Comments by "Ash Roskell" (@ashroskell) on "A closer look at Roy Moore's wife" video.
Yehudi Menuhin : That is an appallingly ignorant reading of that story. Its flaw is obvious, and is informed by the atheistic REFUSAL to grasp the main premise. SURE, if you REFUSE from the OUTSET, to accept that Christ could see into the HEARTS of the people with whom He dealt, not just the person He spoke with, but ALL who were watching, and LEARNING from what they saw, then you HAVE TO superimpose YOUR OWN, somewhat PREJUDICED interpretation?
But, in the end, your argument is the equivalent of saying, “I don’t BELIEVE in “the FORCE” so, therefore, Luke Skywalker was indoctrinated into a Cult and went off on an EGO TRIP which brought down the Government!” If, you don’t ACCEPT the PREMISE, then you HAVE NO WAY TO ANALYSE IT! Don’t you see THAT, BASIC, FLAW in your OWN words?
And I have to say, you’re PATRONISING, “well, here goes nothing,” attitude places your PREJUDICE on DISPLAY. You are saying, for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE, “I can’t be persuaded to alter, even my ATTITUDE, let alone ANY of the analysis, let alone my BELIEFS!” So, YEAH! Why the hell SHOULD SHE “answer” your prejudiced, mean spirited argument? You, interestingly, could have placed a whole RANGE of motivations upon your argument, but you opted for the WORST one you could think of? RACISM. How do you expect ANYONE to “respect” such a MAD, wilfully OBTUSE “argument” anyway?
Yehudi Menuhin : Yeah, that was WHY I used the Star Wars analogy, but you DO “refuse” to grasp the point. No one REALLY believes in the Force, but they understand the “Story” because they understand the basic assumption of the plot, in which the characters depicted believe, which is what explains their motivations. Do you see? If we ACCEPT that IN THIS STORY, Jesus knows what’s in people’s hearts, that CHANGES the MEANING of what He says and does.
That woman, BELIEVES in her OWN “inferiority” so Jesus uses THAT to illustrate a point about HUMILITY to the people present. YOU are just throwing out the baby with the bath water, because Christ says some things that can be “interpreted” as “racist” IF they are TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT. You atheist ALWAYS play the same game, like a bunch of Fox anchors, pushing your OWN assumptions onto a narrative that suits YOU, instead of seeing the POINT?
You could do that with ALL of the stories in the Bible: When Christ refused is mothers summons, telling the messengers, “Here is my family. These are my brothers, sisters, mother, sons and daughters.” You would say that was a wholesale rejection of family values, I guess? And had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE POINT HE WAS MAKING? Or when He says, “I bring a sword,” to families, YOU would say that Jesus wants us to STAB OUR KINDRED TO DEATH?
It’s simple OBTUSENESS
Yehudi Menuhin : No. I didn’t say that. Not to “demonstrate” humility at ALL. To “make a point ABOUT humility,” is what I SAID. But, see how you try to change my words and put others into my mouth? THAT’S what you’re doing to the Bible. There are SO many examples of Christ’s teachings that FLY IN THE FACE of “racism”. Which SHOULD be a CLUE to a “rationalist” but, no. You take ONE passage, read obtuse nonsense into it, and claim that we should disregard ALL the OTHER FACTS and EVIDENCE to the contrary? That is not even logical? I mean, EVEN ATHEISTS don’t go around claiming Christ is “RACIST”??? You’re on your own there, buddy. Good luck with your latent bitterness. But, one tip for you; if you choose to, ahem, “debate” in print, it’s not wise to twist your interlocutor’s words, as people need only check for themselves to see what was ACTUALLY said. You lost the little “credibility” you had with me there. Stick to the violin, huh? Your records are great. Particularly the Jazz stuff