Comments by "TJ Marx" (@tjmarx) on "Nurses to strike again after voting against government’s pay offer" video.

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  10.  @garriejackson9551  Democracy is a thing countries do, not unions. Democracy (n) 1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. A union can have a democratic vote, but it is never a democracy. Democratic (n) 1. Of, characterized by, or advocating democracy. 2. Of or for the people in general; popular. Those are similar sounding words with very different meaning. It's all very well that the RCN voted against the deal. Their options were this deal or no other deal, there was no third option where they get a different deal. They voted down this deal so they've effectively voted for no deal whatsoever. Get them back to work. It's like asking your family if they'd like some ice cream for pudding where that's all you have in, and because 2 out of 3 of them voted no, wanting a diverse set of something elses that you don't have, they should somehow be taken seriously. It's a bindery question. The mistake you and the RCN members have made is in thinking this is an ongoing negotiation. It's not. The government threw the nursing unions a lifeline to be able to back down without losing face. They can take it or not, those are the only options. You had your fun, you can afford second holidays on that one off payment, stop going on. The majority of working people have it significantly harder than nurses and junior doctors. These strikes are an embarrassment that is actively damaging the economy with zero chance for getting what they're asking for. t. 18 years in medicine