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Annette Murphy
ABC News
Comments by "Annette Murphy" (@AnnetteMurphyger) on "ABC News" channel.
@imsamiurrahman the prophet mentioned in
@imsamiurrahman Allah IS NOT mentioned in the English language Bible it is Yahwah or God.
@imsamiurrahman as I said some women do cover their heads in church, bit not their faces like you people make women do.
@عبدالله-ر8ف6ق Jesus is God and very very special to God the Father and all Christians.
no Jesus called His Father Yahwah and no Mohammed is not mentioned in The Bible and is not the last prophet that was Jesus Himself.
@imsamiurrahman I just gave you a reference Jesus was God and there are lots more if you need them.
my Bible is not corrupted as it was faithfully translated from original Greek and Hebrew. Yes, you are probably right that the Roman Catholic Church mistranslated it, but the Church Reformers did use original sources and I am not Catholic but Evangelical. You can't prove your Qur'an is right either. Our Bible was inspired by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the King James Version Bible was used for hundreds of years and was certainly not mistranslated. You need to be born again John 3:7
@imsamiurrahman For unto us a child is born, unto us a cson is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
@imsamiurrahman you love taking the scriptures out of context. Read Isaiah 9:6 it clearly states Jesus is God. He is also called Emmanuel and that means God with us. Whereas Mohammed was a child molester and peodophile and married to a 6 year old. Do you really think a holy God would consider him as a prophet.
@imsamiurrahman he did tell the woman caught in audultry not to sin anymore, but your god does not forgive anyone and you Muslims would like whereas our Jesus forgave her. Jesus said to forgive others 70 times 7. Christ lived us do much he died for all sin and we all sin as human beings and the only cure for sin was Jesus God Son's sacrifice on the Cross.
@imsamiurrahman many Christian women cover their hair in church actually or have long hair. It is not sinful not to cover your hair. Jesus never called God Allah but Eloh Eloh on the Cross. Your post is complete nonsense.
@imsamiurrahman Jesus did drink wine actually, but said do not get drunk on wine. Wrong again.
@imsamiurrahman Jesus Christ WAS Jewish. Islam wasn't enough around when Jesus was on earth so in fact you are talking rubbish
@imsamiurrahman no it is not an expression Jesus and God the Father Yahwah are one and that is the wonderful truth of the Gospel. Emmanuel as I told you means God with us.
only the Bible is holy. The Qur'an contains a lot of very violent statements and there is where suicide bombers get their ideas from. Only Jesus saves anyone turn to Him as He IS the only way to Yahwah of the Bible not alllah.
@imsamiurrahman I am not interesting in what a book of hatred for non Muslims says. You are only trying to discredit Jesus and His divinity. The scripture I gave you from Isaiah is very clear that our Jesus is God. My Saviour' is my Lord and God and if you choose to ignore that, fine however, you can't prove Jesus is not God. Only Jesus truly man and God could die for sins as He was perfect and God in the flesh. An imperfect person can't die for sin. Our Jesus is one of love and yours condones violence towards women, girls and non Muslims and the name of allah was used as an excuse for religion intolerance when terrorists caused 911.
you need to read scripture as a whole, not just pick out pieces to try and prove your false and blasphemous claims.
@imsamiurrahman yes said before Abraham I AM and also I and the Father are One. If Jesus was there before Abraham was He is eternal and always existed and I only God can say that. Thomas called Him 'his Lord and His God'. Isaiah in that famous passage used in the Messiah says about Jesus: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. What could be clearer than that. Isaiah 9:6
@imsamiurrahman He was called Emmanuel God with us and yes He is part of the Blessed Trinity or of the three personed godhead. He is the incarnate Word of God.
@عبدالله-ر8ف6ق Jesus never prayed the Rosary that is of Islam and Buddhism.
well you should worship Him
Jesus was not a prophet but God.
why do you deny Jesus is the son of God then have you not read John 3:16 'for God so loved the World that he gave His only begotten son.......'?
Yahwah is God's name not Allah.
all false. We are not to pray for the deceased it is occultic.
@Jesus Loves You<33 yes their Qu'ran is completely violent towards non Muslims. Jesus forgave and was meek and gentle.
@sophietsukan9229 shaytan?
@sophietsukan9229 Jesus IS the Son of God and is certainly not the anti-christ.
@AntiAtheismIsUnstoppable no it is falsehood. Jesus is the truth not anyone else
@awesomenoice5271 Yahwah is our God not allah
@awesomenoice5271 you deny Jesus is the Son of God in your religion so how can you call Jesus your Saviour? Are you born again John 3:7?
@awesomenoice5271 Islam is still causing violence to innocent Christians nowadays in Muslim dominated countries.
@awesomenoice5271 Catholicism isn't the whole of Christianity.
@awesomenoice5271 unfortunately things happened God didn't approve of. However, God told the Israelites to stand up to their enemies and sometimes killing was necessary.
you need to be born again in Jesus
@Uncharted1911 you are insulting and blaspheming Jesus our Messiah by saying that.
that is a pack of lies. Jesus is perfect without sin and is truly both God and man as nothing is impossible to God Yehovah/Elohim
@Uncharted1911 not as altered or as made up as the Qu'ran
@Skikdii why are you so against Jesus our Lord and King and worshipping Him like we are told to do in the Bible?
@Skikdii she converted though to Islam probably forcefully.
@Skikdii the Christians of that time did worship Jesus actually and always have done since He was on earth.
@Uncharted1911 you are right about Yahwah God the Fatber he does not need any help. We can pray directly to God the Father too, but Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the life John 14:6 and He is the Almighty God per Isaiah 9:6. Allah or Mohammed never died on the Cross for anyone, whereas our Saviour Jesus did. I pray God will help you to see Jesus is the only way to the Father. Blessings .
@Uncharted1911 Al allah is a false god of murder
@Uncharted1911 Jesus is true God and man
@Uncharted1911 Mrs Murphy actually.
@cdlv5795 the papacy is never mentionwd in scripture our Holy Father is God the Father no man.
@cdlv5795 well Benedict was a bit more Christian.
@cdlv5795 no he does not and this Pope even goes against Catholic teaching on homosexual and denies the Bible about Jesus being the only way to God and makes out Muslims are saved when most of them deny Jesus is God and the son of God and have killed countless Christians including Catholics in Muslim dominated countries.
@cdlv5795 papa but God the Father is the real Holy Father not a sinner.
@cdlv5795 pontiff possible something made up by the Catholic church Bishop of Rome. My only head is Christ not a man no matter how holy he is or thinks he is. No one is good . Christ never ordained popes.