Comments by "lostlogic69" (@lostlogic6911) on "Ukraine Alleges 100 Missile Barrage, Russia "Relocates Kherson Administration", War Wrangling At G20" video.
NoobMaster69 "I said Russia would never attack NATO members first because it would be their doom and the rest of the world..." -
There was no indication that was your point in your previous statement, and answering with "LOL no they haven't. Stop watching Propaganda" doesn't narrow the topic down, but I digress since you are trying to point is if Russia did attacked Poland.
If your point is indeed about if Russia attacked Poland, with the incompetence of the Russian commands and equipment, coupled with the chaos on the Russian front lines, errors are bound to happen. Errors like inputting the wrong coordinates that resulted in targeting areas inside of Poland instead of Ukraine. If you don't believe me about Russian incompetence see this;
It may not be deliberate but it still an attack on a NATO members, and article 5 may/can be triggered. So there are no false flags here, Russia is just incompetent, and that incompetence is going to cost them.
The only way out of this is for Russia to cut its losses and retreat, surrender Crimea and all its occupied territories and maybe they can survive for another 4 years before their regime crumble again like the USSR.
Well, considering Saudi Arabia just asked for US help again(and getting it), the Petro-Dollar may not be collapsing as you have hoped anytime soon.
NoobMaster69 "You said Russia fired the missile deliberately into Poland to test NATO's response."
Lol, I never said any of these, I said "There are no False flag, since Russia made threats of Nuclear Armageddon on NATO, Poland included, why wouldn't they strike?", doesn't mean they strike Poland deliberately.
Where the hell did you get those statements above from? Definitely not from me. So what statements did I change since you said I mentioned the above statements when in fact I never said those.
I don't care about these "Denazify" business, since Russia already made several reasons why they invaded Ukraine, these are just words used by Russia to justify their invasion, totally not part of what happened in Poland. Also don't care if Russia educate their children or brainwashing them, that's far from the point.. History of Ukraine and Russia, yadda yadda.. something about Poland joining NATO.. biased commentary of US hegemony and how soviet is much better, yadda yadda...
Are there nothing in these statements about what happened on Poland? All of these statements are just your opinion (with no facts) about your hatred of US, Poland Ukraine and EU, and nothing of these are facts about what happened in Poland? The only thing with somewhat related is that Russia provided Gas to Europe, which as I see with the slowing demand of Russian oil and Gas is not looking good for Russia, and it's not even related to what happened in Poland.
A thousand words essay, and nothing of value. No information, no facts, just a diatribe of words that has no coherent relevancy to the topic which is " Did Russia Strike Poland?". Please stay on topic.
NoobMaster69 "ok since I can't see your comments I assumed one of previous ones was yours."
Ok, glad we clear that up.
Partial US investigation confirmed that the rocket that hit was from a Ukrainian Anti-air missile, possibly intercepting Cruise missiles from Russia near Belarus. We shall see how NATO will react to this news.
Bucha Massacre, it's very easy to take some fragments of Ukrainian missiles and relocate them to Bucha, just like what happened in the Penal Colony in Yelenovka where Russian official shows a purported HIMARS missiles fragment near the Prison, but the US confirmed there was no HIMARS operation in the area, nor do they know any missiles fired there. Also confirmed Ukrainian prisoners gave first hand testimony about how the Russian massacred the civilians there, and there was no report of Missiles flying in there.
"I don't know how much you think you know about USA's geopolitics, but every war they started was based on false flag attacks..."
Again, Diatribes and rants, don't care. I already know these information so I will choose to ignore this since it's has no relevancy to the topic.
NoobMaster69 LOL, you worry too much on the future. If we die we die. It's all part of GODs plan. I for one are excited, justice is soon to come.
About Zelensky, he is desperate to end this war, so he will do anything (or in this case say anything) to gather support for this. Ukraine is alone in dealing with Russia and its soldiers and citizens are the ones dying on the battlefield, if he could entice other country to put boots on the ground by manipulating the truth,, he would do it. He is still human who can fall into desperation, especially if his friends and families are the ones suffering.
About Bucha, I suppose you have the video evidence to prove your allegations, correct?
NoobMaster69 A Nazi Salute? They got bend over by a Nazi Salute? If the Ukrainian President of Jewish descent which has families who died in the Holocaust isn't triggered, why are they the ones being triggered.
About the Collaborators, its SOP to investigate who are collaborators since the speedy occupation of Kherson was due to collaborators not blowing up the bridge, then you cannot fault them for doing it. Take note, the reporter hadn't even shown footage nor interviews on the victims, he's just making allegations. I've read the articles and there was no mention of the rape, torture of civilians there.
No comment about Racism in peacekeeping, Ukraine has a diverse groups of people and there will always be a group here and there who is racist. Like how Russia targets LGBTQ communities in Russia. Or how minorities makes up most of the Russian armies currently sent to Ukraine.
C14, again no comment, see above statement. Proud boys and KKK exist in US, doesn't mean all US are Racist.
About UN resolution about Anti-Nazi resolution, I have my suspicion on who authored the Resolution and Lo and Behold, Russia. That's all the reason EU, US and Ukraine needs to vote NO.