Comments by "Ash Roskell" (@ashroskell) on "Cupp: There is a preponderance of evidence against Trump" video.
Just imagine what a slap on the wrist, “censure,” would do; which is as good as saying we’re ending the Republic, right there and then? Given that loss of office will result in countless immediate indictments (both Federal & State) which will land him and his family in jail, what alternative does a, ”man,” with his established record of destroying the Constitution and breaking all of the laws he runs up against, HAVE? So long as he can count on enough of his base and the party to remain in denial, and HATE Dems and other races, just enough to make them cheer when he pisses on the rule of law, he will have NO CHOICE but to have Moscow ENSURE his, “re-election,” in a Putin Style, 2020 SHAM. It’s that, or disgrace and jail! And, half of the GOP are IMPLICATED with him, so they’re fighting for their OWN SURVIVAL. They simply CANNOT remove him.
What else CAN he do? 2020 will HAVE TO be RIGGED, because too many Americans were persuaded to HATE their, “fellow Americans,” MORE than they hate (or even understand WHO ARE) America’s enemies . . .
Just look at the shills on this thread, desperately trying to bury their SHAME, because they KNOW they’re killing America, but aren’t strong enough to ADMIT what they WANT! They WANT a Russian Style, Single Party system, with just enough FAKE Democracy to keep up appearances . . . Trump = Putin Mark Two; the Puppet Version, and they just DON’T CARE. In fact, they PREFER it that way. They’ll take that over the fictional, “brown menace,” any day . . . America’s Republic is OVER