Comments by "Ash Roskell" (@ashroskell) on "Documents suggest coronavirus task force prioritized which labs got testing supplies" video.
David J : It’s interesting that right across Europe right now, the next headline, right after the main story in each respective country, is the news that, “America’s Death Toll Surpasses that of Vietnam!” Most developed countries are saying, “Well, at least we’re doing way better than the richest, most powerful country, with the, ‘best healthcare system in the world,’ right now.” America PLC must make money. And, that’s Trump’s bottom line . . . Smh
David Erdman : And if Hillaaarrriiieee! had said, “Maybe crack cocaine in the mornings would help?” we would never hear the END of it on CNN, from hypocrites like you, who love to ASSume that because we hate the Orange Orifice, that automatically makes us all, “liberals,” and, “democrats,” right? You’re wasting everyone’s time and your own life, son. You’re the living embodiment of that quote, “Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it.” 😁
David Erdman : “Stop wasting my time.” You’re doing a great job of that for yourself, son. What? Did you just come here to get upset at the world? Or is there some point to you? It’s our fault you don’t like the way things are? What f*cking good does it do you, coming to a place of news and information, only to dispute the news and information? And, then, instead of positing even HALF an, “argument,” simply regurgitating what people already KNOW they just said, because it’s WRITTEN DOWN FOR ALL TO SEE, and then squawk, “don’t waste my time,” like some effeminate, over-emotional . . . Wait? . . . Are you Donny? . . . Is this The Donald, doing another John Baron fake person thingy? Get back to work, moron! Get back to the golf course and get TF out of the country’s way! 🤣
David Erdman : What? No more, “politics,” anymore? Too, “hurt,” are we? Rule number one: never take it personally, son. If you do that, you’re already on the back foot and way too fragile for a public forum like this one. Secondly, my beauty would only make you jealous, so it’s better not to have yet another reason to hate me, when you already have so many. I’m a bit like God, that way, y’know? The sight of me would smite the shit out of you. Thirdly, you’ve got too much time on your hands, son. I’m having fun right now. What’s your excuse? I can literally feel your vibes of impotent, Trumpian rage and tears of anguish, as you flail, trying SO desperately to hit a nerve . . . You never will, kid. I’m indestructible 😁
Mister Sarajevo : It’s interesting that right across Europe right now, the next headline, right after the main story in each respective country, is the news that, “America’s Death Toll Surpasses that of Vietnam!” Most developed countries are saying, “Well, at least we’re doing way better than the richest, most powerful country, with the, ‘best healthcare system in the world,’ right now.” America PLC must make money. And, that’s Trump’s bottom line . . . Smh
Kermit T. Frog : Where the losses to the economy begin to cost human lives, that would justify reopening those sections of the economy? And, one would hope that all the safety equipment necessary will have been put in place, for those responsible for restarting that section of the economy? That sounds about right to me? The current equation they’re using, however, is one, two or maybe even three million dead is an acceptable price to pay, for making bank. They just need to persuade the Trolls, and massage the statistics, and encourage idiots to risk their health by, “protesting,” their own policies, so they can fake being responsible and reluctant, rather than drooling for the cash. Donny’s got to pay his shareholders, or he’s done. And he knows it. What’s a couple of million dead to him, or his investors? It’s not like anyone inside their clinically sealed bubble will die? . . .
Kermit T. Frog : Except, those who are working already in those, “essential services,” are doing so, presumably, for the sake of their fellow Americans, and not for the money? Not, primarily, at any rate? My wife’s on the front line, as we speak. We’re loaded, financially. She doesn’t need the money. She’s doing it, because she’s not a cynical old misanthrope like her husband, who makes his money by writing in bed, like Marcel Proust, and hating on stupid people. And, therein lies America’s problem. With everything from the healthcare system, to national security, belonging to private interests, we can’t even tell the difference between an essential service and making bank. The two are synonymous to the most liberal Trump-Cultist, until you get to the inner circle, where it’s just about the bank, and a couple of million corpses can be disposed of far more cheaply than a political career, when you’re answering to your Saudi shareholders
Ray Weaver : Trump just makes his mind up and the others have to cherry pick their, “facts,” to fit in with his narrative. He doesn’t take advice. He’s managed, coaxed and corralled into certain positions by his hapless lackeys and even that much backfires on a regular basis. No one is dissing Dr Fauchi. Personally, I feel sorry for him, having to deal with this abject idiot, knowing he could end up on the sharp end of Trump’s desire for revenge, simply for stating some fact that never occurred to him Trump might dispute, because he never imagined he would be THAT dumb. But, he walks that tightrope out of some misguided sense of responsibility, presumably? I couldn’t guess what’s in his head or his heart, but it will end in tears, sooner or later (it always ends in tears) and he’ll wish he’d never bothered, like so MANY before him
Kermit T. Frog : Yeah, actually it’s pretty awesome, most of the time. I have an injury that effects my mobility, but I can still get around pretty good. Definitely NOT a guy who deserves any sympathy. My wife, on the other hand, god bless her. I have no idea how I managed to fool that angel into thinking that I would be worth sticking around for, for the rest of her days, but she’s loyal, committed, sweet and a babe. And, if anything happens to her out there, because of this Orange Orifice’s idiocy, greed and general Stalinistsic fuckery, there will be blood . . . ✌️
Conjurer Woman : It’s interesting that right across Europe right now, the next headline, right after the main story in each respective country, is the news that, “America’s Death Toll Surpasses that of Vietnam!” Most developed countries are saying, “Well, at least we’re doing way better than the richest, most powerful country, with the, ‘best healthcare system in the world,’ right now.” America PLC must make money. And, that’s Trump’s bottom line . . . Smh 👍