Comments by "Ash Roskell" (@ashroskell) on "Trump on missing journalist: I don't like it" video.
Kermit T. Frog : I am forced to say that CNN has dropped the ball, BADLY, on this one. At least on YouTube, on which they have SIX Kanye, “stories,” and then the Florida Storms, and eventually, all the way down their list of priorities, comes the attempted kidnapping, rendition gone south, murder and dismembering of an American journalist. I mean, WHO GIVES a S**T about KANYE???
Andie Isabella : It seems people were right? Trump’s rhetoric has been received in other, anti-democratic, countries, like a call to arms; along the lines of, “Russier, if you’re listening.” Now, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria and others are testing the waters, pushing the boundaries, and ensuring their targets are journalists, to see what America will do about it . . . If anything? While Russia is getting more blatant than ever. Trump is emboldening our enemies, because decent people are his enemies too. Democracy is gasping for breath
Andie Isabella : Agreed. Just ONE, closer look at ONE part of your comment, for example:
If and when Trump’s wages, “go to a charity,” I would be looking to see WHAT “Charity” that is, or if it’s just another of his laundering outfits. Then there’s the fact that he has NOT, “refused,” the wages, but accepted them, “so as to give them to charity,” in the first place, which means: a $150,000 kickback, from the tax man, each year, plus the wage = (inflation adjusted) Trump is the most EXPENSIVE President in America’s history. And WE are paying that, out of our pockets.
There is a peculiar species of idiocy abroad, right now. I use the term, not pejoratively, but literally: wilful ignorance and the refusal to accept knowledge; “idiocy.” Or, there’s the clinical definition, which derives a person of a certain, low IQ, level, actually incapable of responding appropriately to, or even comprehending, basic information. Either will do. It’s very sinister.
The practical upshot, for you and me? Democracy is either finished off, for good, at the Midterms. Or, we get to limp on, battling for justice, at some level, while knowing that we’ll probably never really attain a full measure of it. What else is there? But the fight for justice? If American Democracy dies, the rest of the world’s will follow, in short order