Comments by "אלי כהן" (@Kohen124) on "Protesters in London clash with police ahead of pro-Palestinian march" video.
Who stole the earth? I will show you who stole it, the supposed Palestinian people stole the name from the Philistines, the latter occupied the country of the Palestinians and it was made up of only five cities, Ashdod, Askelon, Ekron, Gad and Gaza, the pentapolis and it was known as the country of the Philistines and THEY NEVER OCCUPIED THE TERRITORY OF ISRA'EL,
The Philistines originate from the coasts of the Aegean Sea between non-Arab Greece and Turkey and completely disappeared 2.400 years ago in the Babylonian Empire.
The false Palestinian people, in addition to stealing the name of the robotierrez philistines who never belonged to the latter, the word peleset/Palestinian means invader and are originally from the arabian desert.
And as a final piece of information, United Nations resolution 61295 ratifies the Jewish people as the only indigenous and autochthonous people of the ancient ancient and ancestral territory called Yisra'el.and with this resolution they did NOT recognize the Palestinian ghost town for having been born less than a century ago from nothing.
Here you have the "fuckinn terrorists" enjoy reading.
Complaints of human rights abuses
The Human Rights Watch organization denounced Hamas (along with other groups) as an organization that carries out "serious violations of humanitarian laws." [ 83 ]
The organization Amnesty International denounced Hamas as responsible for numerous abuses against the Palestinian civilian population ( torture , murders , irregular detentions, etc.) accusing it, along with Fatah, of being responsible for the death of at least 350 people, [ 59 ] as well as well as committing crimes against humanity due to their suicide attacks. [ 84 ] These complaints from Amnesty International were also repeated in 2008. [ 85 ]
In 2008, a strong controversy was generated by Hamas's intention to enact a criminal law according to Sharia , with penalties of crucifixion , amputation of hands, or flogging . Hamas immediately denied it. [ 86 ]
In 2009, Amnesty International denounced Hamas for a "lethal campaign of kidnappings, deliberate and unlawful killings, torture and death threats in the Gaza Strip against people it accused of 'collaborating' with Israel (…)." [ 87 ]
In its 2014 report, Amnesty International denounced Hamas for restricting freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly and for carrying out "a brutal campaign of kidnappings, torture and unlawful killings of Palestinians", arbitrary detentions, torture with impunity and for the operation " strangling necks" against Fatah members or other dissidents. [ 88 ] [ 89 ]