Comments by "Coleen Goodell" (@coleengoodell7523) on "Will Iran respond to Israel's latest attack? | Inside Story" video.

  1. Matthew 25:1-13 red letters, the teachings and the words of Jesus. The story of the 10 virgins waiting for the bridegroom to come for them. 5 were wise and 5 were foolish. The wise took oil for their vessels, the foolish did not. The oil is the Word of God for "The knowledge of God is the beginning of all wisdom" to keep the lamps alight. The light is the Holy Spirit that dwells within us that the bridegroom will recognize and come for. When it was announced that the Bridegroom cometh, the foolish said to the wise, give us some of your oil for our lamps, but the foolish were denied and told to buy it or seek it out for themselves. And as they went to do it, the Bridegroom came and took the 5 wise virgins away and shut the door. The foolish then cried out "open up to us" but will be answered with I know you not. The wise have sought the knowledge and the wisdom of the Word of God. They've washed their robes and made them clean and keep their lights shinning brightly in these days, Filled with the Holy Spirit of God that dwells within their vessels that they've filled with filling up and pouring out of the living water that they now carry with them. The foolish have been caught up and entangled with the world. They didn't want to hear it, they cared not about it, too busy running to and fro, worshipping consumerism and everything they own. Now, they cry out, "teach us!" Give us the oil for our lamps to light them when the Bridegroom comes for His bride, the chosen, the faithful and the true. So He will recognize us too. But you have spurned reproof, you have turned back from the counsel of the elders, you have mocked and scorned and refused to hear the truth. You've no time for that in the fulfilling of all your lusts and desires of the flesh. You've no time or care to hear the Word of God spoken in Spirit and in Truth. ♾