Comments by "Terry Daktyllus" (@terrydaktyllus1320) on "Is a Phone That's Off Really Off?" video.
@hendralastname3382 The best and (so far) only way to preserve 90% of your privacy on a mobile phone is to not have an identity that is linked to the IMEI number and phone number of a phone. An AOP-based de-Googled ROM is the only way to do that.
Faraday bags are for stupid people who want to impress their friends by pretending that they understand about privacy but still carry around Google Android or Apple phones. ~
They seem to forget that a mobile phone inside a Faraday bag is no longer a mobile phone because it can't receive or make calls while in the bag - a bit like buying a new car but not taking it out of the garage when it's raining because you don't want to get it wet.
They also seem to forget that when the phone is switched on, even a for a few seconds, it sends out its location to the Evil Overlords.
For example, if the Evil Overlords know that at 7pm you were in your home in a suburb on the outskirts of a city (point A) before you switched your phone off, and then at 8pm you switched your phone on to make a phone call in a Starbucks in the city centre (point B), they can probably work out from the distance between point A and point B and the fact that it took you an hour to get there that you probably took a bus, train, car or walked, and they still know you like your coffee at 8 o'clock in the evening.
With a Faraday bag you simply obfuscate some of your location data that can probably be guessed from algorithms anyway, whereas with a de-Googled phone, you send NO tracking data in the first place.
Though saying "My phone is de-Googled" probably impresses your Starbucks friends less than "Look at my shiny Captain Kirk Faraday bag and this nice matching aluminium foil hat".
You're describing more of a battery quality issue as opposed to a privacy issue, though I am in no way debunking what Rob is saying here.
For example, I have recently recovered a lot of 18650 cells from old laptop batteries to use in home electronics projects - when laptop batteries die, it can be just because one cell has failed, meaning that the other 5 or 8 in the battery can still be fine. My first test with deciding whether or not a battery should be kept is to recharge it to see if it charges to about 4.1 volts - if it does not, then I bin it. If it does it goes in a box with the voltage and date written on it for testing again in a couple of weeks - if the drain is more than about 0.2 volts in that time, that too is probably an indicator of a bad cell.
Even beyond passing those two tests, on any remaining batteries I should probably do a capacity and drain test just to see how good or bad that is, especially if I was using the batteries in a vehicle or for a power wall. In my case, they are just for electronics workbench projects so that is less important to me.
The more batteries are recharged and discharged and the older they get, their efficiency drops. You yourself said they are "old phones", therefore it might simply be the case that the batteries are also old.
@anonymoushuman8344 Please don't put words into my mouth and argue against them because then you do look foolish.
I am neither arrogant or superior to anyone else, I am simply stating my opinions on the topic.
We all started knowing nothing and we learn by spending time and effort to absorb new things. Many people are too lazy to do that.
Let me ask you a question - in the rich Western world, why do people spend a lot of time, effort and money in learning to drive a car? And then even more money afterwards buying and maintaining a car? The answer is "Because it's an important lifestyle choice for them".
Internet privacy and security is also an important lifestyle choice, as is learning to use a computer properly to be safe from malware and fraud. So why don't people invest an equivalent amount of time doing that? The answer is because they are lazy, they put too much trust in evil corporations and they don't care enough about their personal data.
I've worked in cybersecurity for 15 years now, as a technical expert in telecoms, Linux and UNIX for almost 40 years.
If you can't handle the fact that I know what I am talking about here, then you can ignore me completely - my work is done telling you about these things, whether or not you accept them is up to you.
When your brain constructs an image of me purely from a few words that I write, then so be it - I don't have to see it. But when you then complain to me about the image your brain created, then at best you look very silly and, at worst, may even need psychotherapy to help you not allow images your brain creates to escape into the real world.
The moral of this story is "Don't think you know someone well just because you read a few words that they write".
@tomsaltner3011 Sonny, you create whatever image you like of me in that head of yours based only on what you see me write here - if I don't have to see it, I don't care about it.
But when you complain to me about an image your brain created then that's when, at best, you look very silly (or "stupid", if you want me to re-use my earlier words) and, at worst, may need psychotherapy to help you control the images your brain creates into not escaping into the real world to be used on others as some kind of "weapon".
Yes, I think anyone that uses an Apple device, Facebook, Microsoft products or a Google Android phone is stupid. And, consider yourself lucky because I am normally not patient enough with screaming me-me's like you to repeat what I have clearly written above already.
So sue me.
Now run along, mind how you go and stay away from sharp scissors. Further discussion with you is closed.
@jmr Rubbish! Now you're just making stuff up because you either don't understand the technology or can't deal with the fact you are wrong.
1. Yes, the cellular network can triangulate where you are to within about 1/2 square mile accuracy because of how cell towers work. That's the same for any phone, de-Googled or not. It's something you have to live with in the modern world - in the same way every potentially crooked bank employee can access your bank account with that bank, or that proprietary and Internet-connect firmware in devices in your home can be sending out stuff too (IME on Intel PC, NVIDIA or AMD graphics card firmware, smart TV, car management system, etc. etc.) So if you're going to get into Faraday bag territory then you might want to "bag up" each one of those devices also - a Faraday bag for a car is probably going to be very expensive.
2. "Even a de-Googled phone can be tracked". Yes, as in 1. above but that is NOT what we are talking about. We are talking about losing privacy because of Google / Apple / Facebook tracking you because of data sent from your phone with your identity. And a de-Googled phone cannot be tracked by those entities. That's just a fact.
3. "Your phone operator can even initiate remote install of software through SMS messages." No, they can't. My de-Googled phone has no operator software on it to let them initiate such a thing. Think about it - if such a capability, which I accept possibly exists, fell into the hands of hackers, it would be a major issue. Therefore operators' capability to do this is very tightly guarded and very much tied to their own stock ROMS that they ship with their contract phones. Anyway, as far as you know, I may have just purchased my phones independently of any operator and don't have a contract with them. If it's not a phone they supply anyway, how can they even hope to do remote changes via SMS to it?
4. The only thing a Faraday bag does is "fragment" the data your phone sends. If you used your phone at 3pm to make a call at location A, you sent out data. If you turned off your phone until you got to location B some 20 miles away to make another call at 4pm, you were tracked there also. The fact that you moved 20 miles in an hour immediately tells the "data miner" that you didn't walk there, so the assumption is you used a car or public transport. Then the algorithms analysing that data can probably work out with a high degree of accuracy what you did in that interim hour when your phone was switched off. Me, doing the same thing with my de-Googled phone and leaving it switched on, they see nothing. I win.
Ultimately, it is about "mitigating risk" by identifying vectors of security attack and privacy holes and then fixing as many as you can as easily as you can.
De-Googling a mobile phone just means choosing a supported phone, learning the process of installing a new ROM on it, and then knowing you can leave it on all the time without being tracked by Google - that is 90% of your privacy issues solved on a mobile device just by doing that.