Comments by "Terry Daktyllus" (@terrydaktyllus1320) on "My Life is None of Your Business! Leave Me Alone!" video.
"If you don't want to be tracked, either turn off your phone and put it in a metallic envelope or bag, OR leave it home."
You're still tracked the moment the phone is outside the bag if you haven't de-Googled it. A bag is, however, very nice to carry if you can get one the same colour as your shoes when you go out to dinner - because that's the only use for it.
"End to end encryption can go old school, using one time pads, for example. Of course these things have to be prearranged first. Very few will need that level of security."
I've worked in cyber-security for 17 years now and I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. I don't think you do either.
"Zipping utilities can encrypt on a PC. Then the file can be saved into a phone for safe keeping."
And then the phone can be stolen and hackers can start brute forcing your "encrypted" zip file to see if they can get into it. How long is the passphrase you used to encrypt it? What about if you lose or forget the passphrase? How are you going to send the passphrase to a third party if you email them the zip file?
"One can secure digital copies of important documents in this way, and quietly carried until needed."
Why carry them about on a phone that could be stolen or broken at any point? Why not host them yourself on a home server or even a Cloud provider that you believe you can trust? Then you can just download them when needed after authenticating to access them.
"While not much useful as a phone, a Pine64 or Librem phone can be used as a PC to do these things."
I'm a Linux user, since 1996 - I don't even use Windows any more, and never anything Apple. You are talking rubbish.
Linux is great for PC platforms and SBCs but AOSP is the best OS for a phone because of the way it runs sandboxed micro-services. Again, someone that believes carrying important data on a phone that can be stolen at any moment clearly hasn't a clue about security.
"You cover things from a more general perspective."
I think you need to sit down and really watch his stuff - because none of what you have said above has anything to do with what Rob teaches you.
@KyleTheDalek "So why do you need to hide?"
I'd like you to reply to this email with your real full name, your home address, your telephone number, the numbers of any credit cards you own, your bank card numbers and pin numbers, and your Google account login and password, please.
If you don't reply with that information then I know that you have something to hide.
"I know any who don’t care if you can see their bank accounts, or medical records."
And what about if your health insurer sees your medical records and doubles the cost of your premiums because of the information on there?
Or Google tracking provides data that demonstrates you were travelling in your car at 60 mph in a 40 mph zone to your car insurance company who then also increase your car insurance premiums because you're a careless driver?
There are many other examples where knowing more about you can make your life more difficult, more susceptible to crime or just more expensive.
"What’s the big deal?"
Now you see "the big deal". I've explained it to you. You're welcome. You can thank me later.
"Everyone isn’t perfect."
It's normally said as "nobody's perfect" but it's a meaningless statement here anyway.
"Plus it would stop the majority of crime."
Why? Someone committing a crime generally does so as anonymously as possible. Knowing everyone's personal data won't stop criminals creating false identities. And they knowing your data gives them the best targets for robbery or fraud.
"“A good person has nothing to hide” they say."
"And a person lacking knowledge frequently hasn't got a clue about what they are talking about", I say.
If you're too lazy to care about your privacy then, that's fine, that's your choice. But be honest about it rather than trying to hide your laziness behind some "backwards engineered" rationale that can be torn apart in seconds.
@linsqopiring6816 "I keep seeing you asking people in the comments the particulars of what pro privacy measures they have taken."
Yes, well done, you're clearly paying attention, Mr. Obvious.
"This is a bad idea because it would make it easier for an adversary to defeat those measures."
You clearly do not understand the differences between "security" and "privacy". This is the first issue you need to resolve and this is why I ask people about privacy, in order to determine what they understand - which appears to be very little in your case.
An adversary is someone who might potentially attack your systems in order to steal data or cause damage - the adversary will use attack vectors that you identity as part of risk analysis, and you put protections in place that best defend your systems against such attacks. Yes, you probably would not reveal the protections that you use as "security" defences.
However, "privacy" is about restricting the passive leakage of your data & obfuscating the data so it becomes useless. This is not an "adversarial" attack but "opportunism" where an evil corporation will take that data to resell it or use it for profit. The evil corporation cannot stop you deploying the mechanisms to not leak data, it is therefore irrelevant that they know what those are.
There, I feel you've learned something new today. You're welcome, you can thank me later.
"That's why some of my best techniques you'll never see me disclose on a non anonymous form such as google comments."
Actually they are YouTube comments and it's written as "Google" given it's a proper noun.
Like I said, there's no reason you can't explain them to others, that is what Rob (and others) have been doing here for years anyway - which you clearly have "glossed over" as a core point anyway.
Plus I can assure you that "Terry Daktyllus" is anonymous enough on here for Google not to be able to link that identity to a real individual anyway.
" Much as I'd like to tell everyone."
I call "bullsh1t" on you. I don't believe you know very much at all, to be honest. It sounds like a playground "I know the answer but I'm not telling you" argument between kids.