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AFP News Agency
Comments by "JBird" (@jbird4478) on "Amsterdam protest against Covid restrictions goes ahead despite ban | AFP" video.
@scomotheclown399 It's just data. That reminds me of Yuval Harari at the World Economic Forum: "Imagine if someone in Shanghai knows every detail about every politician, every judge, and every journalist in your country. Knows their personal relations, their medical records, their financial dealings, their sexual escapades. Would it still be your country? In the 21st century, you don't need an army to invade another country." Well, watch the entire talk. It should be easy to find and it's a real eye-opener.
@scomotheclown399 That's also Yuval Harari. He held another talk at the WEF in 2020.
@wijkagentwimrietveld9561 Coincidental isn't it? And just like the social credit system, there is reason to suspect this flu didn't originate from nature either.