Comments by "American Plague" (@American-Plague) on "Paul Joseph Watson" channel.

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  47. @harlech2  I'm not saying ALL immigration is bad. I AM saying that immigration from different races with totally different morals, cultures and goals is bad. The only reason immigration WAS a good thing for the U.S. is because we didn't used to import "moose limbs"¹, sub Saharans, Central Americans, etc. . We took VERY small numbers of these but the vast majority were European, White Christians (or at least they had morals and goals similar to Christians if they didn't outright believe in it). The worst thing to ever happen to this country was the Hart-Cellar Act. It's plainly obvious to any idiot that we've been on a downhill slide since then. Precisely because nobody's goals align. Now every different race/ ethnic group wants equal representation in government, schools, etc. , even if they aren't qualified to hold these positions, because "Equity! Hurr durr!" It does nothing but cause racial strife and fighting for power. You see it (or SHOULD see it if you aren't wilfully blind) every day. I mean hell.... African Americans and Whites, both born in America, can't even get along. Not to mention throwing more races and cultures into the pot. Now I'll ask the same question again since you failed to answer anything besides "Muh good food! Derp!": What exactly is it that's been strengthened through importing endless people who live off of government handouts who absolutely do not share the same ideals as White Americans (or whatever race built said nation in different scenarios)? I mean if diversity is so wonderful, why aren't the Native Americans just ecstatic over Europeans coming here? Hmmm? ¹) "moose limbs" ~ Yes, I know what I spelled. Complain to YouTube for censoring people if you don't like it.
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