Comments by "Ash Roskell" (@ashroskell) on "NRA member: I don't trust Trump on gun rights" video.
P J : No. That REALLY ISN’T TRUE. LISTEN to those kids from Parkland: They DON’T WANT to, “take your guns.” They WANT SENSIBLE CONTROLS. We all KNOW that it will be IMPOSSIBLE to stop Americans from owning guns. And there is NOTHING, “morally wrong,” with LIKING guns, and just wanting to own them, because they’re COOL. If we could ALL be a little more HONEST about this debate, we would make some PROGRESS. Take the, “morality,” arguments out, and you’re left with PRACTICAL ISSUES. The COPS get the BEST guns, PERIOD. Carrying semi automatics, etc, ON THE STREET should be ILLEGAL. WHY do people object to THAT?
Orangutan : Yes I am. And further more, I LIKE my gun and think guns are pretty COOL. There’s a bit of HONESTY for you. People won’t ADMIT that they just LOVE their guns, ‘coz they’re COOL. And people are STUPID when they JUDGE others, morally, for liking them. So, NO PROGRESS is EVER MADE. That guy was right, that you CAN (in theory) do JUST AS MUCH HARM with a PISTOL as that which happened at Parkland. But, what he’s NOT talking about, is the FACT that the COPS were NOT PREPARED TO COMMIT SUICIDE, by taking him on with their HOPELESSLY INADEQUATE fire power. Seems like a pretty OBVIOUS SOLUTION is at hand, but the Russian funded NRA won’t listen, because Putin LIKES the CHAOS. Smh . . .
Bo Soerjadi : By your logic, the arms race, between the government and its citizens, would not end until BOTH sides had NUKES. That is wilful misreading of the 2nd Amendment, which was written to protect the independence of STATES against FEDERAL oppression. It NO LONGER WORKD THAT WAY. NO modern society can survive unless its government has the MONOPOLY on physical force, and the MANDATE of its people to take RESPONSIBILITY for PROTECTING ITS CITIZENS. The 2nd Amendment was NEVER intended for literally MILLIONS of individuals, ALL with their OWN agendas and motives, NO MATTER HOW CRAZY OR IRRESPONSIBLE to be able to OUTMATCH LAW ENFORCEMENT. THAT would END CIVILISATION. Yet it is the ONLY POSSIBLE, LOGICAL OUTCOME. THAT is WHY we TRAIN and PAY COPS, who risk their VERY LIVES FOR US. Yet YOU want to take from them the ONE ADVANTAGE that would reduce that risk, by re-writing the Constitution until it comes out saying what YOU WANT? And, in return, what do you get? The right to walk through a shopping mall with a ROCKET LAUNCHER, while citizens flee before you in all directions? Does that thought give you an erection? SMH . . .
Orangutan : Even though they have TOTAL freedom, in places like Britain, and Europe, in countries where guns are illegal? You obviously have a VERY low opinion of America. Guns, themselves, don’t need their, “civil rights,” to be protected, but I’m pretty sure, that’s just a grammatical error? But, WHY would I throw away MY stuff, when I have NOTHING to do with THAT bunch of QUISLINGS? That makes NO SENSE? That’s like saying you should burn down your house, because you don’t wanna’ join Trump’s Housing association? The NRA are NOT GODS, you know? Your gun will NOT cease to exist, if and when THEY DO. It’s the OTHER WAY AROUND. THINK, for a moment, BEFORE you write?
Orangutan : I moved here from England, in 2006, and have duel citizenship. As an Englishman, I can tell you, THAT’S TOTAL BOLLOX. You either LIED flat, or you have been taken in by the Fox HYSTERIA. Western Europe is the FREEST PLACE ON EARTH, where you DON’T have to worry about some NUT JOB pulling a GUN on you, for expressing your opinions. Now I KNOW you’re FULL OF S**T, as does ANY European, reading your words. Any “credibility” you may have had, is GONE, because of THAT Hannity-Alex-Jones-Brett-Bart-esque, STUPID REMARK