Comments by "Mark Bell" (@Markbell73) on ""Why Don't Men Want To Date Us"? | When Men Don't Even Show Up To Date Anymore" video.

  1. 8 years? I've on a streak of 49 years. I'm committed to myself. I trust myself implicitly. They don't even call me toxic. And they fall all over each other trying to grad my attention for a minute. It's a constant source of entertainment. Yes, yes, I know. You don't believe me. That's ok. You don't have to. Take a trip to San Diego. Look for a guy with hair half way down his back. Cycling with a Katana on his waste. Follow him around in the afternoon for 45 minutes. You'll be shocked. Than follow me the next day, when I'm sans Katana. Same results. Straight men..... Gay men........ Straight women...... Gay women....... Old, young, short, tall, thin fat, tattooed, untattooed. Multicolored hair, unmulticolored hair. They all look. They're all watching, staring. I can't look in a direction without noticing someone watching me. It's been the story of my life for over 30 years. Couldn't tell you why. Hell, I've only had long hair for 6 years. It doesn't matter. When I was fatter it was happening. I'm so far beyond used to it. It started before I can even remember. I just always busy. Not giving a shit. Listening to music. Enjoying the beautiful sky. The fresh air. The sun. And the time and freedom I afford myself. About the Katana. You wouldn't believe the constant questions. Yes, it's real. Yes, I could remove your head with it. Yes, I know how. Yes, it's totally legal. Even in Commiefornia. That's the best part! People look at me like I'm the only person in San Diego, riding a bicycle with a real Katana on my waist........ Oh! Yes, I am. I even sit at the Sunset Cliffs, eating my dinner, watching the sunset, with a Katana on my waist. The tweakers that look at me with angst. Because they'd get arrested if they had a Katana on them. Hahaha! Well, maybe if you didn't look like "probable cause" you could get away with it too! Get away with it? It's legal! Have you ever even read the Dirk and Dagger law? Have I said too much? I don't know? I'm just enjoying my fourth hard cider. Sharing some thoughts. Your results msy vary. Set your heart ablaze! Kyojuro lives!