Comments by "Coleen Goodell" (@coleengoodell7523) on "Senior Hamas official says fighters waging ‘fierce battles’" video.
Osama Hamdan, you sit in safety and comfort praising the sacrifice of Palestinian children, yet you will not sacrifice yourself or your own children. You are not hungry, thirsty, injured, sick, in pain, suffering, terrorized or digging people, including babies out from under the rubble. You stand in your safe place praising those who are trapped and desperate. Unwilling pawns in your own cause. YOU have failed them and put their lives and safety at risk, in harms way.
I understand you've been fighting an enemy that is stronger and more powerful than you. But you rejected an alliance with the Palestinian authorities and your fellow Palestinians. Led on by wealth, comfort and position. May your own days be numbered and your own martyrdom come upon you. Show you are braver than a 12 year old girl. Whom I'm pretty sure survived.
You've discredited your credibility with your own propaganda.
You've lead your own sheep to the slaughter. Don't pretend to me that you are some kind of good shepherd as you've abandoned your sheep.