that progressives should be helping Sanders overcome the rigged game, not taking votes away from him. She is taking votes away from him. Not every last Gabbard supporter, but most. Regarding, "especially while giving Warren a pass." I trash Warren. And among the reasons I give for not liking her include her not running against Hillary in 2016. Her not endorsing the true progressive Sanders when he did run because she didn't. I trashed the shit out of her for running in 2020 because I thought she too would split the progressive vote. It is only intellectually honest of me to have the same objection for Tulsi while Tulsi does the same thing. Regarding, "Warren has the voters you should be worried about taking Bernie's bubble." I type this as I go and address all the points I see as I go along the way. I've already addressed this. I am worried about Warren's effect. But if you think it's a valid point for Warren why don't you think the same of Tulsi? Or is this merely you trying to be me? As for why I haven't talked about Warren specifically til now... well it hasn't been about her til now. Regarding, "There are a dozen corp dems splitting that vote." The establishments behavior here and their disregard about splitting their vote can be explained two ways. I think there is truth in both. First: they don't care about splitting their vote because for them it's all about stopping Bernie on the first ballot. Every candidate will steal at least a handful from him especially in their home states. Kamala takes Sanders voters in California, Booker in Jersey, O'rouke in Texas and so on. Secondly the establishment, while trying to act like Biden was their guy, knew exactly how deeply flawed their candidate of choice was. So they threw everything at the wall hoping that one of them would eventually stick... kinda how Kamala has been doing and kinda how Warren, the new darling of the corporate media, has been doing. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually they do coalesce around an establishment candidate of choice. Regarding, "This is the same conversation I have about Jill Stein "stealing" Hillary votes." I voted for Jill Stein in 2016, in a swing state. Clearly these things are not the same. I'm not saying anyone, even Bernie is "entitled" to anyone's votes. He's not. But progressives should have common goals that we should be working towards. And if you are doing things that works against those common goals, like making it more likely Biden gets the nomination, I'm going to start questioning their sincerity towards progressivism. Jill Stein had every right to be there because she had a lane that hillary didn't fill. If I didn't vote for Jill I wouldn't have been voting for Hillary. That is simply not the same as Bernie/Tulsi. They ARE running the same lane. Then you have to start to asking why and fearing the effects. Regarding, "It is an assumption. Period." There is plenty of polling done about second favorite candidates. There is also common sense. Bernie and Tulsi are closely aligned. Their voters come from the same pool. Progressives. It is far more than an assumption at this point. Regarding, "The people who write Bernie/Tulsi...are not splitting anything." These are people trying to have their cake and eat it to. They are trying to show support for more than one candidate when the fact of the matter is that they only get one primary vote to cast. I assume they plan to cast it for Bernie, but clearly they also like Tulsi, as they should, because they are in the same lane. Regarding, "You included that with Tulsi/Bernie...two different groups of people." How different are they really? They aren't. They are all progressives. The only difference is who they think should be at the top of the ticket. They are all progressives, with similar goals, even if one specific difference persists. And the reality is that if either of them is going to get the nomination the chances of getting one of the two is best if they would be working together from the start rather than opposing one another and splitting their shared voter pool. Regarding, "Anyway. I'm done with this age old debunked Ralph Nader gave you Bush psychopathy, ingrained in way too many Americans." Because I'm that guy who you think it's ingrained into huh? Meanwhile I voted for Nader. But this time it wasn't like my voting for Stein. That time I wasn't in a swing state. That time I was in a state whose election was decided long before I voted. So I voted for Nader because I liked him and because I wanted to support more than just the two major parties and show my support for more options. Had I been living in a swing state at the time I absolutely would have voted for Gore. Nader did "steal" my vote in a way. But only because I knew my vote wasn't going to matter. And at the end of the day we can determine how many votes were "stolen" and how elections would be different without people in the mix. And no Nader didn't cost Gore the election. But you can't act like him running doesn't affect other candidates because candidates don't operate in a vacuum... they affect the people around them and often times how they affect things is pretty easy to see and predict ahead of time. Regarding, "The point is the condescension from the Gore side, unable or unwilling to follow their own advice and vote Nader...while assuming "the other" should just fall in line." I'm not telling tulsi and her supporters they need to fall in line. I am trying to give logical reasons why I think they should be supporting sanders and not tulsi. If ultimately they disagree so be it. This is an area where we can have a difference of opinion at the end of the day. But we can't act like Tulsi's campaign doesn't affect Bernie's campaign. Because it does. How important that effect is is what people can have their own opinions about. Regarding, "Bernie has been saying the same thing for 50 years. Has been on the right side of most every issue during that time." Which is why, among other things, that all progressives, including Tulsi, should be backing him in a world where we know the game isn't fair. Regarding, "Nobody listened BECAUSE of the "split the vote" concept." I've never heard bernie talk about it ever. But I'm not bernie. And there are plenty of people who understand the concept. Again... joe biden in 2016. If you think he didn't run because of his son you would be wrong. He didn't run because he was clearing a path for hillary and wasn't willing to chance splitting the establishment vote because splitting the vote is a real thing to be considered. Regarding, "Tulsi ABSOLUTELY still needs her voice on that stage." Don't get me wrong, there is an argument to be made about benefits of her running. I love another progressive talking about progressive issues. I love her message of peace and about taking it to the MIC. But ultimately I think the downside of her running outweighs the good. In an election where every vote and every delegate matters I would prefer ensuring that Bernie gets every vote that is possible. It's my firm belief that progressives would be wise to be unified from the start. If people don't find the points I make compelling, so be it. But I'm going to make them. The "democratic" primary is far too important for us to fuck it up and I'm bothered by what I see as a very big, very avoidable mistake being made in real time.
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  30.  @delboyg01  Regarding, " You don’t seem to understand WHY the DNC has packed the field with so many no-hoper Presidential candidates?" Cool. I look forward to being educated by you then. Regarding, "That IS to unsure that Bernie can’t get the 50% he needs on the 1st round, then on the 2nd round they can bring in the super delegates and say all was fair!" Which is pretty much exactly what I think. That is why I have a problem with Tulsi running and siphoning votes away from sanders. I want to do anything and everything to get Sanders enough delegates on the first ballot. Tulsi makes this goal harder to achieve. Regarding, "If you really want Bernie you also have to support Tulsi so she can chip away votes from the no hopers!" Meanwhile, in reality, Tulsi voters, if she were not in the race, are likely to go almost exclusively toward Bernie. She isn't taking votes from Biden and the establishment. Because duh. Regarding, "Bernie cannot win this alone" That's the only way he can win it. Regarding, "the only other candidate who you can guarantee to give Bernie their votes IS Tulsi." Candidates can't give their pledged delegates to one another. Even if it goes to a second ballot and a contested convention Tulsi can only advice her delegates to support Bernie and ultimately those delegates can do whatever the fuck they want at that point. If you are planning on the second ballot you are setting yourself up for defeat when we should be focusing on the first ballot. That's the only place we know we can't get fucked over. Regarding, "I really hope you have a better understanding of what is going on now!" The irony. Two can play your game. I really hope you have a better understanding of what is going on now!
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