Comments by "Coleen Goodell" (@coleengoodell7523) on "What’s behind the US generational divide on Israel’s war on Gaza? | Inside Story" video.
I think if Biden was facing a stronger threat to his re-election, someone other than trump, he'd be much more concerned about his chances of losing. As an American I'm looking to a strong third party candidate to emerge, a sliver of hope is in Dr. Jill Stein, but we've seen historically that the two party system has prevailed consistently and hasn't allowed those without massive backing like the two parties have effectively keeping them out.
When I look at what gen Z is facing, along with the millions of disenfranchised people of all generations I see a growing sense of helplessness. "Where there is no vision the people perish." Drug addiction, homelessness and a growing mental health issues is evidence of this. The US has also seen a stagnation of the minimum wage as big business has seen massive profits. The rich getting richer, gaining more power and influence, as the poor and middle class has been squeezed, losing their voices, voter suppression and sneaky tactics with gerrymandering that's stripping any power from them and any influence they may have had with our government. They are being ignored or worse, silenced and oppressed.