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Comments by "cloudpoint" (@cloudpoint0) on "Canadian truckers protest vaccine mandate | DW News" video.
None that I'm aware of yet if you mean the protestors. They are just putting pressure on the government who unnecessarily caused this mess. Or did you mean the damage caused by the government?
The last opinion poll said 54% of Canadians agree with the aims of the truck protests. You might be on the extreme left of Canadians. The anger seems to be mainly coming from the government's spokespeople. The truckers I've seen interviewed are rather calm - but they know now that they will win. Just like the protests against the Vax Tax in Quebec the federal government will back down. And the hospital workers in Ontario and elsewhere that demanded to be mandate exempt and eventually got their exemption,
The polls are based on the entire population of Canadians. And 16% of all Canadians voted for Trudeau's party last time. So he is definitely a fringe element within Canada.
@MrCmon113 I replied to you under another reply of yours. I'm repeating the relevant part here plus some more detail. Blockades are a legitimate form of protest. Every trade union uses them during a strike. Blockades are intended to inflict economic damage. That's their purpose. This is an economic dispute. Why do you want to remove the only legitimate way that people can resist unfair impositions? If you prevent blockades and all other protest actions beyond a drive-by with some honking, you would never have heard of the truck protestors, and the illegitimate vaccine mandate would just continue while many truckers are quietly driven out of business. I say illegitimate because every medical expert in the country is telling us vaccines mandates are pointless measures that accomplish little. The truckers are simply asking for the specific mandate impacting them at the borders to be rescinded. Why are you supporting something that has no benefit and causes so much harm and potentially could lead to empty market shelves?
Trudeau advocated vaccine mandates in the last election and 33% of the voters voted for his party. He thinks he knows better even though immunologists and the WHO say mandates are not a good idea.
@Adversary_Dwimmerlaik Don't speak that way about Canada's beloved Liberal party.
The only east Asia country that used draconian measures is China and they are headed for a huge wave when they finally open up. All the other east Asia countries did much the same as the rest of world. If they happened to be naturally isolated they fared well, otherwise they did not fare well. Moderate measures did not make much difference anywhere.
Not possible. Those rigs aren't moving without the permission of the operators no matter what anyone does. They are locked in place with cut air brakes and axle chains and blocked in by vehicles without any wheels. And large tow truck drivers are refusing tow requests from the police.
The problem is they are right when it comes to the vaccine issue - they are being deprived of a fundamental legal right they have, to work and not be vaccinated. Most of them are already vaccinated and they are mad as heck they were forced to be.
But they are not free to stay unvaccinated and make a living, two rights they are supposed to have but a rogue government is blocking.
@TheQuietMidden No it doesn't help others, according to immunology experts. I've studied virology so I known such claims are nonsense. Do you want me to tutor you on how vaccines work?
Well, maybe the government should stop disrupting the truckers' lives with a measure that every medical expert in the country is telling us is pointless. It goes both ways but at least the truckers are justifiably angry.
Are you saying the federal government has the right to bully ordinary people? The bullying started on the federal government side when they implemented a new vaccine mandate applied at all border crossings, one that every medical expert in the country is telling us is a pointless measure, and that the truckers are asking to be rescinded. The “qualified professionals” have said don’t do it. The PM is not one of this elite group, just a former drama teacher out of his league.
The truckers want border vaccine mandates that were recently started to be revoked. The mandates interfere with their legal right to work and not be vaccinated. They are correct since medical justification does not exist to take away their rights. The WHO said in December that vaccine mandates should be an ‘absolute last resort’. There’s no science supporting mandates, just science supporting vaccines.
@theraven5935 Well, twice in Canada since October. And Alberta last summer. Also in the UK too that I'm aware of. Probably in every country where people stood up to their politicians. But mostly people just quietly subvert their politicians when they disagree with a policy, it's another form of protest. Keep in mind that the aims of the truckers are backed by a slim majority of Canadians. The truckers are just the front line workers of that movement. You are not really seeing the protests of a minority. Make more laws if you wish. They don't make any difference when you can't enforce them. The truckers have no job now. That's why they are protesting. And they are making more money protesting than they did when working so don't expect them to leave anytime soon.
Not required, never were. Every medical expert in the country is telling us vaccines mandates are pointless measures that accomplished little. The truckers are simply asking for the specific mandate impacting them at the borders to be rescinded.
It's the same Canada that had a much lower masking rate than the U.S. We don't take orders well.
A lot of the 84% vaccinated are truckers that were forced to be vaccinated and they are mad as heck about that. Many of them are in the convoy with the others,
@donkalzone6671 Filters are controlled by YouTube, not by the individual channels.
Neither is posting comments it appears. You try owning and operating a $180.000+ rig and see if you can survive, or even get it in gear.
Yes, the prime minster gets too much air time as it is.
@andrewrees6818 I reached out to you and you’re a nobody. My job is done.
@RawMaterialENT Trucker border mandates were set by the federal government. The mandates were purely a pressure tactic placed on truckers by the federal government. The truckers are merely playing the same game the federal government started by putting pressure back on the government. And they have the upper hand since they don't care about polls. They will win.
In Ontario the fully vaccinated with COVID (174) outnumber unvaccinated with COVID (158), per Ontario's health dashboard. Even worse, the ratio is 3 to 1 in hospitals but not in ICUs. Maybe a bit more science is needed. The unvaccinated are mostly younger members of society (under 50) and they just don't get as sick.
Dumb but on the right side of medical science and not as dumb as the bungling PM. Every medical expert in the country is telling us vaccines mandates are pointless measures that accomplished little. The truckers are simply asking for the specific mandate impacting them at the borders to be rescinded.
Around 75% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated according to polls taken in January and December. I doubt that figure has changed in February. Every non-convoy trucker I saw interviewed expressed solidarity with the convoy truckers. I guess there is always one exception somewhere and the media will play that one interview over and over when they find him. Indeed, around half of ordinary Canadians support the aims of the protestors according to published polls last week. So much for a fringe group. At the end of January support for the Liberal party is just 29% of decided and leaning voters. The People’s Party of Canada (PPC) now has 13% so it is gaining a lot, up from 5% in the last election. Trudeau may be a covert agent working for the PPC since he is helping them gain so much.
The prime minister is like that at times.
The military is powerless unless it wants to jet bomb all of downtown Ottawa. Seems a bit drastic for protestors haven't even broken any laws except for some parking regulations.
The truckers don't care - they own the trucks and would be happy to collect they earnings while sitting at home letting their rigs drive on their own.
Not enough jails, not enough police and most importantly they have not committed any jail-able offenses (parking bylaw infractions don't lead to jail). Still doesn't remove the trucks which have their axle and air locks engaged so that towing is not easy, locks that can only be disengaged by the rig owners or by dangerous under chassis cutting. That's if you could even find a willing tow truck driver to do the crawling and winching (they are all refusing tow requests).
The government of Canada has forgotten that it is there to serve the people. The people are not the servants of the government. When this understanding is broken, government moves to the streets.
@nedames3328 It’s not an authoritarian country or a democracy. The correct term is an oligarchy.
That's not correct. What the truckers want is a federal vaccine mandate applied at all border crossings removed. It just went into effect on January 15 despite every medical expert in the country telling us it is a pointless measure and three provinces dropping their own vaccine passport measures this month as well as New York State next door today.
Keep giving that message to the prime minister. He's the one that will need to back down. As both the premiers of Ontario and Quebec had to do when their people said no to certain pandemic measures. Politicians are cowards.
@Pierre In That's not possible in a rigged system. No one is throwing a temper tantrum. The truckers are just squeezing Trudeau's balls tighter and tighter until he gives in, now that they have a firm grasp on his privates. And he will definitely give in. Ontario's premier gave into the hospital workers, Quebec's premier canceled his vax tax. Politicians can’t stand the heat. Don't forget that the truck drivers are making more money sitting where they are than when they were working so time is one their side.
The Canadian truckers will help out the Americans by taking away some of their viruses if anything.
@samiryahiaoui Vaccinated Canadians can't help you there. More of them are sick now than unvaccinated Canadians. The ratio is 3 to 1 vaccinated sick to unvaccinated sick in our hospitals. The unvaccinated are mainly young and healthy and don't usually get sick. It's not 90% either, it's 79% as of today, and maybe 75% among truckers according to two recent surveys.
No one is being held hostage. No law is even being broken unless they are double-parked on some street.
In Ontario the fully vaccinated with COVID (174) outnumber unvaccinated with COVID (158) in ICUs, per Ontario's health dashboard. Even worse, the ratio is 3 to 1 in hospitals but not in ICUs. The unvaccinated are mostly younger members of society (under 50) and they just don't get as sick.
@stevencole7331 Not sure why. Greater vaccine uptake by those over age 50 and never-ending lockdowns are part of the reason. What I noticed in the data is Americans just don't want to stay home during surges so they spread the virus a lot. It could be they don't have good employer benefits that pay them to stay home when sick. And too many are too poor to miss pay.
@stevencole7331 Universal care might have relevance to surviving a hospital stay but I think the U.S. has us beat there with their top notch hospitals. It doesn't explain the many fewer cases in Canada and fewer cases feeds hospital data and other outcomes. Not staying home is the one thing that stood out in the U.S. data across many countries. Staying home includes shopping locally. Americans travel all over the place to do whatever it is they do.
@stevencole7331 Maybe traditional Canadians are like that (not sure why, afraid of frost bite perhaps, most of this group has British origins). But English Canada is very diverse, like the U.S. Irish is probably the second most common group among the English. Germans next while Chinese, Italians and first nations are all about 5%. And we have the 13% that is French mainly in Quebec who have Latin culture customs a bit similar to Italians
@stevencole7331 Everything you said applies to Canada too. We prioritized vaccinating our native population. My native daughter-in-law got vaccinated two months before me (Feb versus Apr 2021). I didn’t even know she was a native until I asked her how she got vaccinated so early. China hasn’t so much stopped infections as created a great dam to hold infections back using draconian measures. The dam will break eventually. Also they packed off all their vulnerable elderly people to villages in rural areas that no one can visit and left the young to get the virus and recover at their city homes. They don’t report a case unless it gets admitted to a hospital and you need to be rather sick to be admitted.
They are self-employed so can't be fired. In fact this all started because the government is trying to take their jobs away via a vaccine mandate excuse.
@kysfggt They won't comply, the police already know that. Who's gonna jail them? There are more truckers than police in Canada and they are all nearly solidly behind the protestors.. Hundreds more truckers are waiting to take the place of any truckers that are removed so that gets the police nowhere. There aren't enough jails either. A simpler solution is to jail the prime minister. He is not useful and 70% of the public wants to see him gone anyway. Probably a few Liberals do too.
Tow truck drivers also support the truck drivers so they are refusing to tow the trucks, not that can anyway with the air brakes snipped and chains wrapped around acles, sometimes protected by other vehicles that have had their wheels removed o make conventional towing impractical. Also the police are sympathetic to the truckers - they don't like the vaccine mandates either.
How undemocratic of you to disagree with peaceful protest just because you disagree their aims.
@mr.nonamanadus4463 Issue tickets for parking and noise bylaw violations. Protests are supposed to inconvenience people. Do you think the truckers that are losing their jobs for exercising their right to remain unvaccinated are not even more inconvenienced? And there isn't even any medical justification for hurting them, it's just political opportunism by the PM to appease his voters. Polls say 54% of Canadians agree with the aims of the truck protests. Therefore they are welcome.
@Mr. Nonamanadus No one is being harassed, just inconvenienced, despite complaints being registered by Liberals who don't like seeing Trudeau being mocked. If we had a democratically elected government you might have a point about some of what you say. We don't, we have an oligarchy. The government of Canada has forgotten that it is there to serve the people. The people are not the servants of the government. When this gets backwards, government moves to the streets. The truckers are guarding the Unknown Soldier's Tomb from anarchists - you really live in a Liberal bubble. The poll was repeated on several radio newscasts. And it is alluded to this video. Thankfully two provinces are almost immediately eliminating the very wrong-headed vaccine mandates, and masks soon after (another measure not supported by science according to nearly every clinical trial). In reply to: cloudpoint no protests are supposed to draw attention to a cause, not to harass other citizens. Don't like a law or a government then you vote them out next election. You do not circumvent the process, only anarchists have that approach. And the class action lawsuits indicate this was not a peaceful protest, pissing on the Unknown Soldier's Tomb and countless intimidation tactics speak otherwise. The city council was flooded with complaints by the locals wanting something done with these intruders. Did you get your poll from the organizer's website.
@Pierre In I did but the seats didn't break according to the vote. Proportional voting is another broken promise of dear leader. He wants to keep Canada an oligarchy.
Every medical expert in the country is telling us the new federal vaccine mandate measure at border crossings is a pointless measure. This is what started the protests. They also say vaccine mandates have not accomplished much anywhere they have been tried so should be abandoned in all contexts (and are being dropped in most places now). The truckers are merely trying to help educate our dense PM.
Owners of tow trucks big enough to do it are refusing - they would be out of business if they messed with their only customers, big truck operators. Don't forget about one third of Canadians (10+ M) support their actions, it's not 250 anything. One poll I saw said 54% of Canadians agree with the aims of the protests.
The government of Canada has forgotten that it is there to serve the people. The people are not the servants of the government. When this understanding is broken, government moves to the streets.
@alterbart7916 It was pointed out on the radio to me this morning that same process that was used to remove the Conservative leader recently also can be applied to a sitting prime minister. The PM needs to watch his back. In fact, the GG can apply the process to the governing party, who governs at the pleasure of the GG (this was last attempted in 2008 and was about to happen but the sitting PM shut down parliament for an extended period instead).
@Pierre In The government of Canada has forgotten that it is there to serve the people. The people are not the servants of the government. When this understanding is broken, government moves to the streets.
We should appreciate the unvaccinated. We need them to test out future vaccines. We are running out of people to be in the placebo arm of trials. The older ones have mostly died.
But polls show 54% support by Canadians for the truckers aims while the government party support is around 33%.
@glenwarrengeology And exactly who is going to do that? No working class welder with cutting torches will touch the trucks and lose all their future business, not to mention risk getting beaten up. I doubt the police would allow welders to enter a potential riot area with explosive gas canisters anyway. Maybe not never but cutting up tons of steel will take long past when the pandemic is over. That's long enough.
The truck drivers are making more money sitting where they are than when they were working. And no one can make they move because the trucks have been rendered untowable.
@MrCmon113 What rioters? I haven't seen any. Blockades are a legitimate form of protest. Every trade union uses them during a strike. Blockades are intended to inflict economic damage. That's their purpose. This is an economic dispute. Why do you want to remove the only legitimate way that people can resist unfair impositions? You might prefer living in North Korea. Think about moving. No strikes or protests there.
Because they support medical science? Every medical expert in the country is telling us vaccines mandates are pointless measures that accomplished little. The truckers are simply asking for the specific mandate impacting them at the borders to be rescinded.
Handing out tickets to protestors is a risky endeavor, one needing a SWAT team for protection
@TheQuietMidden Unfortunately, I'm science-based and the science says what I told you. The government has gone rogue against the science. I guess keeping you misinformed and afraid keeps you compliant. The WHO said in December that vaccine mandates should be an ‘absolute last resort’. There’s no science supporting mandates, just science supporting vaccines.
Yes the Liberals are a minority. And everything else you called them, unlike the truckers with 54% support for their aims. You, on the other hand, need to study immunology and learn that vaccines do not stop a virus from spreading for more than 12 weeks after vaccination. Almost none do, with a few rare exceptions. If you are over age 50 get vaccinated to avoid being burden on the medical system. Otherwise it should be your business only. Stop spreading misinformation.
If doing either helped others I'm sure the truckers would do them. But medical experts don't think they help. What do they know?
It is rather insulting to describe the PM as mentally slow, as true as that may be. He must be slow to start a fight with law-abiding Canadians over a border vaccine mandate that every medical expert in the country is telling us is a pointless measure, and that the truckers are simply asking to be rescinded.
@TheQuietMidden Drinking and driving has medical consequences to others. Regulation is justified. Being unvaccinated and driving (working to be precise) has no known medical consequences to others (at least none that differ from being vaccinated and driving). Regulation is not justified. If you take away someone's fundamental legal rights, you need a very strong justification. No license is an administrative offence that can be justified to ensure appropriate training, which lack of has consequences to others.
Canada had long-lasting rail blockages a few years ago. Any transportation system can be easily halted.