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American Plague
Paul Joseph Watson
Comments by "American Plague" (@American-Plague) on "Paul Joseph Watson" channel.
Even if these people ARE trying to escape poverty, there are poverty stricken people ALREADY HERE. WE DON'T NEED MORE PROBLEMS. SOLVE YOUR OWN. I don't LIKE seeing people suffer but we can't help the entire world except at our own detriment. This is assuming that they actually ARE poverty stricken and not extremist terrorists or simply lazy pieces of shit who want to parasitically feed off of the system. Either way, sorry but we can't help the entire world. If the situation were reversed they'd say the same thing. This is fucking ridiculous.
I think you are correct. Things cannot continue the way they have been going without a war...a civil war (which I think you meant). At the rate things are going now, a civil war is inevitable.
Is that a fact? Can you please show me some neighborhoods in the Middle East or North Africa that are overflowing with people of European descent?
@ananyanegi9423 First of all: elaborate. Which cities exactly? Second of all: I'm not so certain you are very good at geography as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Vietnam are not in the Middle East or North Africa. Do you feel intelligently superior now? Lmfao
That obese land whale on the couch needs to be shot and I would gladly do it were it not a capitol offense. That pisses me off SO MUCH that while I have to laboriously bust my ass all day long, every day, I am paying for that sea donkey to be a worthless piece of fat assed shit. What parents would not only reinforce a child's terrible behavior, but actually GREATLY reward them? Even her friend is like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! [YOU'RE GOING TO COLLAPSE THE GOD DAMNED COUCH!]". WTF man. 😤
@sidimightbe I'm not saying tall people can't have confidence problems. I'm 6' myself and have serious confidence problems....but it's nothing to do with my height. Are you depressed with your height being 6' 1" or is the cause of your low confidence/depression something else (or a combination of things)?
@sidimightbe 5' 11" is only one inch below 6' and is above the average male height for a(n) (American) man, which is 5' 9".
Thank God you didn't assume said Democrat's gender.
Depends what city you're in I guess. Lol.
I've made that same exact point so many times. You see all the time someone who is at LEAST 90% white and 10% black, yet they identify as black. If there's white privilege then why not identify as white since you're NINETY PERCENT white and cash in on all these privileges? Fucking scum bags.
@TheHylianJuggalo What "argument"? I wasn't arguing. I didn't say I WANTED it to happen. All I said was sometimes what's needed isn't fun. Stop trying to be a know it all looking for an argument you fucking moron.
@TheHylianJuggalo Also who are you? The literal police? Everything that everyone says has to be taken EXACTLY LITERALLY and nobody should make any type of comment in a somewhat joking manner because if so, you're going to show up and point out how wrong they are and "destroy" their "argument"? Nobody ACTUALLY wants some civilization ending disaster to happen. Don't you have anything better to do? Go fuck yourself douchebag.
@TheHylianJuggalo AND: my own "argument" didn't just "destroy itself". Let's hypothetically say that it's an unequivocal fact that what is needed IS a civilization ending disaster. The fact that I may miss doctors and dentists doesn't change the fact in this hypothetical situation that a disaster is still what's needed and it still isn't fun. So please elaborate exactly how my "argument just destroyed itself"? Maybe next time you should think before opening your know it all mouth
@TheHylianJuggalo Yes sir officer sir! Long live the literal police!
@TheHylianJuggalo "Stop projecting your uselessness...". That's something coming from someone who isn't even intelligent enough to have correct spelling. Sorry Sir! I will make certain that every comment I make from here on will be absolutely 100% made to be taken completely literally! Thank you sir for setting me straight!
@TheHylianJuggalo LISTEN UP EVERYONE: There will be no more comments here that can't be taken absolutely 100% seriously. If you make such a comment, TheHylianJuggalo will show up and point out the err of your ways! If you say something like "That was so funny I pissed my pants!", you BETTER have literally urinated in your pants or he'll come for you and set you straight!
@TheHylianJuggalo "nobody else wants these things to happen except you". Huh....didn't I JUST say that? I believe I said "nobody REALLY wants a civilization ending disaster to happen". Are you illiterate?
@TheHylianJuggalo Goodnight sir! Way to make yourself quickly look like a douchebag and an idiot at the same time! 😎
@TheHylianJuggalo "You certainly don't seem like the kind of person who has the drive to actually do something...". How exactly did you extrapolate this information? What exactly do you know about me or how driven I am? Furthermore, what exactly do you suggest that I CAN do to do something about people who like to stick earthworms up their penis? I mean that is the type of thing that we're talking about that needs to get better that you're suggesting I have no drive to do anything about. What can I do about that in the real world to stop it? You're taking this whole thing way too seriously. For fuck's sake: it was a god damn semi-joking YouTube comment. Is this all you have to do with your life? I mean all you're doing is commenting on YouTube the same as me. By your logic, your certainly don't seem like the type of person who has the drive to do anything to make anything better either.
@TheHylianJuggalo And you have taken this entire conversion way off subject. I said "what's needed isn't always fun." You then said "your argument just destroyed itself." How did my "argument" destroy itself? Is it not true that what's needed isn't always fun? Just because I'd miss doctors and dentists is completely irrelevant. That's IF I even wanted a horrible calamity to happen, which I explained it was a semi-joking comment (which makes it difficult for me to see why you are taking everything so seriously and being so butthurt over it) yet you are adamant that I indeed DO want it to happen. Now you're going on about this and that and those people over there and how driven I am....which I have no idea where you got any type of information on how driven I am about anything or what might drive me. So let's get back to the original point: how exactly did my "argument" destroy itself?
So apparently someone was more concerned with whether the worm consented or not than the fact that any worm, consenting or not, was being put up this dude's penis....
I have never heard that quote before but I will be using it now. Thank you sir.
So relaxed that you constantly have missiles pointed at India and your finger on the button? Relaxed like that? Sounds soothing.
Yep. Every empire falls. Anyone who thinks it can't/isn't (going to) happen(ing) to America too is fooling themselves.
It's too late. To turn it around would require finding solutions...agreeing on some middle ground. No way are these libtards going to agree to any middle ground. They're like spoiled children: either they get their way 100% or they pout and throw tantrums.
I, as an atheist, ALMOST agree with you. I still have what most would consider decent, "Christian morals even though I'm not Christian (or anything for that matter). Idk what's wrong with these people....if something went wrong with their brain development while in utero or that they have nothing to fear anymore...Idk. I do know it needs to be dealt with.
Weird. I thought Russia was involved too. I also thought international law was broken by chemical weapons being used. I guess everyone should just sit around and do nothing so they can learn that there will be no repercussions to any actions that violate these laws? I suppose you also reward your children for acting like a snotty little brat and throwing loud, screaming temper tantrums?
That woman with the machine gun is pretty hot. Actual feminist: hot (probably with a good attitude to boot). Western feminist: Disgusting, obese, spoiled, loud, obnoxious land whale.
I like this idea!
To the (true) point that "it's about the same", I would like to add that it ISN'T about the same in a way because since blacks have a disproportionately higher number of [sometimes violent] confrontations with police, it SHOULD stand to reason that blacks SHOULD have a higher number per capita of people shot/killed by police. Therefore, the fact that the numbers are even actually means that a white person has a much higher chance of being shot/killed by the police.
@Devilik Oh man! You sure did get me! What an intelligent comment that was: "says cultist"! And the "lmao" proves how correct you are! You sure did put a lot of thought into know, like most libtards do! (Your comment only further serves to show the severe lack of intelligent thought processes that you dumbasses have and I'd bet that really IS the extent of your ability to think and speak your own words [Orange man bad! That's racist! Says cultist!]. Thanks for proving my point yet again.)
Doesn't this primate have a wig or something?
OMG! That South Park style animation....I'm DEAD! 😂😂😂
How did this become a thing?! How is this a thing?! Why is there any discussion about this whatsoever?! BLOWS MY FUCKING MIND!!! 😵😵😵
@orionpryme I'm assuming you're in America. I have heard the same things. What I usually say (and it's absolutely true), basically inferring that they are fat without actually saying it is something like: "Because most Americans have a problem with being overweight and that's actually what you're used to seeing the majority of the time, doesn't mean that I'm underweight/unhealthy by comparison. It just means that you don't know what normal height/weight ratio is anymore." I usually find that they never say anything again, especially if they're obese.
The ONLY time I would ever get a tattoo is if it REALLY meant something. Not my mom's birthday because she died. That will happen to all of us. For example: if I lived in the Shaolin Temple my whole life and became a flying kung-fu knowing killing machine and a tattoo was what they NORMALLY DID to signify your graduating (or whatever it's called) THEN I would get one. And I STILL wouldn't get one if that wasn't the norm for graduating.
Or we could return what is given and not concede to either.
Even if we weren't in a pandemic, if I saw anyone drinking from bottles and putting it back on the shelf or licking products, I'd just beat the shit out of them right then and there. Take me to jail or whatever you want to do. I couldn't care less.
@brandonlesco8738 Lmao. Seriously? You think blcks like living around other blcks? That's hilarious! They do everything they can to get into White neighborhoods. Regardless of what they SAY, they KNOW that the biggest threat to them is other blcks. As for you, well, sometimes stupid just can't be fixed. Edit: I think I misunderstood you. You are saying you DON'T like living around them as well, correct? My apologies.
Who doesn't love living around hundreds of thousands of blcks?
@liamblanco9641 America doesn't have a serious mass shooting problem. It has a serious black problem.
You should read the One Second After trilogy. It scared the shit out of me.
Christian Martin Furthermore nobody alive today enslaved anyone and nobody alive today wad enslaved. Grow up and take responsibility for yourself. My grandmother (who is alive and comes from THE MOST POVERTY STRICKEN ZIP CODE IN AMERICA..The Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota) COULD sit around and blame white people and live on welfare and be violent. Instead she TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR HERSELF and took advantage of every opportunity given to her instead of blaming whitey for stealing literally her entire country.
Christian Martin And what made them that way in Africa where they murder one another by the millions in countless civil wars in extremely brutal ways? Because you can't blame slavery there.
未知のUnknøwn Yeah but after a point you have to take responsibility for yourself or you'll just blame your dad for being aggressive and your son will blame you and his son will blame him and his son will blame him...etc. Or just blame all the whites forever...whichever way you want to look at it. some point you have to grow up and take responsibility for yourself.
Rulership Mentality You should be so lucky to live in a country where you have the same if not better opportunities than anyone else. What you choose to do with those opportunities (take advantage of them or throw them away and blame whitey) is up to you. You have no idea what REAL poverty and struggle is because you live in a country that's completely integrated (you do more to segregate yourself than anyone else does) and is willing to take care of it's "less fortunate" citizens. I almost guarantee you've never been to any 3rd world country where you'd get a completely different view of how lucky you REALLY are. You would receive no help from anyone and be extremely lucky to have the opportunity to even work a menial job. Maybe you should go live in Liberia for a few years and see how they accept and treat you. Your attitude is why people of any race might perceive you the way they do.
Rah Royal And there is no white privilege. I was told by a couple teachers when I applied at local college that "there are too many whites in that field. Honestly don't even try because you'll be passed up for a lesser educated black man for 'balance'."
Rah Royal Nobody HAS to turn to a life of crime. No matter what's your race or upbringing. I grew up in a drug-ridden, mostly black, poorer neighborhood surrounded by alcoholics at home. I've never robbed anyone. I may not be rich but I got a job, worked hard and learned to build houses through years of hard work, sticking with it and learning. Am I rich? No. Do I HAVE to commit crimes to survive?
That sounds theory. Here's my qualm: somewhere (I am not a religious scholar so I can't pinpoint where this is but it IS there) in the Quran it says it's ok to lie to promote Islam. That being said: how do I know you aren't lying just to promote your beliefs? Even if this also was "misinterprted" and it doesn't MEAN to do we know that YOU aren't the one who misinterpreted it and are lying? I am an atheist so I don't agree with Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or ANYTHING, but I CAN say this: I don't recall anywhere in the Christian Bible, Jewish torah, etc. (ANY other religious text) where it says anything CLOSE to "it's ok to lie.", not even close enough to "mistranslate".