Comments by "SIMON TAHITI" (@positivepawpaw7564) on "Voice would give judges 'power' which parliament can't 'second-guess'" video.

  1. In 1990, Federal Politician Kim Beasley made a statement in response to Senator Button's question in the Australian Federal Parliament about whether there should be a republic. His reply was: Kim Beasley Quote: "The United Nations has given the Federal Government a mandate of ownership for housing, farms, property and business to government control once the REPUBLIC has been proclaimed." The comment by Kim Beasley in parliament back in 1990 should be ringing alarm bells. The United Nations is the NWO in waiting for a one world government. The current push by the Labor Party for the ‘Voice’ referendum is the single most important part of their plan, which is to include the 'ORIGINAL' Men, Women and children of this Country (Indigenous people) into the Commonwealth Constitution because, at the moment they have 'NO CONTRACT' with the 'ORIGINAL' Men, Women and children of this Country. Because there is ‘No Contract’ with the Indigenous people of Australia, a republic would not be achieved because the ‘ORIGINAL’ Men, Women and children of this country are the lawful land owners and the government would be unable to take control over ownership of housing, farms, property and business, thus thwarting its secretive push for a totalitarian republic where you would own nothing and be happy. This plan as you can see was already underway back in 1990. Every State in Australia has already sold off the Lands and Title Office, your original titles have been destroyed. The value of your property is in the TITLE. All properties certificate of title has been digitised and this is not a lawful proof of historical ownership.