Comments by "Muck006" (@Muck006) on "When shes used to TOXIC Men.." video.

  1. The core of the problem is a fight between EMOTION and REASON/LOGIC. - "Back in the far past" (1000 years ago) society was controlled by RELIGION, which is "an ideology that centers around an EMOTIONAL CLAIM (BELIEVING is an emotion)". - With the ENLIGHTENMENT we got LOGIC and REASONING as the guiding principles for society and religion was told to back down. - SADLY ... there is always a counter-movement against a "trend" and with the French Revolution EMOTION CAME BACK ... but not as religion but rather with "alternative societal models" which people still BELIEVE IN. Karl Marx wrote his stuff ~1850 and then communism and feminism/suffrage sprang from his theories that are based around CLAIMS YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ... thus turning them into religions. Addendum: the USA was first settled by religious zealots that were FLEEING THE ENLIGHTENMENT, which is why there are so many christian ZEALOTS in the country, who are far more extreme in their behaviour than anywhere in the world. Just looking at trials can demonstrate that EMOTIONAL DECISIONS are more important than LOGIC and REASON (a.k.a. evidence) ... the George F./Derek C. trial for instance IGNORED the drugs in his body as a cause of death to end up with "murder" charges, Harvey W. was found guilty of r@p ... but his modus operandi was MONEY AND FAME FOR FAVORS ... and it worked, why would he force himself upon anyone, so it relied upon "redefining definitions"? tl;dr We need to go BACK TO THE ENLIGHTENMENT to "win" ... going back to "christianity-controlled society" is not a win (and any other religion isnt a win either).