No Fate But What We Make
Comments by "No Fate But What We Make" (@SonoftheAllfather) on "Civil Asset Forfeiture: Sessions is Nuts but the Legacy Media is Not Reporting Fairly on This" video.
I agree with you that there are major 4th and 5th amendment concerns surrounding the precedent civil forfeiture sets. I also would decriminalize all drugs if it were up to me. But honestly this "debate" is less about the issue at hand and more about you just wanting to insult and spew vitriolic hate towards someone because you're full of resentment for the law. Probably because some cop stomped on your nuts and stole your weed pipe when you were a teenager because you lipped off. I hold cops accountable for their actions. Cops that kill unjustly, are corrupt, or abuse the rights of normal citizens should burn. Unfortunately, you're too low class and low IQ to refrain from making massive assumptions, insulting people, and wishing death upon people you deem to have slighted you in some way. If anyone is a fag, it's you. My friend isn't abusing his authority or anyone's rights that is of value to this country or its people. He is operating fully within his legal capacity and I find it hilarious that he is capable of seizing a drug dealer's vehicle, money whatever and using it how he deems necessary. He'll use it to bust more scum, hurt the cartels economically, and funnel money into programs that actually help people instead of cause more misery and degeneracy in this country. He may be a bastard, but he's our bastard. He was also a combat medic and saved my life while risking his own when we were in the military. He's a good man. But're just a pathetic little edgelord shitposter will an inferiority complex. ;)
"How many of those did you take to task?" Umm...It's not my job to prosecute or expose corrupt cops, dude. Get a grip. If you want to go after them, be my guest. As I said, I hope they burn. If you're exposing bad people, it's a good thing, but I question your motives. You probably want cops to be bad, just so it drives your narrative that they're all a bunch of evil pedophiles. There are bad cops though...lots of them. There are always exceptions to the rule in life. That doesn't mean the rule is not valid. Most cops are good intentioned. You can paint any group of people in a bad light if you cherry pick the stats. Teachers, priests, politicians, medical professionals, shrinks, cops, firefighters, fucking racist little edgelords that rant about pedo-cops all day. Anyone. At the end of the day, it isn't my fault that shady cops get away with doing bad shit, and I don't have enough time to do what you do. Tbh, I'm starting to suspect maybe Officer McFeely touched you or something. You're butthurt, hate cops, and make a lot of homosexual innuendos. It kind of makes sense. Get help, Jack.
Wow, three whole comments before I could even respond...I'm surprised that you would expose yourself as being so transparently needy. I'm good to go, actually, but are you mad, bro? lol You should definitely seek help, Jack. You've got problems, that much is clear. I've never witnessed such an acute inferiority complex, and believe me, I've met a lot of Marines with said affliction. Judgy, butthurt and antagonistic as fuck, and also a compulsive liar...what wonderful traits to possess, Jack. If this were all for the "lulz" you wouldn't have even bothered, unless of course your life and time is truly that meaningless. Btw, I'm really not any tougher than your average Joe, but I can say one thing: everything I say on here I would say to someone's face, included yours. I would bet a year's worth of mortgage payments that the same cannot be said of you. But that is neither here nor there...what's important is that now is the time to double down, Jack. At the expense of others, keep doing whatever it is you need to do in order to justify your own meaningless and pedestrian existence, your merit (or lack thereof), your incessant trolling, and your unrivaled Napoleonic syndrome. :)