Comments by "NobleCrow10" (@NobleCrow10) on "Democracy Now!"
Кто виновен в трагедии 7 октября?
Во - первых, арабы. Ведь в резне учавсртвовали не только боевики Хамас в бронежилетах и с автоматами. Там были сотни простых так называемых "мирных палестинцев". Тех самых, кому Израиль дает разрешение на работу и лечит в своих больницах. Те самые, кому Израиль поставляет электроэнергию, воду и топливо, лекарства и еду. Хотя не обязан после того как последний еврей покинул Газу в 2005 году.
Многие обвиняют Натаниягу что его стратегия держать отношения с Хамасом на малом огне, но при этом жить относительно мирно и развивать экономику, была ошибочной. Не уверен. Не все проблемы можно решить кардинально если только ты не супердержава с решительным лидером.
Но проблемы нужно контролировать. Если, например, у вас диабет, то вы не можете вылечить его радикально и навсегда. Но можно вовремя принимать инсулин, заниматься физкультурой и соблюдать диету. И так прожить много лет. А можно плюнуть на диету, нажраться пирожных и набухаться. И умереть в тот же день. Это то что произошло в Газе.
Меня не удивило что Арабы вели себя с евреями как садисты. Я бы удивился как раз обратному: если бы они не обижали женщин и детей и воевали только с военными, а к пленными относились бы так как требуют Женевские Конвенции.
Я знаю что Арабы - хитрые и коварные варвары. Они были варварами когда были язычниками. А когда они приняли Ислам в 7 веке то лишили себя какой либо цивилизационной перпспективы. Почитайте что Черчилль писал об Исламе если мне не верите. Я проработал в Канаде более чем в 10 компаниях. Всегда в коллективе были арабы и никогда я не мог на них положиться из за их низкой профессиональной этики и компетенции, если только речь не идет об убийстве беззащитных.
Но Нетаниягу не виноват в том что танкисты не выставили караул и проспали нападение, что офицеры спали когда Хамас уже начал ракетный обстрел, что генералы не оставили хотя бы батальон пограничников вдоль забора с Газой, а понаделялись на автоматику; что Армии потребовалось пол-дня чтобы мобилизовать и доставить к месту силы для отпора.
В Израиле - восточный бардак. Я служил в середине 1990-х в Цахале и видел этот бардак своими глазами.
Но главное это то что половина евреев Израиля либеральных убеждений наивно думают что с арабами можно когда нибудь жить в мире. Один дрессировщик поселил у себя в квартире льва и какое то время жил мирно бок о бок со львом. Но однажды лев вспомнил о своем хищном инстинкте и перекусил дрессировщику шею.
Арабы - они как этот лев. Их хищный инстикт - это Ислам. Они не могут не соблюдать требований Корана, где написано черным по белому что евреи - это "дети свиней и обезьян" и их следует убивать при любой возможности. Так же как и самый добрый лев не может не следовать своим инстиктам убийцы травоядных антилоп.
Наша беда в том что в этой аналогии со львом, антилопы - это мы с вами "неверные", евреи и неевреи.
Yes, there is a temporary defensive occupation, but it is legal and fully compliant with UN resolutions 242 and 338. When and if the Arabs show good will and are willing to sign and abide by a final peace agreement, the temporary defensive occupation will end.
It does not surprise me that the Russians, who carried out pogroms against Jews for the past 200 years, are on the side of the Arabs, even though the Arabs helped the Afghan Mujahedeen and Chechen militias kill Russian soldiers in the 1980-1990s. This means that Russians have more hatred of Jews than love for their sons, more than a sense of self-preservation.
The Russian Foreign Ministry, which is second only to the Gestapo in terms of the intensity of anti-Semitism, claims that it is necessary to return to the borders of 1967. I would like to ask the horsey mug of Lavrov: Are you ready to sell me your Moscow apartment at the price of 1967? If yes, then I am ready to buy it immediately.
In Soviet school I was taught that our space is four-dimensional: length, width, height and time. But Lavrov and his Foreign Ministry anti-Semites apparently skipped physics lessons and there is no time for them.
But if time does not exist, then why not return to the borders of 0067 AD, that is, during the time of Jesus, when not a single Arab was in the territory of Israel and Judea, and there was no trace of the Russian people?
Well, if “there’s such a booze that you can cut the last cucumber,” then why not go back to 1067 BC, during the time of King David and the first Jewish Temple? That was the time when Israel was almost half the size of Ukraine in terms of territory, which means Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt had to give up part of their lands to Israel.
Lavrov, hey!
Some people talk about the so-called mythical "Palestinians" in quotation marks, but they mean a real people known as the "Philistines." Encyclopedia Britannica says that the Philistines are a maritime non-Semitic people, Greeks from Crete. The so-called “Palestinians” are Arabs who came to Judea from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and therefore Semites, despite their murderous anti-Semitism.
The Philistines lived in a territory more or less coinciding with the borders of the Gaza Strip before the Babylonian occupation of Judea, i.e. until the 5th century BC. Since then, no one knows where these people have gone. Today it does not exist, just as many peoples who lived then, such as the Carthaginians, Amelikites and others, do not exist.
Do not confuse etymology (etymology is the science of the formation of words) with history.
David Harrell , You also failed to mention that the "bloodthirsty" Zionists are responsible for drinking blood of the christian babies, earthquakes, tsunamis, cholera, 9/11, Islamic savagery, catholic inquisition, slavery of Africans, Russian conquest of Ukraine, communist revolution, Nazis atrocities and almost all the troubles on Earth for the last 4000 years since Abraham times...Go on, do not be shy!
@ajr1247 , The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it “Palestinian people” and installed it in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the “West Bank” and Gaza, respectively?
The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so called “Palestinians” have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel, and in my book that is not sufficient to consider them a “nation” — or anything else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled.
In fact, there is only one way to achieve piece in the Middle East. Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side should, pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel's ancient sovereignty over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.
That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What are you saying again was its beginning?
You all should read more about Islam
Most of the Gaza Muslim Arabs are pro-Hamas. They scream on the streets "we are all Hamas". They blessed the Arab murderess of innocent Jews, they celebrated the mass murder of the Jews, they are related to the terrorists, somebody son, somebody father, somebody brother etc. I do not have pity for them. They routinely scream on Arabic "itbah al yahud" (murder the Jews!.) They deserve what is coming to them.
It doesn’t matter how many times I write that the “Palestinians” are a terrorist organization, and not a people made homeless by the cruel Zionists. It doesn’t matter how many times I remind you that they have neither their own language, nor culture, nor history, that they came to Israel from all over the Arab world, that they are united by nothing except Islam and the thirst for Jewish blood. It doesn't matter that "historical Palestine" is just an anti-Semitic myth, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, only much more successful. The important thing is that the whole world believes that Arafat’s terrorist organization is the real people. And if the whole world thinks so, then that means it is so.
You all should read more about Islam
Most of the Gaza Muslim Arabs are pro-Hamas. They scream on the streets "we are all Hamas". They blessed the Arab murderess of innocent Jews, they celebrated the mass murder of the Jews, they are related to the terrorists, somebody son, somebody father, somebody brother etc. I do not have pity for them. They routinely scream on Arabic "itbah al yahud" (murder the Jews!.) They deserve what is coming to them.
It doesn’t matter how many times I write that the “Palestinians” are a terrorist organization, and not a people made homeless by the cruel Zionists. It doesn’t matter how many times I remind you that they have neither their own language, nor culture, nor history, that they came to Israel from all over the Arab world, that they are united by nothing except Islam and the thirst for Jewish blood. It doesn't matter that "historical Palestine" is just an anti-Semitic myth, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, only much more successful. The important thing is that the whole world believes that Arafat’s terrorist organization is the real people. And if the whole world thinks so, then that means it is so.
You all should read more about Islam
Most of the Gaza Muslim Arabs are pro-Hamas. They scream on the streets "we are all Hamas". They blessed the Arab murderess of innocent Jews, they celebrated the mass murder of the Jews, they are related to the terrorists, somebody son, somebody father, somebody brother etc. I do not have pity for them. They routinely scream on Arabic "itbah al yahud" (murder the Jews!.) They deserve what is coming to them.
It doesn’t matter how many times I write that the “Palestinians” are a terrorist organization, and not a people made homeless by the cruel Zionists. It doesn’t matter how many times I remind you that they have neither their own language, nor culture, nor history, that they came to Israel from all over the Arab world, that they are united by nothing except Islam and the thirst for Jewish blood. It doesn't matter that "historical Palestine" is just an anti-Semitic myth, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, only much more successful. The important thing is that the whole world believes that Arafat’s terrorist organization is the real people. And if the whole world thinks so, then that means it is so.
You all should read more about Islam
Most of the Gaza Muslim Arabs are pro-Hamas. They scream on the streets "we are all Hamas". They blessed the Arab murderess of innocent Jews, they celebrated the mass murder of the Jews, they are related to the terrorists, somebody son, somebody father, somebody brother etc. I do not have pity for them. They routinely scream on Arabic "itbah al yahud" (murder the Jews!.) They deserve what is coming to them.
It doesn’t matter how many times I write that the “Palestinians” are a terrorist organization, and not a people made homeless by the cruel Zionists. It doesn’t matter how many times I remind you that they have neither their own language, nor culture, nor history, that they came to Israel from all over the Arab world, that they are united by nothing except Islam and the thirst for Jewish blood. It doesn't matter that "historical Palestine" is just an anti-Semitic myth, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, only much more successful. The important thing is that the whole world believes that Arafat’s terrorist organization is the real people. And if the whole world thinks so, then that means it is so.
You all should read more about Islam
Most of the Gaza Muslim Arabs are pro-Hamas. They scream on the streets "we are all Hamas". They blessed the Arab murderess of innocent Jews, they celebrated the mass murder of the Jews, they are related to the terrorists, somebody son, somebody father, somebody brother etc. I do not have pity for them. They routinely scream on Arabic "itbah al yahud" (murder the Jews!.) They deserve what is coming to them.
It doesn’t matter how many times I write that the “Palestinians” are a terrorist organization, and not a people made homeless by the cruel Zionists. It doesn’t matter how many times I remind you that they have neither their own language, nor culture, nor history, that they came to Israel from all over the Arab world, that they are united by nothing except Islam and the thirst for Jewish blood. It doesn't matter that "historical Palestine" is just an anti-Semitic myth, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, only much more successful. The important thing is that the whole world believes that Arafat’s terrorist organization is the real people. And if the whole world thinks so, then that means it is so.
You all should read more about Islam
Most of the Gaza Muslim Arabs are pro-Hamas. They scream on the streets "we are all Hamas". They blessed the Arab murderess of innocent Jews, they celebrated the mass murder of the Jews, they are related to the terrorists, somebody son, somebody father, somebody brother etc. I do not have pity for them. They routinely scream on Arabic "itbah al yahud" (murder the Jews!.) They deserve what is coming to them.
It doesn’t matter how many times I write that the “Palestinians” are a terrorist organization, and not a people made homeless by the cruel Zionists. It doesn’t matter how many times I remind you that they have neither their own language, nor culture, nor history, that they came to Israel from all over the Arab world, that they are united by nothing except Islam and the thirst for Jewish blood. It doesn't matter that "historical Palestine" is just an anti-Semitic myth, like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, only much more successful. The important thing is that the whole world believes that Arafat’s terrorist organization is the real people. And if the whole world thinks so, then that means it is so.