Comments by "Ash Roskell" (@ashroskell) on "Erin Burnett: Trump's explanations don't add up" video.
Ricardo Aguinaga : Trump is a warmonger, trying not to look like a warmonger. And, your job is to help him with that Propaganda. But, the world has watched, while he ripped up his deal with Iran, broke America’s word, threatened and bullied them, while the Europeans have been trying to keep the peace and hold up the West’s end, without him. Now, he’s ramping up the Military presence, using the Saudis to frame them; making it look like Iran is STARTING the war, when we all KNOW it’s the LAST thing they want. And, he expects us to, “believe,” the intel coming from the SAME PEOPLE that he ROUTINELY calls, “liars,” EVERY DAY? He’s compared the CIA to, “Nazi Germany,” and we’re all meant to flip flop at his rate? America’s NOT buying it, son. Trump will have to look elsewhere for a bump in the polls. A war will finish him . . . Smh
The Scooter : Trump is a warmonger, trying not to look like a warmonger. And, your job is to help him with that Propaganda. But, the world has watched, while he ripped up his deal with Iran, broke America’s word, threatened and bullied them, while the Europeans have been trying to keep the peace and hold up the West’s end, without him. Now, he’s ramping up the Military presence, using the Saudis to frame them; making it look like Iran is STARTING the war, when we all KNOW it’s the LAST thing they want. And, he expects us to, “believe,” the intel coming from the SAME PEOPLE that he ROUTINELY calls, “liars,” EVERY DAY? He’s compared the CIA to, “Nazi Germany,” and we’re all meant to flip flop at his rate? America’s NOT buying it, son. Trump will have to look elsewhere for a bump in the polls. A war will finish him . . . Smh