Comments by "Terry Daktyllus" (@terrydaktyllus1320) on "Be a Subversive with Linux! We are under Attack!" video.

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  44. "I think these laws have nothing to do with your OS, although it's true that Winblows uploads a lot of stuff to the cloud and calls home, often without your consent." I haven't been a Windows user since support for Windows 7 ended but I don't believe this is done "without consent". There will be "legalese" inside the Microsoft EULAs that nobody ever reads anyway that will cover them taking that data. "I think the problem has more to do with user activity online and in that regard, it would be wiser to just flip a birdie to your governments and use tor or even start thinking about moving to projects like Veilid once it's completed, because that is the future." That's my opinion also - once governments try to impose restrictions on the masses, "the best of them" will find ways to get around such restrictions. It would be interesting to know how many citizens in China or the Middle East manage to get around the "government firewalls" that limit their access to the Internet. "If these people really wanted to protect children as they claim, they would put more effort into discouraging children from being online instead of trying to force everyone to be online by uploading their personal data to the "cloud" and making everything digital or offering it as a service." But that's the core point, isn't it? In 20+ years, global governments haven't been able to come up with a single piece of agreed legislation that keeps minors away from adult material on the Internet - a restriction that I am sure every single one of us would consider to be a good thing. If they can't even solve that problem, how are they going to ultimately agree on global encryption standards (or lack of encryption) when each government treats every other one with suspicion?
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  63.  @peterlittlehorse5695  "And it's all a sham because they have backdoor access to all the machines anyway." Incorrect because you miss out one extremely important and very relevant point - that with ever computer and computing device that gets released, particularly those linked to big corporations like Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Faecesbook, there are many thousands of people across the globe taking those devices apart, testing them and trying to expose flaws in their design - if for nothing more than because the kudos for exposing one of these big names as "evil" through some nefarious activities would be huge. Intel Management Engine, for example, has known POTENTIAL flaws that we should be aware of and we should protect against with firewalls and network access controls, but there are NO known real world exploits that have taken place using it - and had there been, they would have been exposed because of the people working very hard in the public space to find such things. "Even computers that are not connected to the internet are spied upon by a sub-processor within all of the computer chips manufactured since the early 2000's because these chips connect to the cell network, unbeknownst to the owner of the phone or computer." Utter nonsense which tells me you have no idea how the technology works, or you're just a paranoid loony - or both. A signal traveling down a piece of wire from point A to point B creates a detectable series of voltage changes. A signal traveling through the air from point A to point B is a detectable electromagnetic wave. Mirroring a switch port or creating a "man in the middle" access point is a very easy thing to do and allows you to look at all traffic going to and from the device you are looking at - as above, thousands of people are doing this all of the time anyway. So, again, if this was happening, many people would have seen it happening and let the rest of us know. "Nothing is hidden from them if they want to see it." Incorrect. Data can be hidden from them if you encrypt it with good encryption keys and ONLY YOU control those encryption keys. The metadata associated to that encrypted data can reveal a lot about you but this is where VPN and Tor help - as well as counteracting browser fingerprinting and cookies. These are all techniques that Rob has been teaching for years anyway, where have you been? "So them claiming that they have a right to demand your passwords is just a sham designed primarily to reinforce the peoples belief that their computers are secure otherwise." Wrong. They are demanding your passwords and your encryption keys because the LOONY ideas that you've ranted on about above are near impossible to implement in the real world for the reasons I have given. Having those to hand would mean they don't need the back doors that you claim exist anyway - so you're contradicting your own arguments because they would not request passwords and encryption keys if they had those back doors. "Remember a few years back when Apple and Blackberry were supposedly in negotiations with the government as to whether or not they would allow the government to have access to the encrypted communications massaging systems?" "Supposed to be"... so you've no evidence that it actually happened, then? Only hearsay? "Think about that for a minute." I have. You're a paranoid loony that doesn't understand how the technology works and how it can be intercepted - POTENTIALLY by governments, corporations and individuals. "Do you really believe that these companies would for a minute not comply with everything that the government demanded of them?" I believe these companies care about profits which depend upon maintaining their reputations and not paying millions of dollars in fines because of GDPR or PCI-DSS data breaches. They also employ teams of well-paid lawyers such that if we accuse them of data theft then they can point to a bit of small print in an EULA to say "but we told you that here". Data breaches occur because of bad internal processes and an unwillingness by corporations to spend money on the correct mitigations to avoid such things happening in the first place - but they also cannot hand over that data to anyone who asks for it, which is why search warrants and subpoenas are needed through legal means to get access to data in criminal investigations. Ultimately, the individual is responsible for protecting their own data and if they do not trust a particular company, then they should not deal with them. "When is the last time any company simply thumbed it's nose at a court order or government decree? Never." What's that got to do with anything you've said here? I see a "straw man" argument. "In this day and age of the Patriot Act, be serious." No government wants to spend tax payers' money on law enforcement or crime detection because high taxes lose votes - human officers are the biggest cost in that. Automated systems that collect and analyse logs and recordings are far cheaper to deploy, but to be effective they have to capture and analyse everything possible. Therefore the government wants our PERMISSION to analyse everything that we do and uses the "think of the children" argument to justify it. It is right that we continue to fight against that, and to use encryption and obfuscation as much as possible. That is down to all of us to understand the technology and to become better informed - that is what Rob does here, he provides that information. "These 'negotiations' were nothing more than 'fake news' with the intent of making people believe that these companies were on their side and that the government is limited in what capabilities they have for spying on the population." And you, Trump and any loony on social media can claim any piece of news is fake, so it's a completely meaningless point that you finished with anyway. The solution is to be better informed and "read between the lines" of any information that comes from a source that you don't trust. In summary, you're "all mouth but no trousers" as we say where I am from - lots of words whining about the problem but nothing about solving the problems.
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  99.  @austincromwell  "actually they already do it with Intel management engine. " There are no known real world security exploits with Intel Management Engine, they are all theoretical attack vectors and vulnerabilities. Yes, it would be much better that IME was not there in the first place but there are thousands of computer engineers across the world sniffing packets on networks to see exactly what goes in and out of computer systems - any one of them would love to be able to catch Intel (or other big corporations) out on this. If something was actually happening, they would find and reveal it. "An entire linux os embedded inside your Intel CPU." Incorrect, it runs on Minix 3 which is a micro-kernel architecture - it's not even an entire OS, it's an extremely cut down embedded system. This stuff is very easy to research so that you provide correct information in your comments. "Which high performance consumer hardware can I buy that doesn't have a CPU from one of the big three?" No idea. You decide what your threat model is and if you can't live with IME being present with an already proven low risk factor then that's something you have to work out. Nothing to do with me. "Which viable hardware manufacturers are going to ignore government mandates to include this tech in sll their products and remain in business?" And these "government mandates" are where precisely? In 20 years, global governments haven't been able to work out a single piece of legislation that keeps adult material away from the eyes of minors on the Internet - and you think they've "got their sh1t together" enough to carry out this conspiracy theory of yours?
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