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Freda Shah
The CJ Werleman Show
Comments by "Freda Shah" (@fredashah6873) on "The CJ Werleman Show" channel.
CJW’s reporting is always based on complete objectivity and truth. There are not too many of his kind in the domain of journalism.
I am so blessed to have seen the original pristine Mecca and Madina when I performed Haj in 1976. I saw the alleyways, the quaint historical buildings, Janat ul Baqi, and the surrounding historical places just as they were in the time of Prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him). I felt blessed to walk where the prophet and his faithful companions walked during the days of revelation and spread of Islam. My heart was filled with great sadness, and anger, when the Saudis allowed big foreign businesses to demolish and commercialize these irreplaceable precious structures. and shrines. They should have preserved these holy places for posterity. But sadly spirituality has no value for some people, who worship only money and worldly delights.
Truly appreciate your factual and fearless journalism.
Logically, Palestinians born in Jerusalem have a right to a state in Brooklyn, USA.
Every utterance of CJW is based on irrefutable facts and absolute truth. One cannot thank him enough for his courage and moral and intellectual integrity.
CJW’s analysis of every single situation or event is always presented with remarkable impartiality, knowledge and honesty. A journalist par excellence !
Profuse thanks for bravely revealing the truth about Pakistan’s political and economic crisis. Pakistanis are only demanding their basic human rights, rule of law and holding of elections according to the Constitution of Pakistan. But a dire situation has resulted from refusal by the foreign-imposed Government functionaries to heed the voice of the people, but instead they continue to protect their own personal interests and the interests of their foreign masters.
CJW is a very rare and honorable journalist, who never compromises with his high principles, and dares to truthfully expose the unspeakable atrocities and genocide of innocent Muslims in their own homelands. This extreme level of imperial hubris to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries on the basis of religion, and kill their peoples with impunity, can only result in eventual disaster for the aggressor nation, as history has proved repeatedly.
LGBTQ People are forcing everyone to promote their beliefs and practices and their politicized and commercialized agenda, but they show little respect for other people’s rights to their religious beliefs and lifestyles. They should learn to live and let live.
Thank you for another brilliant piece of journalism.
Islam is a religion of peace, justice and respect for life. It believes in one power, the creator Allah, the sustainer of all that exists. It is logical and rational and advocates morality, spirituality and good conduct. It is indeed a beautiful religion.
It’s a dangerous combination of retrogressive mentality and Hindutva exclusivity.
CJW’s every word reflects the brilliance of his mind, and honesty of his intent and purpose for achieving a justice-based world order, and end of barbarities and injustices of imperialism and colonialism.
CJ Werleman stands bravely on the side of truth, with great courage and vision. It is so rare to find such a knowledgeable person, who thinks and speaks with such remarkable clarity and objectivity.
CJW, you are a human being who already possesses all the qualities and characteristics of a Muslim : truthful, honest, courageous, sensitive to the hardships and suffering of fellow human beings, and with the real humility of one gifted by Allah with wisdom.
Well researched, and well presented program.
Thank you for your truthfulness and your respect for humanity.
May Allah protect journalists of courage and conscience like CJW, and bless their noble efforts to convey facts and truth to the people, Ameen.
Excellent investigative journalism.
This is what journalism should be, based on honest and factual reporting. But too many mediocre world leaders base their decisions on different considerations
So interesting to learn about Muslim presence in America for many past centuries. Thank you CJW for your scholarship and your efforts to expose historical truths.
CJ Werleman is just too honorable and too truthful for today’s world where top decision makers think nothing of achieving their unholy objectives through vile underhand methods.
The factual strength and underlying spirituality of J C Werleman’s revelation of his own battle with Islam, is truly inspirational. Islam can only be understood fully with both the mind and the heart. Islam is a complete code of life. It urges us to shun the path of those who have gone astray, and to choose truth, justice, virtue and compassion as our guiding principles in life.
CJW, you are among the very few people of conscience crying out for justice in the cruel environment of global politics. May Allah bless your noble efforts, Ameen.
CJW so masterfully conveys the all inclusiveness of Islam, its respect for all prophets and all morality based religions of the world, and its message to unite humankind through compassion, justice and peace, and all that is life-sustaining. It is sad that ill informed and biased minds are spreading untruths about a religion whose message is beautiful in its soulful simplicity.
People of honor and wisdom speak the truth to reveal the all-pervasive evil that is creating divisions and hostilities among mankind. But,tragically, in the endless battle between good and evil, it is evil that is now weighing heavily upon our world.
Presented with C.J.Werleman s clarity of thought and journalistic perfection.
Well researched, and presented with courage.
As a Kashmiri, I cannot thank CJW enough for his truthful expose of the Kashmir tragedy. Since 1947 the Muslim majority population of Kashmir is suffering unspeakable atrocities under brutal Indian military occupation, as a result of a British-Indian conspiracy to prevent them from exercising their right of self-determination, a right given to all autonomous Indian states at the time of Partition in 1947. Kashmir is still being denied that right, and instead being subjected to genocide to change it demographically from a Muslim majority to a Hindu majority state.
Exceptionally courageous journalist !
Without a green light from America and its allied imperialist nations, Israel could never have stooped to such vile depths of depravity. Israel is being financially and militarily bolstered by these countries to destroy Palestinian lives with impunity. Their ultimate goal is to gain sovereign power over Palestine after decimating the indigenous Palestinians.
Journalism par excellence !
The greater Israel plan is actually America’s plan. Of course, the evil plan to steal Arab lands will be fully militarized and financed by America and its obedient NATO allies.
CJ Werleman does not compromise with his conscience. He fearlessly speaks the truth about the unspeakable atrocities being committed against Muslims in many parts of the world. Muslims are victims of neo-colonialism that aims to exploit and subjugate them, even annihilate them, for the benefit of hegemonic powers. One can only pray that evil will be defeated, and victimized people will be rewarded with justice and peace.
The all-knowing and all-seeing Creator provides the clear answer to those who search for truth with full commitment.
CJW Is an outstanding journalist, with a keen eye for truth and the courage of his convictions.
The world seems to be moving back into the dark ages. Human life has no value, and innocent Muslims have become the most expendable religious group, subjected to unspeakable atrocities, terrorism and genocides by nations that pretend to be civilized and upholders of human rights. Their hypocrisy and venality is seen and heard daily in the electronic and social media. This fast communication and information age is causing degradation of morality and spirituality, instead of civilizing and dignifying the status of human beings.
Well researched and presented with great clarity and maturity. One can only pray that world leaders will pay urgent attention to the inhuman treatment of Muslim women in India, instead of remaining silent for selfish political considerations.
CJW is a journalist par excellence !
Only investigative journalists of the caliber of CJW can open people’s eyes to the grotesque reality of Hindutva fascism against Muslims.
So surprising to listen to such an honest and courageous expose of the Israeli-Palestinian issue.
Not everyone’s taste.
But the world’s news media, in particular news media of western democratic countries, is silent and unconcerned about the brutal treatment of Muslims in India.
CJ Werleman has very eloquently and intelligently torn to shreds the snobbish diatribe of an ill-informed Islamophobe.
Brilliant analysis and presentation by CJW. But Pakistan’s army is also compelled by a greater power to tow its line, or be bombed into the Stone Age.
Respect for CJW’s courage to project the dangerous narrative and tactics of anti-Muslim forces.
Your truthfulness and sense of justice is absolutely amazing.
It appears that voices of anti-genocide protesters, from all over the world, are beginning to penetrate the hardened minds of Israel’s erstwhile allies . CJ Werleman’s tireless and noble efforts in this regard are highly appreciated.
Jews and Muslims have all suffered as a result of the mischievous policies of western governments to control and exploit the Middle East for their own economic benefit. They pitted Jews against the Muslims to weaken both,using Jews as their foot soldiers to kill and get killed for achievement of their imperialist and colonialist agendas. Israel leaders are mere pawns of America and its allies, but they constantly work against the interests of their own people.
CJ Werleman conveys the truth about the tragic situation in Indian occupied Kashmir. But India has the support of anti-Islam powerful countries, so India continues its brutal military siege of Muslim majority state of Kashmir.