Comments by "Steve Parker" (@steveparker8065) on "" video.
@PrivateSi Neo-liberalism is right-wing it is more accurately called Neo-conservatism, it is small government, privatisation, deregulation of the banking sector and the only thing you have got right is siphoning public taxes to the off-shore accounts of the rich. Left-wing ideology is nationalization, the opposite of privatisation. The merger of state and corporate power is the first step in Fascism, again the opposite of left-wing ideology. Liberals are centrists, Neo-liberals are right-wing, Social Democrats are Left-wing. The media is 80% controlled by right-wing billionaires. Democracy has always been an illusion, something to give us plebs the illusion of control. The left has always fought the rich and globalist billionaires who lobby governments and hold the puppet strings of politicians. You conflate ideology with politicians. But there hasn't been a left-wing government in the US or UK for over 4 decades... I'm not going to keep correcting you, you read memes fingerpainted in faeces on the toilet walls of right-whinge social media, a useful tool of the wealthy and their agenda...
@PrivateSi I can't argue with conspiracy. The left (Social Democrats) not liberals! have fought the wealthy elites since the dawn of time. Scotch Cattle, Chartists, Tolpuddle Martyrs, Wat Tyler and the peasant's revolt. We have always fought the elitists and their machinations and many died for the rights that are now being taken from us. We believe in your right to talk conspiracy and protest against authoritarianism. Central bankers are not Marxists, Anti-Fascists are not paid and are not Fascists. Corporate billionaires like Gates, Soros are right-wing elites who give to charities and fund organisations to avoid paying tax, not out of the goodness of their hearts. You can't believe in left-wing ideology such as shared resources and workers owning the tools of production while exploiting workers and owning the tools of production, it's an obvious contradiction.
The battle has always been rich vs poor, the wealthy are trying to create a dystopian corporatocracy while they themselves ascend to kings and emperors in this new world. China has more billionaires per capita than any other country and are predicted by top economists to be the largest economy by 2028, they are not Communists and haven't been for decades. The West is only 23% of the total global population. You are being fed conspiracy in the usual divide and conquer tactics of the wealthy. The left do not want to ban Christmas, have uncontrolled migration, ban books or old comedies. PC and cancel culture are manipulations of the media who amplify the voices of a few fringe groups to create division and avoid the real issue of equality. You are fighting the wrong enemy and being used by those you claim to despise...
@PrivateSi Blair was Thatcher's greatest legacy, Thatcher and Reagan both Conservatives gave birth to neo-liberalism. Blair is a warmongering neoliberal, he only added to the de-regulation Thatcher started and the Tories have continued since. I've already mentioned that he used John Major's PFIs, which is a form of privatisation. But Labour had a 5% cap on PFIs which the Tories ignored when they extended them to 2035 increasing the debt exponentially while also creating PFI2 increasing the debt even more. The Tories are responsible for creating 2/3rds of our national debt and give away over £100 billion per annum of taxpayer money to corporations in corporate welfare and subsidies. To put that into perspective, unemployment only costs £1.56 billion per annum, which means corporate greed costs the taxpayer 66 times what unemployment costs. On top of that those tax-dodging corporations costs you and me £40-120 billion per annum in unpaid taxes, via the tax gap every year. The Tories have privatised Royal Mail, Rail, Energy, Transport, Communications and many other industries, what Labour added is paled by comparison. I haven't been a member of Labour since the 90s when Blair dropped clause 4. Yet again you prove you only have Tory myth and right-wing misconceptions. All of my figures and assertions can be checked using the IFS and ONS stats. Neo-conservatism and Neo-liberalism are virtually the same thing, Conservatives pioneered Neo-liberalism under Thatcher and Labour only used those policies under Blair and only a fraction of Labour policies were neoliberal, most Labour policies were Democratic Socialism. The Conservatives use them exclusively. You are being used to regurgitate Tory mythology, check my figures.