Comments by "Ash Roskell" (@ashroskell) on "SE Cupp: GOP is going to have to find its identity again" video.
Time to codify our, “norms,” and, “guardrails,” into Criminal Law, I think? With swift, harsh penalties for law breakers of ANY rank? If we have to face, “De-Legitimisation,” of all candidates, at midterms and nationals, (EVERY TWO YEARS?) we will be an ungovernable banana republic, with no authority, no leadership, and weakened to the point that a Coup would be EASY! From inside or outside, by stealth. We have to SEAL that hole. First order of business ✌️👍
@Wrighjj : So, no downside then? Perhaps they could get better candidates who aren’t already bought and paid for by the lobby groups, and who give a damn? Maybe some of the old Reaganite types, that I used to admire? . . . I’m still a Conservative (member of the Lincoln Project) who has recently been experiencing what it’s like to work across the isle, with Dems, to the same end: Remove the Clear And Present Danger that was trump. We NEED NEW people, willing to work WITH each other, for the good of America, “First,” and who can accept REALITY, instead of changing the truth into trigger words. E.g. Globalism is a fact; no more stoppable than the WEATHER, and we shouldn’t have to FEAR it, any more than the weather. And, so on . . .
@dutchflats : The Republicans, “removing,” drop boxes was VIDEOED and we ALL SAW IT on CNN and other channels. So, you’re debunked there, madam. And, your remark to me was nothing more than a whine, with no, “argument,” in it, or discernible point. Is that the, “howling at the moon,” stuff you trump trolls so confidently predicted, ma’am? 😉
@NoSpam1891 : Exactly. It’s an anachronism, created so that states could have various (un-matching) systems, so they could literally protect their SLAVERY and trading laws, and protect the elites from ever being outnumbered by the electorate. If we truly are meant to be the, “United States,” it’s a no brainer! Every single vote should carry equal weight in a presidential election, and NOT be disenfranchised by a zip code lottery! There must be grounds to make that argument, under equal rights law? You don’t even have to abolish the EC. Just abolish this one, particular, anachronistic, un-American, unrepresentative, un-patriotic aspect of interference that makes some votes, “worth,” more than others. It’s not needed any more and it should have gone generations ago ✌️👍
@andreav318 : God willing indeed. But, as I said above, I would hope that something positive would rise from the ashes? A party that recruits conservatives who have morals again? Every government NEEDS a strong, articulate opposition, with the power to hold policy makers accountable and to test the validity and argue the flaws of legislation, before it’s passed. The wannabe dick-tatorship, that we narrowly dodged the bullet from just now, left us with a flesh wound, nonetheless. And, unless treated and healed, it will turn septic and kill the host. Healing, through empowerment, regulation through the rule of law, (no more, “norms,” but actual LAWS) and representation of the maximum number, right? Seems reasonable when stated as a principle? . . . But, we’d need a person of principle to make that happen, right? With a Cabinet of principled people. . . Even as a Conservative, I thank God for Joe Biden ✌️👍 He might just save America . . . And not for the first time either . . . He and Obama inherited the banking crash of 2008, and restored our broken economy. It’s far from perfect, but imagine what they could have achieved? If only they hadn’t inherited a broken country from Bush’s incompetence? . . . ✌️