Comments by "cloudpoint" (@cloudpoint0) on "Will Brazil's homegrown COVID vaccine end Bolsonaro's presidency? | DW News" video.
Indonesia? You likely miscalculated. How can your 0.006% infection rate be less than your 0.03% mortality rate? People are dying for no reason?
First, how would you know the number of infections with a ridiculously low 60,151 tests per million in a country of 276 million? This test number should be close to 1 million per million. At least test every second person. Otherwise most infected people are just quietly recovering from COVID-19 at home or they are asymptomatic, and either way, are not being counted.
Second, 1.8M cases and 50,000 deaths speak for themselves, terrible numbers for a tropical country that should be almost free from COVID-19. Seasonal respiratory viruses don’t spread well in a year-round hot humid tropical climate, or during the hot humid summer phase of a temperate climate.
Using 276 million population, Indonesia has a population infection rate (PIR) of 0.65% but this rate is largely unknown without enough tests. Treat this percentage as a minimum or a starting value. Similarly the infection fatality rate (IFR) is unknown without knowing the true number of infections but it is usually about five times lower than the known CFR value below, so maybe it’s around 0.55%. However, this IFR is either wrong or it indicates that a PIR of 0.65% is far too low unless almost every infected person is dying, which is obviously not true.
Indonesia’s population fatality rate (PFR) is clearly 0.018%. This rate is not fixed and depends on how long since the pandemic had its first serious wave in your country (people keep dying over time). Indonesia’s first serious wave didn’t really happen until late January 2021, almost a year after Europe, so welcome to the pandemic. Wait for a while and this rate will grow. And Indonesia has a case fatality rate (CFR) of 2.77%, which is significantly higher than most countries.
My miserable country has a much better CFR than Indonesia, it is 1.85%, but its PIR is 3.62% after 14 months of pandemic, and it has a PFR of 0.067% (both are stable now). Ever more miserable India is better off than both Indonesia and my country with a CFR of 1.17% (if we trust India’s death reports), and a PIR of 2.01%, and a PFR of 0.024%.
India, Taiwan, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam all thought they had escaped the pandemic in March. Now in May all these places are in lockdown for the first time with an exponential growth in cases, or they should be in lockdown. Malaysia is in the same pickle as Indonesia, thinking the pandemic ended in February after one wave. That was just a teaser. The serious pandemic is heading south. Indonesia and Malaysia seem to be next in line for a massive COVID-19 wave like the countries just to the north now. PNG is chasing Indonesia from the east too.
Incidentally, New Zealand's truly excellent numbers:
CFR 0.97%
PFR 0.0005%
PIR 0.05%
IFR 0.19%