Comments by "Francis Ty" (@francisty139) on "United States orders departure of its diplomats' families from Kyiv amid Russia-Ukraine conflict" video.

  1. The True Reality is, the Father, with the Title of "God of Abraham", is a teacher. Thus Jesus is a teacher. Thus humanities defense lawyer is a teacher not a "God". So. If your defense lawyer does not wish to defend you. Tough luck baby. Teachers are more scarier than any Judge you can imagine. Judges only follow rules. But it is teachers who make the rules. We taught you humans that we are family not gods. But you humans always think something else. Will repeat the old Catholic Doctrine. A family that stays together. Prays Together. Experiences Heaven together and goes to hell together. Time is ticking of Lucifer pretty boys who have not repented. This does not apply to the Fallen Angels that have repented along time ago even though they knew they were never going to be forgiven. If you save one soul, you save the whole world. If all Fallen angels atone despite being "Gods", then there is hope for humans who follow them if they Fell because they thought they were "Gods". Let those who quote scripture so much like lemmings without questioning like children to understand it fully and let those who sold their souls who follow Satanic Scriptures eat dirt if they did not get this. It just goes to show you are not good. You are not worthy to be called humans. You aren't worthy to be even called demons. Go forth lucifer and show you aren't completely insane since you have been created as perfect intelligence. The only mistake the Father made in my opinion is that he made most of the Watchers as Males and not Females with both sexes. Father is too old traditionalists that he awaits the complete resurrection of the Mother that he dare not fall in love with his creations. It just goes to show you that most men who are born men do not become men but become gay men. Real men don't cry. Real men atone and love accountability for their own actions. They do not get jealous of a primitive intelligence and blame them for their exile and waste their time doing possessing people showing off thinking they are demons when in fact, they are pedophiles. The men who do not want accountability of what they do should just admit they are gay and fall in love with real men who will love them who believe in accountability and can prove it. Sadly. I don't see any real gay man doing it. This earth is so sad. Turning your women into men. Aka thinking like men. So much bromance.