Comments by "TJ Marx" (@tjmarx) on "100,000 nurses walk out in unprecedented strike" video.

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  2.  @jcoggo2258  You're being more than a bit intellectually dishonest right now. The public health systems of every eastern state in Australia are in dire straits with systemic underfunding and mismanagement. Queensland has a 300% oversupply of nursing staff. Despite these things the Australian healthcare system is dramatically more affordable than the NHS is because it functions in a fundamentally different way. GPs have co-pays, allied health is user pay, diagnostic screening is user pay, dentry is user pay, etc. The healthcare services provided by states and federal government are nothing like the NHS. Yet it's still underfunded. Dan Andrews and his wandering health ministers (currently Mary-Ann Thomas) have been in similar disputes to those in the UK with all VicHealth workers since 2019. People in Victoria are waiting up to 72 minutes for an ambulance. During the height of the pandemic that went up to 15 hours! Yvette D'ath in Queensland is this week fighting calls for her resignation over deaths of babies in Mackay Base Hospital due to such poor service. The RACGP and APHRA are right now seriously looking at changing the qualification rules to no longer just accept qualifications received in the UK as a 1:1 and require doctors, allied health, etc to do additional training in Australia before receiving board registration. Wait until Jan/Feb when everyone on the east coast get their insane sized power bills and let's see how nurses in Australia feel. The UK is currently bankrupt. The £50M per annum budget deficit from 2000 has ballooned into a £500M per annum budget deficit. The NHS in it's current state is simply unaffordable with such a reduced tax revenue from low taxes and an aging population. The uncomfortable reality is, government has no choice but to cut services to the NHS if it wants universal healthcare to survive in the UK. That's what they mean when both sides talk about reforming the NHS. A lighter, leaner and ultimately more affordable NHS where everything except core services and critical care is either co-pay or user pays.
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