Comments by "Ash Roskell" (@ashroskell) on "'Are you sorry you supported Trump?': Conservative panelist challenges colleague" video.

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  7.  @nancyjay790  : Yes, it’s troubling that people can be such regular citizens, even holders of office, or other authority, and not KNOW that the, “Steal,” is a made up thing?! Some of them do, of course, and are exploiting this idiocy, because they’re dumb enough to, “think,” that it might have actually WORKED! : That the entire edifice of the Republic might just crumble overnight, leaving them in unique positions of power! Greed, selfishness and stupidity (along with the usual suspects, like racism, white privilege and ignorance) lies at the heart of that. To me, that is all the more reason why RUTHLESS examples MUST be made, swiftly, and for all involved. We have a LOT of work to do, for all that, “hearts and minds,” restoration; reminding Americans of what America actually is, and what it stands for. But, NONE of that is even possible until the insurrectionists SEE that their situation hopeless, and that it’s OVER. So, our first steps must be to resolve to hunt down ANY AND ALL who threaten the Republic, and show stability, with ABSOLUTELY NO FEAR! That’s why Biden refuses to change his inauguration arrangements, save for Covid safety. He can’t, and he knows it. Not ONE THING can be given away, that the America Haters could even pretend was some species of, “victory.” If we have to mow them down, and place the survivors in massive internment camps, THAT would be better than flinching in the face of terrorists right now. We must show RESOLVE and DETERMINATION. And be willing to CRUSH an insurrection. Joe gets that. As we’ll see 👍✌️
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  16.  @godless1014  : EDUCATION. That’s how you, “fight back.” First you win the war, with a transition of power, putting the lie to hopes that trump will somehow still be president. Then you win the peace, by punishing criminals, EXPOSING ALL OF THEIR LIES, for ALL TO SEE (which worked in Nazi Germany and post war Japan, so we KNOW it CAN be done) which is the first step in their education. You also INVEST huge amounts into Education. Smart people simply don’t vote far right, which is literally a scientifically measurable FACT. And you put smart, educated people in charge of that, instead of the Betsy types, who literally oppose education. It’s not so impossible. Most of them are not so far gone. Oh, and since we’re taking lessons from WWII, I should add that examples were made out of the Propagandists too. The Brit who broadcast from Germany, regularly trolling the Allies (known as Lord Haw Haw) was not even taken seriously by anyone. But, he was tried and HUNG regardless. Now, I’m not suggesting we hang Hannity . . . yet . . .But, we could institute some LAWS about the Definition of, “news,” like they do in the UK? Did you know, F*x has no operations in the UK whatsoever? They planned to. They spent the money and built the studios, etc. But, it all went wrong when the broadcasting Authority had to explain to them that it’s ILLEGAL to broadcast LIES and call it, “News,” in Britain. Rupert Murdoch fought that, to the highest courts in the land, and lost. He COULD have set up Fox in the UK? He could have had the exact same thing as he has in America, but on British soil. But, he just wasn’t allowed to call it, “news.” So, he had a trump style hissy fit, and left our shores without ever building Fox in the UK . . . To this day, the Brits have heard no more of F*x UK. It’s not difficult, if the will is there, and the lobbyists aren’t haunting every corridor of power . . . ✌️
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