Comments by "Coleen Goodell" (@coleengoodell7523) on "Mariam Barghouti: The media is complicit in Israel’s war on Gaza | The Listening Post" video.
Sky news is a hack news station that I don't even bother with as an American. They have had years of lying and practicing lying as they have covered for, protected, spun the narritive and promoted lies and disinformation at least since trump came into the picture.
The talking over, interrupting and spinning is seen by many of these F news media personalities as somehow winning a debate. It's a sad but very real truth that we see here in the United States all around us. Not only in the media, but also amongst neighbors, family and friends that began shouting us down with catch phrases and BS when trump made his bid for the White House. They didn't want to hear what anyone had to say, they wanted their talking points, lies and misrepresentations to be parroted and spread around.
Many of us here had to severe ties with people who showed us who they really were inside with the vile lies and racism that became their mantra. We are seeing the same thing from the ignorant, who don't have time to look deeper into the history or background of the conflict and ongoing genocide in Gaza and the nightmare scenarios happening in the occupied West Bank.
Once again parroting the lies and propaganda they've been fed without taking the time to look deeper and do the research themselves. We are once again being talked over, shouted down or hung up on by the few people we were able to hold onto through the ongoing trump fiasco. And once again the ignorant and disinformed think they know it all when they know nothing.
I will apologize on behalf of such as these, to this intelligent, educated, thoughtful, caring and compassionate young lady for the behavior she faced. Many of us don't like it either and feel powerless to stop what our nation is becoming. We simply don't watch the news outlets that spread lies. Their word means nothing to them, it most certainly means nothing to me. May God be with you during these very difficult days.