Comments by "cloudpoint" (@cloudpoint0) on "Is Canada's 'first dose fast' strategy working? | COVID-19 Special" video.
There are 57 peer-reviewed RCT [randomized controlled trial] clinical studies that tested the benefits of masks of all types against respiratory viruses in a community setting that have been published since 2000. These trials are the gold standard for medical claims. They were conducted with all parties wearing masks. Out of 57 RCTs, none found significant benefit to the wearing of masks in a community setting. A relatively small benefit (8% few infections) was seen in close quarters, like in a private home where a healthy person was caring for a sick person and they shared a room at times.
There are lab tests that claim masks reduce the spread of moisture droplets but they are using moisture droplets as a proxy for inoculum, which is what actually infects, and inoculum appears to pass through mask material unimpeded for the most part (it can’t be measured in the air). There are published papers that argue that wearing masks increases the spread of the virus for various reasons. Cases do seem to jump when masks are widely adopted in an area. If masks really worked, we’d see fewer cases in states and countries that wear masks more, and we don’t. There isn’t really any correlation between masking and cases when two areas are geographically nearby.
In a very careful hospital study using nurses, no difference could be detected between ordinary medical masks and supposedly much better N95 respirators against influenza viruses. Viruses just don’t care about our masks. All the SARS-CoV-2 virus particles on earth today wouldn’t even fill up one Coke can. They are incredibly tiny. It would be nice if masks worked but there is no clinical evidence they do work against respiratory viruses in a community setting. They just work in hospital wards where a high level of airborne virus particles are present (ICUs) and even then only if other protective measures are included. Masks work well against bacteria and molds, which are much larger in size. And not at all against poison gas particles, as these are even smaller than viruses. To be safe, wear a gas mask in public. Or just get vaccinated.
P.S. If masks work, only the infected person needs to wear one. The benefit of the healthy person wearing a mask is almost nil. Don’t believe claims by pro-maskers to the contrary. I’ve spent about 1000 hours researching masks and viral transmission. And studied virology.