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Comments by "rob" (@rob338) on "Lockdown: Tonia Buxton and Darren McCaffrey clash over anti-lockdown protests" video.
@chatteyj Dear me. Will this dipshittery never end. Covid is causing fewer deaths now, but was the biggest killer over the winter. Plenty of younger people died of covid - or do you think all those dead healthcare workers were aged over 82? Young people get long covid and we don't know exactly how bad it'll be, but so far the signs are not good. Exposing them to it and hoping for the best is not a viable strategy. This sort of thing listed below may be a big problem, or it may be nothing, we don't know yet:
With 18000 cases today and a large chunk of the population being militant anti-vaxxers then that isn't actually true now, is it? The UK currently has more cases than the USA, which is staggering.
@justwrongright4977 If they're broke they can't afford regular trips to London, mate. So either they're not broke or someone is helping them out. Or do you really think skint unemployed workers on Universal Credit can drop a spare £500 every month to go to London? Dark money is funding this stuff. The truth will come out.
@Knickertwist Copperby Mate I've been ranting about the bad side of big tech for, ohhh, a couple of decades. Am fully aware of what can happen but am also aware of the easy way social media is used to spread misinformation. If you think a Chinese social credit system is some apocalyptic scenario then you're gonna be a bit shocked about your UK credit rating, or what info the government has on you, or y'know the data gathered by that portable supercomputer with a GPS you use to text your friends...
Another bunch of morons who'll spread the Rona then complain about lockdowns designed to not spread the Rona. Awe-inspiring levels of idiocy.
@chatteyj I've had my shots so am fine. Its not a weak virus considering how many its killed and pretending otherwise is moronic. Yes some colds are caused by coronaviruses. Most aren't (adeno and rhino viruses are the majority).
Kids will be okay, aside from feeling sad their parents are often idiots who ignore science in favour from advice off TV chefs and failed comedians.
@MM-ev1fg The alternative of letting the Rona run free is going to cause more issues. I would guess that the children of many of the 120+000 dead will be pretty traumatised too. Hopefully the kids you mention will get some help because that really doesn't sound right. Why would someone's kid want to cut their fingers off? What weird stuff is going on in his life? The kids I see seem perfectly normal and haven't heard of any similar issues round here, and I live in a not-so-salubrious part of the land. There's clearly going to be some problems but by and large kids are a hardy bunch and at least they're not being deported to the countryside or bombed like their grandparents generation during the war.
The anti-lockdown protesters clearly aren't locked up either if they can be in London every few weeks. And if you say 'Oh they're skint, their businesses are destroyed' then where are they getting the money from for the London trips?
Then you have more rona and more people voluntarily social distancing which means just as many bankrupt pubs and businesses.
@AManHas NoName Lockdown was introduced also to stop Covid spreading to everyone and wiping out a gigantic chunk of the older population. Or do you lot forget that?
@Stormcrow_1 Now tell me how many got sick to the point of hospitalisation and how many survivors ended up with long-term issues.
@thomasrobert4654 That was actually a disgusting and stupid policy and heads should roll for it. Yes, they probably thought it would save a few quid. Psychopaths. And again, no its not the flu. Stop saying stupid shit, please - you're not helping your case.
To be fair mate, they've been pushing right-wing crackpottery for the few weeks they've been on.
It's not a miracle cure and may have only a minor or no effect.
If there were zero restrictions pubs and restaurants would still struggle. A large chunk of the population really don't want to risk a dose of the Rona so won't be going out, restrictions or no. Only when infections are right down will people have the confidence to go back to their usual fun activities. We sort of thought that was happening last summer (<2000 cases a day), but now we're getting back into a dark place case-wise.
They should ask them who's paying for it. The protestors always avoid answering that question.
Pre-pandemic: Haha, look at those Millennial loser snowflakes. Muh depression! Haha! Get a job!!! Pandemic (same people): Gosh, we're really concerned about the mental health of young people. Honest.
Who's paying for them? Who's paying for the transport? Why is nobody even asking this question???
Lawrence Newman Initially yes, but we killed off a big chunk of the over 80s and now is very common for people in their 50s and 60s to die of it. Any age can die of it, but the risks increase with age, however they also increase with exposure, population density etc. which hits a lot more working-class people who can't stay at home doing Zoom calls.
@justwrongright4977 Many are from all over the country, seen the videos of them & lots of odd shady political groups there, too (Qanon types). Plus the sheer size of the protests is suss - spreading rona is not exactly a popular cause and people know that restrictions won't stop while this thing is raging.
@justwrongright4977 I've just watched the vid with the protestors in front of Downing Street. At the front someone is waving a 'Trump 2024' flag. Sounds legit. Hmmm.
@justwrongright4977 Why do you think only leftists are paid to protest? There was a trump flag there, Qanon types there, that is very, very creepy. Who is funding all the z-grade celebs who suddenly emerged on social media as covid deniers and all spew out the same bullet points with zero understanding of what they're saying. You don't think some 'influencer' money might have made its way to them? If they were really interested in the subject they might do a bit of proper book research or talk to actual scientists instead of puking out the canned talking points.
No, the elites are scumbags. That's why we need to reign them in. But we also need to reign in covid which mainly kills poorer people. Disabling or killing another few thousand working-class people isn't going to teach the elites a lesson. They don't mind and love it when everyone protests and spreads it.
@justblairthompson Important point. Suicides tend to drop in times of war. The Rona isn't a war but it has similar psychological factors - we must all pull together, there's sacrifices to be made, there's an enemy that can kill us etc. - so you'd expect suicides to be the same or a bit less. Which the figures show.