Comments by "Hot Stepper" (@hotstepper887) on "Traveller "
@theriveroffaith852 How about another dilemma? As this is something else we see misunderstood today
Clearly you, like many others, have still not figured out, that whenever we hear anyone claiming they do believe in a God, that we all know they don't, and we all know they're only lying about it?
And this again, is something so simple to understand, yet, again, it seems to be impossible for the religious to understand? So why is this? It can only be, because, the religious don't even understand their very own, "highly inquisitive mind"?
Because if they did, then they'd also know, that whenever we hear anyone claiming they do believe in a God. That we all know they don't, and we all know, they're only lying about it.
-- How?
Because we all have our very own, highly inquisitive minds, and we all know, that if we were to claim we do believe in a God, that our very own, highly inquisitive mind, will always be nagging away at us, (in the background), telling us to stop lying about it, and demanding the proof of a God, that would then, allow us to believe it. Right?
So, we all really do know, that whenever we hear anyone claiming they do believe in a God?, that we all know they don't, and they're only lying about it!
Obviously because we all know, that their very own, highly inquisitive mind, will always be nagging away at them (in the background), telling them to stop lying about it, and demanding the proof of a God, that would then, allow them to believe it. Right?
And we also know, their very own highly inquisitive mind, will never stop nagging away at them (in the background) telling them to stop lying about it, and demanding the proof of a God, to allow them to believe it. Right?
Therefore, our very own, highly inquisitive minds, prove to all of us, that it's not actually possible for anyone of us (of sound mind), to really believe in any God. Right?
And if anyone (of sound mind), who claims they do believe in a God, yet also claims their very own, highly inquisitive mind, is (not) always nagging away at them (in the background), telling them to stop lying about it, and demanding the proof of a God, that would allow them to believe in a God? Then, they...
1. Must have seen proof of a God, that would then allow them to believe it. Or
2. They really should see someone about that, as that's not at all normal. Or
3. They should give their own head a little wobble, as something's clearly come loose.
You do understand, that, right? It's not rocket science?
That's again, just more undeniable, categorical, conclusive proof that when we hear anyone claiming they do believe in a god, that we all know they don't, and we all know they're only lying about it, Right?
You do understand this proven fact?
If so, then do explain why we see you lying about your own belief?
@jf7078 Have another example of your own lies. If you read American history, and read what the Americans all want to say, and claim, you'll find them claiming they supplied the USSR, and it's only because of those supplies that the USSR could fight the War?
While the truth is, it was nothing to do with the USA, and the USA did not supply the USSR with anything until 1944. Far too late to have made any difference at all. As the USSR said themselves!
This is true, they did only supply the USSR in 1944, long after it was really needed.
So, who was it, that supplied the USSR? And who was it that allowed the USSR to remain fighting in the war, (by supplying them, and doing so just in time)? It was the British.
The British supplied the USSR with all the military equipment they had, and they used to fight Germany when they got to Moscow. Before the British supplies landed in the USSR, the Soviet Red Army we're known to be sharing one rifle between 5–10 troops in places.
The Soviets kept the British supplies they received under wraps/secret for years, and they never did acknowledge or thank the UK for that critical help.
The USSR only acknowledged they received US “Lend Lease” supplied to them in 1944. With the USSR refusing to pay for any of it, saying that it was too late (true), and they did it anyway!
But since the collapse of the Soviet Union, much more information has emerged from archives in Moscow, containing new unknown Information of the USSR's complete war effort, shedding a brand-new light on the subject.
Much was in the Russian-language materials of the (State Defence Committee)—the Soviet equivalent of the British War Cabinet, held in the former Central Party Archive.
While much of the documentary evidence remains classified “secret” in the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence (Russian State Archive of the Economy), both Western and Russian historians and researchers have been able to gain access to very important, (previously unavailable) first-hand documents of the USSR's complete war effort.
Together with other recently published sources, including the wartime diaries of N. I. Biriukov, (a Red Army officer responsible for troops from August 1941 onwards). Who was also responsible for the distribution of recently acquired Tanks (from the British) to the front lines.
This newly available evidence, paints a very different picture from the USA's “perceived wisdom”, or should we just say, deliberate, outright lies?
In particular, it shows that British assistance to the Soviet Union in late 1941 and early 1942, played a highly significant part in the defence of Moscow, and was responsible for the swift revival of USSR fortunes in WW2, than has ever been acknowledged or ever credited.
It was an integral part, a critical part, the most important part of allowing the USSR to counter-attack the Na*i's outside Moscow (that very nearly saw the Na*i's completely annihilated) as Hitler refused to allow them to retreat. And without which, the USSR would have been unable to remain fighting in the war.
It can now clearly be seen, and now said, that the British help and supplies to the USSR in late 1941 & early 1942, were the only reason we saw the revival of Soviet fortunes in WW2 from late 1941, and it was absolutely nothing to do with the USA, at all!
In total, 4 million tonnes of war materials including food and medical supplies were delivered to the Soviets.
The munitions totalled £908m (not including naval munitions supplied), the food and raw materials totalled £728m in the 1946 index (approx £13.6 billion today).
In accordance with the Anglo-Soviet Military Supplies Agreement of June 27, 1942, military aid sent from Britain to the Soviet Union during the war was entirely free of charge.
3,000+ Hurricane aircraft.
4,000+ other aircraft.
27 naval vessels.
5,218 tanks (including 1,380 Valentines from Canada).
5,000+ anti-tank guns.
4,020 ambulances and trucks.
323 machinery trucks (mobile vehicle workshops equipped with generators and all the welding and power tools required to perform heavy servicing).
1,212 Universal Carriers and Lloyd Carriers (with another 1,348 from Canada).
1,721 motorcycles.
£1.15bn of aircraft engines.
1,474 radar sets.
4,338 radio sets.
600 naval radar and sonar sets.
Millions of various rifles.
Hundreds of naval guns.
15 million pairs of boots.
Yet you go and try to find this history out, see how difficult it is to find? When it should be the very first thing being seen, as it's so important, it's a huge part of history! Real history! Not, the American creation of fake history, (as they "pretend" to see it). That's the truth!
And we also see them claim the supplies we got from them, were American supplies, paid for by the USA? Rubbish!!
Nearly every one of those boatyards and factories, built for the manufacture of weapons, was paid for by the British. The British paid for their construction, and all the machinery needed in them. Not the USA.
Their accounts of WW2, are some of the biggest lies of modern history, as anyone that studies world history will find.
@theriveroffaith852 You want to preach, while you have no idea what you're preaching too, man?
What if I could prove to you, that everything you claim to believe in, can only be, nothing at all, or the devil himself? Now think about this? If I could prove that to you, would you then finally stop talking such nonsense?
Or would you do, what I believe you'd do, and just ignore that you've had it proven to you, that you can only be believing in nothing at all, or the devil himself?
And if that's the case, then you are prepared to believe in and follow the devil, right? As I'm going to prove to you, it can't be a God? And what does that really make you?
Of course, we all understand what proof is?, undeniable, categorical, conclusive proof, proof that leaves you in no doubt whatsoever.
Then just answer these three very simple, very easy to understand questions? And I'll have proven to you, that you can only be believing in nothing at all or the devil himself.
Pay attention!...
Both Christianity and Islam's most fundamental belief is, that God is the sovereign creator, upholder, and ruler of the universe. And that he is eternal (ever lasting), omnipotent (having unlimited power), omniscient (knows everything), and omnipresent (is everywhere). Obviously, you must know that? Many who claim to be Christian don't even know that, LOL.
Q 1. If this so-called God/Allah (controller and ruler of everything) is willing to prevent evil? But not able to prevent evil? Then it is not “omnipotent” (having unlimited power), proving it is no God. You do understand that, right?
Q 2. If the so-called God/Allah (controller and ruler of everything) is able to prevent evil? But not willing to prevent evil? Then it is “malevolent” (having or showing a wish to do evil to others), proving it is no God. You do understand that, right?
Q 3. If the so-called God/Allah (controller and ruler of everything) is able to prevent evil? And is willing to prevent evil? Then why is there evil?
Now, because there is evil in this world, is undeniable, categorical, conclusive, proof (that should leave you in no doubt whatsoever) it's impossible for a God to exist! You do understand that, right?
Because, if there is a God, who is eternal (ever lasting), omnipotent (having unlimited power), omniscient (knows everything), and omnipresent (is everywhere), there would be no evil, right?
So, this is just more categorical, conclusive, leaving you in no doubt whatsoever, proof, that if any higher power does exist, then it can only be, and must be, the devil!. Right?
Just think about it, use your very own highly inquisitive mind, because this proves it conclusively.
Anyone, only needs to ask those three (very simplistic, easy to understand, questions) to themselves, to prove it to themselves, right? You do understand that, right?
Now, will you then finally stop talking such nonsense?
Or are you going to just ignore that you've had it proven to you, that you can only be believing in nothing at all, or the devil himself?
Interesting dilemma, right?
@theriveroffaith852 The Bible also claims the Romans crucified Jesus Christ.
So, why is it, that only a few years after these so-called great events, we can read “Pliny the Younger” who wrote a letter to Emperor Trajan, around 112AD (less than 100 years later) asking for counsel on dealing with Christians.
In the letter, Pliny explained to Trajan that he had never been present at any trials of the Christians (who appeared before him as a result of anonymous accusations), and he asked for the Emperor's guidance on how they should be treated.
He added, If they still persevered after being interrogated, he had ordered them to be executed, as he thought that obstinacy deserved chastisement.
However, he wished to consult the Emperor in order to be on solid ground regarding his actions, so he saved his letters he sent to Trajan, and he saved Trajan's replies.
Interestingly, what we find in Trajan's reply, is, the Romans (less than 100 years later) knew nothing about a Jesus Christ, and they certainly knew nothing about crucifying him!
In the reply, it is mentioned that Christians are just a hated cult, for their (excessive superstition and stubbornness).
That's from the Roman Emperor, who lived less than 100 years after these so-called “great events”. Yet his reply clearly show us, that not even the Romans, less than 100 years later, knew anything of this so-called Jesus (son of God), he calls it superstition, and stubbornness!
Yet the bible claims they crucified him?
No, you just don't understand? That's normal.
@theriveroffaith852 1. GOLDWIN SMITH, Professor of Modern History at Oxford, wrote in Nineteenth Century, October 1881. They alone regard their race as superior to all humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all, and to its final ascendancy, under the leadership of a "tribal Messiah."
2. TWAIN, MARK (S. L. Clemens). 19th century American writer. Wrote, "In the U.S. cotton states, after the war they came down in force, set up shop on the plantation, supplied all the Black man's wants on credit, and at the end of the season he was the proprietor of the Black man's share of the present crop and part of the next one".
1). They're being legislated out of Russia. The reason is not concealed. The movement was instituted because the Christian peasant stood no chance against his commercial abilities. He was always ready to lend on a crop, only when settlement day came, he owned the crop; the next year he owned the farm—like Joseph.
2). In the England of John's time, everybody got into debt to him. He gathered all lucrative enterprises into his hands. He was the King of Commerce. He had to be banished from the realm, for like reasons, Spain had to banish him 400 years ago, and Austria a couple of centuries later. In all ages, Christian Europe has been obliged to curtail his activities.
If he entered upon a trade, the Christian had to retire from it. If he set up as a doctor, he took all the patients. If he exploited agriculture, the other farmers had to do something else. The law had to step in to save the Christian from the poor-house.
Twain tried to find all copies of what he had said, to destroy them, after he married one of them. That speaks volumes.
@theriveroffaith852 You people, make things like this up, It's what you've always done, all throughout history, and it's done to gain sympathy, but sympathy, you then use, to gain more power.
We have an entire history proving this to all of us. Don't you know this? We all know the claim of being slaves of the tyrant Pharaoh is a lie, the Israelites, were not slaves at any time in Egypt, they were in fact, many of the better-paid scribes, masons, and artists.
We know this for sure, today, as we can look around these uncovered, discovered, Israelite worker villages.
They were also able, to build their own tombs, (we can look in their tombs today), they're very colourful, and we know, they'd steal the colours they needed to decorate their own tombs, (as colours of all kinds, were extremely expensive) from the Pharaoh's tomb, they were decorating. (Only slaves were never permitted to build their own tombs)?
Egypt's chief archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, told reporters at the site, that the find shed much more light on the lifestyle and the origins of the pyramid builders.
Most importantly, he said, the workers were not recruited from slaves, but they were a paid work force hired by the Pharaoh. We also know they went on strike, when the Pharaoh was late delivering their grain, (only, slaves don't strike).
This kills the story of Moses, as does there, being no mention of Moses anywhere throughout all Ancient Egypt. Yet we also know the Ancient Egyptians recorded everything, from ever war and battle they were involved in, even the wars and battles they lost, are recorded, only they'd record false battle scenes to make it seem like an Egyptian victory.
We see this many times in Ancient Egypt, yet we see and find nothing about Moses at all, or even any Israelite unrest.
That's proof of religion's very beginning, being nothing but a fabricated myth.
@theriveroffaith852 If we want to expose these people, we may no longer name, so I call them elites, to keep it simple, and their plans of complete global control, we must first expose their creation, (that's known as religion).
Because it's undeniable today, that it was these elites who created religion, and religion has always been their long term plan to gain full global control, (through their made up religions, they invented, they wrote, and they influenced globally).
We can prove so much of this today, yet nobody ever does, or ever wants too?. So, just how bizarre, and extraordinarily strange, is that? In fact, just how dangerous is that? But, just ask yourselves?
Q1. Who wrote Genesis (the Old Testament)? Most agree it was the Israelites, hence those people, we may not name.
Q2. What people have been named and shamed throughout history, by many of the world's most intelligent and influential people, as being liars, cheats, manipulators, and thieves?
Q3. What people have been thrown out of every European country at various times throughout history for their usury?
Q4. What people have always insisted that they're God's chosen people?
Q5. What people have always been seen as looking for full global control and overall world dominance?
So, tell me, what better way of achieving complete global control, than through religion, (with its billions of followers)?
The length of deceit these particular people will go to, and have gone to, all throughout history (to achieve their aims), have still been unanswered, and only understanding this, before anything else, are you then be able to see everything clearly.
These people, have made many things up, all throughout history, and always to gain sympathy, but sympathy, they then use, to gain more wealth, and therefore attain much more power.
It's what they've always done all throughout history, we know they took over Russia during the Revolution of 1917, and we know they used the "Pale Of Settlement" as some kind of alibi to prove they had no involvement in the Revolution, by claiming they were all pushed out, to Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova and much of present-day Ukraine, again (looking for sympathy).
Only the reality, we now know today, is, they did indeed, take over Russia in the revolution.
We know today, they financed all sides of WW2, including the Na*i's, massively increasing their own wealth, therefore attaining much more power.
And they then used that newfound power to make their next erroneous claim against the Na*i, again, (looking for sympathy). Yet we've much more proof of the Ukrainian nationalists committing a mass genocide, in Poland and western Ukraine, in 1942, where they slaughtered over 400,000 Poles than we have of any other mass genocide going on anywhere else.
In fact, the Red Cross themselves, came out and said so, after their own global census of world population, showed and proved, there were nothing like 6 million of them missing.
And look what the Red Cross went through for merely saying what they found? From the most respected organization in the world, to the very worst organization in the world, and at the drop of a hat, as they used their new-found power and all the sympathy they'd created, to pile on the pressure, to get the Red Cross to change what they found.
So, really, you have to give it to them, it worked, so many fell for it, even without ever seeing any conclusive evidence.
They're very consistent, they're persistent, and they're extremely determined. And today, these people really do hold much power in this world today, and It's not in governments, as such, as we see so many wrongly thinking, no, we're looking much higher than that, it's already in our towns, in our cities, even in our villages!
The Churches, the Temples, the Synagogues, and the Mosques are all controlled and run by the 1% (elites). They are the controllers of all monies, and their own made up, and created religions, (that billions follow), is their Empire.
They own more land and property in this world today, than anyone, or anything else, they've the most powerful, the most wealthy, and the most widely spanned Empire in history.
We know they own all our banks, our chain stores, our energy companies, IT industries, our water boards, our gold, silver, & diamond mines, our doctors surgeries, our hospitals, our schools, our military manufactures, and many more of our other vital enterprises.
They also control everything we read and watch, (therefore, think, and learn), they own over 90% of the world's media. Yet oddly, nobody ever asks why?
The religious really are only the slaves of these people's overall attempt at complete global control. When, oh when, will this reality ever start to hit home? If ever?
Christianity is rooted in, and comes from, the Second Temple of Judaism, but the two religions diverged in the first centuries of the Christian era.
When Christianity diverged from Judaism, when we study that divergence, we find that many of the highest rabbis converted from Judaism, to the Christian faith. (Learn all about Saint Peter).
Then, just as interestingly, when we see Islam arrive, 350–400 years later, we see, that once again, many of the highest rabbis also converted from Judaism to the Islamic faith. Why?
Because these religions, (they invented, they created, they wrote, and they influenced throughout the world) is how they've been planning total world control, and total world domination all along.
They have already accumulated huge and influential material wealth and power. Wealth, they used to take control of the world's media. And wealth, they used to, stir up many revolutions in various parts of the globe.
We know they stood behind, not only the French Revolution, but also the Communist Revolution and, in fact, most of the revolutions we do know about.
They've formed secret organizations, such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, and the Lions, which they use to continue spreading their modern Zionist beliefs, that are the same beliefs as they've always been around the world today. And all in order to destroy societies, and to carry out their long planned Zionist interests.
We know they stood behind World War I, and they formed the League of Nations, (through which they believed they could begin to rule the world).
They were behind World War II, through which they made huge, massive financial gains. There is no war going on anywhere, without them having their finger in it.
The religious, really are, only the slaves of these elites, and their non-stop attempt to gain complete global control. Only they're all so engrossed believing in a religious fantasy (just like they're supposed to), they're all completely blind to it, or more to the truth, they just don't want to admit it, as it would be admitting they've been fooled for a lifetime, and not many could accept that.
In fact, I believe we can even start to predict what comes next? In fact, I'd say that within the next 20/40 years, we're going to hear about some amazing discovery in Israel. Probably in a cave somewhere (again), and it will more than likely be, some scrolls, (again).
Only this time, well this time, miraculously, they'll apparently contain so-called "proof" that God, did, indeed, reward them with the "promised land". And of course, all the Churches, Temples, Synagogues, Mosques and so-called, "experts" will all verify it.
@theriveroffaith852 Still today, so many have not figured out that Genesis (where nearly every modern day religion stems from) is only a book of books, that are simply retells of many much older myths.
And we also know that all records of those much older myths, had been gathered together in a collection and then hidden, (for what turned out to be a couple of thousand years). I wonder who it was that gathered them all together, and buried them? Again, nobody asks?
They were rediscovered in what is today Iraq. The Akkadian text of the Epic of Gilgamesh, was first discovered in 1849 AD by the English archaeologist Austen Henry Layard.
And what they show us, very clearly, is, that the "Book of Genesis" (where nearly every modern day religion stems from) is just a book of books, containing retells of these rediscovered much older myths.
For example, Noah and the flood story in Genesis, is the same story we find in Ancient mythology, long before Genesis, with the Epic of Gilgamesh story. Gilgamesh was a myth that came from Babylon — hundreds of years before the Bible was written.
Everything these religious think they know about the life of Jesus Christ? Are, again, just many parts from many much older myths, that have been put together, to create the myth of Jesus Christ, for example...
1. Asklepios healed the sick, raised the dead, and was known as the saviour and redeemer.
2. Hercules was born of a divine father and mortal mother, and was known as the saviour of the world.
3. Dionysus was literally the “Son of God”, was born of a woman who had not had sex with a man, and was depicted riding a donkey. He was a travelling teacher who performed miracles, and was killed and resurrected, after which time he became immortal.
4. Osiris did the same things. He was born of a virgin, was considered the first true king of the people, and when he died he rose from the grave and went to heaven.
5. Osiris’s son, Horus, was known as the “light of the world”, “The good shepherd”, and “the lamb”. He was also referred to as, “The way, the truth, and the life.” His symbol was a cross-like symbol.
6. Mithra’s birthday was celebrated on the 25th of December, and his birth (from a rock) was witnessed by local shepherds who brought him gifts, he had 12 disciples, and when he was done on earth he had a final meal before going up to heaven.
On judgment day, he’ll return to pass judgment on the living and the dead. The good will go to heaven, and the evil will die in a giant fire. His holiday is on Sunday (he’s the Sun God).
His followers called themselves “brothers”, and their leaders “fathers”. They had baptism and a meal ritual where symbolic flesh and blood were eaten. Heaven was in the sky, and hell was below with demons and sinners.
7. Krishna had a miraculous conception that wise men were able to come to because they were guided by a star. After he was born, an area ruler tried to have him found and killed.
His parents were warned by a divine messenger, however, and they escaped and were met by shepherds. The boy grew up to be the mediator between God and man.
8. Buddha’s mother was told by an angel that she’d give birth to a holy child destined to be a saviour. As a child, he teaches the priests in his temple about religion, while his parents were looking for him. He starts his religious career at roughly 30 years of age, and is said to have spoken to 12 disciples on his deathbed.
One of the disciples is his favourite, and another is a traitor. He and his disciples abstain from wealth and travel around, speaking in parables and metaphors. He called himself “the son of man” and was referred to as, “prophet”, “master”, and “Lord”.
He healed the sick, cured the blind and deaf, and he walked on water. One of his disciples tried to walk on water as well, but sunk, because his faith wasn’t strong enough.
9. Apollonius of Tyana (not a contemporary of Jesus), but he performed countless miracles (healing sick and crippled, restored sight, cast out demons, etc.). His birth was of a virgin mother, foretold by an angel.
He knew scripture really well as a child. He was crucified, rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples to prove his power before going to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father. He was known as, “The Son of God”.
The problem, of course, is, that these previous narratives existed hundreds to thousands of years before Jesus did.
@theriveroffaith852 The Bible claims, God, sent his own son, (born to a virgin mother), to earth, to prove to all mankind of his father's existence, as well as to pay for all of mankind's sins.
And the Bible claims that many of those people from over 2000 years ago, saw him perform his miracles, proving his father, God's existence.
Yet, do you know, that not a single one of those people, from over 2000+ years ago, even thought to make any records of such incredible wonders? Not a single one?
But they did make notes, and they kept records about really mundane, boring things, (like how many loaves of bread they were able to bake in a day).
But the miracles of Jesus Christ, himself? ... Nothing - No records - no notes - no drawings - no carvings - no statues - or even any references mentioning him, from anyone of the time, now, isn't that simply remarkable?
So, being honest, we must say, that rather than teaching mankind of his father God's, existence? He's gone out of his way to hide, and to make sure he left absolutely no evidence, of even his very own existence, let alone any evidence of his father, God? Nothing? Not a single thing? Zip!
So, really, could we not also claim that, as a miracle? No, I guess not, as maybe, just maybe, he could have just changed his mind? LOL. (well, you just have to laugh).
So, for a great God, who sent his own son, (born to a virgin mother), to teach us, and to prove to all of us, the existence of his father, God (as well as to pay for all man kind's sins)?
We must continue only being honest, and say, he sure did a miraculous job of hiding every single last detail of evidence, that even he existed?
Two whole thousand years, (and more), later, and after many of mankind's greatest minds, have studied, have researched, have looked for something, anything at all, to prove this myth, and yet all of them, every single one of them, have come up with absolutely nothing! Not a thing, zero, squat!
Yet we never see any of you self-proclaimed religious, ever questioning these basically juvenile tales? Why not?
@aya.benyazid Good grief, you keep telling yourself that, then maybe at the same time, you could explain for all of us, just why it is we read all of you, claiming the Koran is peaceful, and it says nothing about killing anyone? I mean, don't get me wrong, that's true.
Only it's also very deceitful, as reading the Koran, (with the Hadiths, as you all do), we start to see a completely different perspective, don't we?.
And we find, that actually, the Koran (and their messenger) tells the Muslim not to make any kind of friendships with the Christians, Jews or the unbelievers, and says to kill them, wherever they find them, and tells them to treat them harshly.
It says to fight and slay them, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them, using every stratagem, to kill them.
The Koran (and their messenger), demands that they fight the Christians, Jews and the unbelievers, and promises them, If there are twenty amongst them, they will vanquish two hundred, if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of them.
Allah and his messenger tell them to fight the Christians, Jews, and the unbelievers, until they pay the "Jizya", a penalty tax for non-Muslims living under Islamic rules, (with willing submission, and until they feel themselves subdued).
Their messenger announced that it's acceptable for the Muslims to go back on their promises, treaties, and obligations they've agreed with the Christians, Jews, and the unbelievers, and tells them to make war on them, (whenever they find themselves strong enough to do so). I wonder why we have so many of you coming here?
Their God, Allah, tells them to fight the Christians, Jews, and the unbelievers, and he, Allah, will punish them, by their own hands, and will cover them all with shame, while helping the Muslims to victory over them.
The Koran takes away the freedom of belief from all humanity. As it relegates those who disbelieve in Islam, to hell, it calls them najis (filthy, untouchable, impure).
And their prophet orders his followers to fight the Christians Jews and the unbelievers until no other religion, except Islam, is left.
Their prophet claims the Christians, Jews and the unbelievers will all go to hell, where they'll be forced to drink boiling water.
And he tells them to slay, crucify, and to cut the hands and feet off them, as they shall have a great punishment in this life, and, in the world hereafter, where boiling water will be poured over their heads (whereby whatever is in their bowels, and their skin, shall be dissolved from them).
Their prophet tells them, the Christians Jews and the unbelievers should all be punished with "hooked iron rods", as they will not only will have disgrace in this life, but on the day of judgment, he, Allah, shall make them taste the penalty of burning fire.
The Koran says that those who invoke any God other than Allah, should not only meet punishment in this world, but the penalty on the day of judgment, will be doubled to them, and they will dwell therein, in ignominy.
- For those who believe not in, Allah, (Most High) and his messenger, he Allah, has prepared, for them, a blazing fire!.
Although they are asked to be compassionate amongst each other, they're also told they must be harsh with their Christian, Jewish, and Atheist, colleagues.
As for him, who does not believe in Islam, their Prophet announces with a stern command:
- "Seize ye him, and bind ye him, and burn ye him, in the blazing fire. Further, make him march in a chain with a length of seventy cubits. This was he, that would not believe in Allah, (Most High), and he, who would not encourage the feeding of the indigent! So no friend hath he here, this day, nor hath he any food except the corruption from the washing of wounds, which none do eat, but those in sin."
The Koran prohibits the Muslim from befriending Christians, Jews, and the unbelievers, even if that Christian, Jew, or unbeliever is the father or the brother of that Muslim (notice it doesn't say mother or sister)?.
Their holy book orders them to be disobedient towards the Christians, Jews, unbelievers, and their governments. And orders them to strive hard against the unbelievers and their governments, (with great endeavour), and to be stern with them, because they all belong to Hell.
Their holy Prophet prescribes fighting for them, and tells them, that it is good for them, even if they dislike it. He advises them to strike the heads off the Christians, Jews, and the unbelievers, and after making a wide slaughter amongst them, carefully tie up any remaining captives.
Their God, Allah, has promised to instil terror into the hearts of the Christians, Jews, and the unbelievers and has ordered the Muslims to smite above their necks, and smite all their fingertips off them.
He also assures them, that when they kill in his name, it is not they who slay them, but Allah, in order that he might test the believers by a gracious trial of himself.
He orders them to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies. He has made the Jihad mandatory, and warns them, that unless they go forth, (for Jihad), he will punish them with a grievous penalty, and just put others in their place.
Allah speaks to their Holy Prophet, and says, “O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern against them. Their abode is hell — an evil refuge indeed”.
He promises them, that in the fight for his cause, whether they slay, or are slain, they'll return to the garden of Paradise. In Paradise, he will marry them with Houris, (celestial virgins), pure beautiful ones, and unite them with large-eyed beautiful ones, while they recline on their thrones set in lines.
There they are promised to eat and drink pleasantly for what they did. He also promises boys like hidden pearls and youth never altering in age, like scattered pearls, (for all those who have paedophiliac inclinations).
As you see, Allah has promised all sorts of rewards, like gluttony, and unlimited sex, to Muslim men who kill unbelievers in his name.
They will be admitted to Paradise, where they shall find goodly things, beautiful ones, pure ones, confined to the pavilions that man has not touched them before nor jinni.
As for women, the book of Allah says that they are inferior to men, (that will be you then)?, and their husbands have the right to scourge them if they are found disobedient.
It teaches the men to take a green branch, to beat their wives, (as a green branch is more flexible, so hurts more), and tells them that women will go to hell if they are disobedient to their husbands.
It maintains that the men have an advantage over the women. And It not only denies the women’s equal rights to their inheritance, it also regards them as imbeciles, and decrees that their witness is not admissible in the courts of law.
This means that a woman (including yourself), who is raped, cannot accuse her rapist unless she can produce a male witness.
Their Holy Prophet allows them to marry up to four wives, and he licensed them to sleep with their slave maids, and as many ‘captive’ women as they may have (as they believe virgins will not go to hell). And even if those women are already married. He himself did just that.
Says absolutely nothing at all about killing anyone, you all claim? And of course you all know this too, as this is the ideology we see from groups like ISIS. So, it’s actually not even up for debate!
And btw, anyone can look this up for themselves, just copy and paste any of it into Google search, they'll find all of this wasn't said by me, but by a Muslim, (who believes we all had a right to know).
You believe you're an imbecile, then? Just asking, as that was Islamic law claims?
@aya.benyazid Islam's most fundamental belief is, that Allah is the sovereign creator, upholder, and ruler of the universe. And is eternal (ever lasting), omnipotent (having unlimited power), omniscient (knows everything), and omnipresent (is everywhere). The same as Christianity if you replace Allah with God.
Only that belief is easily provable, to be highly flawed. And we can prove this by asking three very simple, easy to understand questions.
Only the religious seem completely unable to understand this?
Q 1. If this so-called God/Allah (controller and ruler of everything) is willing to prevent evil? But not able to prevent evil?
Then it is not “omnipotent” (having unlimited power), proving it is no God/Allah. You do understand that, right?
Q 2. If the so-called God/Allah (controller and ruler of everything) is able to prevent evil? But not willing to prevent evil?
Then it's “malevolent” (having or showing a wish to do evil to others), proving it is no God/Allah. You do understand that, right?
Q 3. If the so-called God/Allah (controller and ruler of everything) is able to prevent evil? And is willing to prevent evil?
Then why is there evil? Because there is evil in this world, is categorical, conclusive, undeniable proof that no God/Allah exists, because, obviously, if there is a God/Allah that is eternal (ever lasting), omnipotent (having unlimited power), omniscient (knows everything), and omnipresent (is everywhere). There would be no evil.
It's also conclusive, categorical, undeniable proof, that if any higher power does exist, then it can only be, and must be, the devil, right?
Now, you watch the replies to that, and you'll only find the religious unable to accept that, and will comically tell me, that because God/Allah is the "all mighty, the all-knowing, and the all powerful", that my meaningless questions, are just not worthy of any response, (as my own intelligence, is not great enough, to ever question any of God's motives)! LOL.
Only, the very same God/Allah, that I've already, and just proven, is actually impossible to exist, mind you. LMAO.
You really can't make this up, man. Or the other usual reply, like "I just don't understand" LOL
So, the reality must be, that all of a sudden, those three (very simplistic, easy to understand, questions), actually become questions, the religious will claim you need something like, 8 degrees (with honours), and a doctorate in church and religious history, to be able to ask?
@aya.benyazid Have the real truth we see you're unable to grasp, or even understand.
A TRUTH, NO RELIGIOUS PERSON CAN ADMIT! I'm not bias either way, as they're all outright murderous.
Catholicism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, are without question, responsible for more mass murder, more heinous atrocities, more crimes against humanity, more wars, and responsible for the outright slaughter of millions upon, millions, of completely innocent people.
And that can't ever be seen as acceptable, in the eyes of any sane man, no matter what they believe.
Just because the religious claim to support the so-called, "good of religion", (nobodies ever seen), means they want to ignore the reality of what religion really brings to mankind. And that's not smart, It's not clever, and is, actually, just a completely Illogical, and a harmful approach to any problem.
Religion Itself, is responsible for more mass murder, more torture, more inhumane heinous atrocities, than can ever be seen as acceptable, there's simply no excuse, any more. It's now unforgivable.
Oh, of course, they can, and they will, just make up their incredibly juvenile denials of these facts, or the other excuse we see from them, like claiming "it's just people using religion"?, but that's not the case, and that's just another outright lie, they are religious, and they do indeed, represent religion.
The Pope ordered the crusades that are responsible for the outright slaughter of hundreds of millions of completely innocent people, so, is that acceptable to religion? You see, it seems it is. So do tell me, just how many innocent people need to die, before religion becomes unacceptable? Well, how many?
Mankind has fought many wars, and killed many millions of people in the name of religion.
Believing in one religion, creates animosity from another religion. Religion bickers and argues with Itself, that process creates hate from one religion toward the other, that hate becomes the war, that war, becomes brutal, unnecessary, human death, and in the millions. It always has since it began!
So, what is it? What is religion? It really is mankind's, very own, special "man-made" poison!... It's harmful, and it's deadly. You can try to disagree all you want, because nobody can defend the undefendable.
The religious talk about, they preach about, God/Allah's demands that all non-believers, and/or all followers of any other religion must be put to death, nearly all these modern day religions do!
Yet it's actually, only religion itself, that commits the real evil and the "really dirty" sins.
Indeed, while the religious have murdered throughout history in the name of their God! I've been unable to find any evidence of any atheists killing anyone in the name of atheism.
Yet the religious will try to use the names of Stalin and Pot, with other Communists to suggest otherwise, trying to claim all those who caught for communism were fighting for Atheism, yet while ignoring, many weak-kneed communists, that fought for Communism, reasons were as follows:
“Religion does not prevent me being a communist. I believe both in God and in Communism. My faith in God does not hinder me from fighting for the cause of the proletarian revolution”...
In other words, the religious also fought for Communism, (killing other religious and atheists), the atheist's also fought for communism, (killing religious and other atheists).
Showing us, very clearly, It's not a fight for atheism, but it's a fight for Communism!
And having to explain that, is because that's what religion attempts to use to portray the atheist, (so they can then turn all the crimes, murders, and killings during communism), onto the atheist.
Only it's so backward, as It's no different from religion, claiming that all atheists must be Communists? It's nothing but ridiculous idiocy, but it really does prove how their very own, warped, and deceiving religious mindset actually works?
Prepared to lie about others, just to make some kind of case, for their own brutality and slaughter of many millions, is the truth.
Atheists, are no more or less capable of evil than anyone else, but it seems that murder, particularly mass murder and war, is a sin of commission. — In other words, human beings are generally only prepared to fight and kill in the name of something.
It can be a God, but it can also be a political philosophy — like Na*ism or Communism, many fight for patriotism, for country, tribe or race, some kill because they're psychologically disturbed, but none — so far — in the name of atheism.
So, while I don't agree, that only religion causes conflict, I'd argue that all mass murder and war, are fought in the name of a bigger-than-self philosophy or idea.
Whereas atheism, simply a lack of belief in a God, has not yet proved compelling enough to motivate murder. So far — no one has gone into a crowded public space and blown themselves up while shouting, “No, god is great!”
Religion really is mankind's very own special "man-made" poison. Lots of us don't want that poison.
The religious really are the warmongers of mankind, (yet they'll continue to deny that, even with religion's entire history staring them in the face).
The religious all believe in things they can't prove exist, and seem to expect others to respect them and their religion?
Respect it? While we're living through their endless wars? Living through their brutality, and their fighting all around the world? No, there can't ever be any respect for that.
And for what? What's it all really about?
Oh, it's over something as juvenile as, "whose religion is right, or whose religion is wrong".
That's actually tragic stupidity, man! Clearly, they're all not only completely wrong, but they're outright murderous, and have divided the world, as they were intended too.
It will come one day soon, when enough will be seen as enough, and the religious will all be packed off to an Island somewhere, to fight their wars against each other, (over whose religion is right, whose is wrong)... leaving the educated people in peace.
And do you know what else? I'd not even be the slightest bit interested in who actually won.
@gfranks5080 Was Jesus a messenger? Did he actually exist? How do you or anyone else know if he existed or not? And all the available evidence actually points to Jesus Christ merely being a made up myth, taken from many other, much older myths.
And we also know that all records of those much older myths, had been gathered together in a collection, and hidden, (for what turned out to be a couple of thousand years). I wonder who it was that gathered them all together, and hid them? Again, nobody asks?
They were rediscovered, in what is today Iraq. The Akkadian text of the Epic of Gilgamesh, was first discovered in 1849 AD by the English archaeologist Austen Henry Layard. And what they show us, very clearly, is, the "Book of Genesis" (where nearly every modern day religion stems from) is just a book of books, containing retells of these rediscovered much older myths.
For example, Noah and the flood story in Genesis, is the same story we find in Ancient mythology, long before Genesis, with the Epic of Gilgamesh story. Even down to having exactly the same family tree, only with different names.
Gilgamesh was a myth that came from Babylon — hundreds of years before the Bible was written.
Everything people think they know about the life of Jesus Christ? Are, again, just many parts from much older myths, that have been put together, to create the myth of Jesus Christ, for example...
1. Asklepios healed the sick, raised the dead, and was known as the saviour and redeemer.
2. Hercules was born of a divine father and mortal mother, and was known as the saviour of the world.
3. Dionysus was literally the “Son of God”, was born of a woman who had not had sex with a man, and was depicted riding a donkey. He was a travelling teacher who performed miracles, and was killed and resurrected, after which time he became immortal.
4. Osiris did the same things. He was born of a virgin, was considered the first true king of the people, and when he died he rose from the grave and went to heaven.
5. Osiris’s son, Horus, was known as the “light of the world”, “The good shepherd”, and “the lamb”. He was also referred to as, “The way, the truth, and the life.” His symbol was a cross-like symbol.
6. Mithra’s birthday was celebrated on the 25th of December, and his birth (from a rock) was witnessed by local shepherds who brought him gifts, he had 12 disciples, and when he was done on earth he had a final meal before going up to heaven.
On judgment day, he’ll return to pass judgment on the living and the dead. The good will go to heaven, and the evil will die in a giant fire. His holiday is on Sunday (he’s the Sun God).
His followers called themselves “brothers”, and their leaders “fathers”. They had baptism and a meal ritual where symbolic flesh and blood were eaten. Heaven was in the sky, and hell was below with demons and sinners.
7. Krishna had a miraculous conception that wise men were able to come to because they were guided by a star. After he was born, an area ruler tried to have him found and killed.
His parents were warned by a divine messenger, however, and they escaped and were met by shepherds. The boy grew up to be the mediator between God and man.
8. Buddha’s mother was told by an angel that she’d give birth to a holy child destined to be a saviour. As a child, he teaches the priests in his temple about religion, while his parents were looking for him. He starts his religious career at roughly 30 years of age, and is said to have spoken to 12 disciples on his deathbed.
One of the disciples is his favourite, and another is a traitor. He and his disciples abstain from wealth and travel around, speaking in parables and metaphors. He called himself “the son of man” and was referred to as, “prophet”, “master”, and “Lord”.
He healed the sick, cured the blind and deaf, and he walked on water. One of his disciples tried to walk on water as well, but sunk, because his faith wasn’t strong enough.
9. Apollonius of Tyana (not a contemporary of Jesus), but he performed countless miracles (healing sick and crippled, restored sight, cast out demons, etc.). His birth was of a virgin mother, foretold by an angel.
He knew scripture really well as a child. He was crucified, rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples to prove his power before going to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father. He was known as, “The Son of God”.
The problem, of course, is, that these previous narratives existed hundreds to thousands of years before Jesus did.
@gfranks5080 The Bible (religion says are the words of God), claims, that God, sent his own son, (born to a virgin mother), to earth, to prove to all mankind of his father's existence, as well as to pay for all of mankind's sins.
And the Bible claims those people from over 2000 years ago, saw him perform his miracles, proving the existence of his father, God.
Yet, not a single one of those people, from over 2000+ years ago, even thought to make any records of such incredible wonders? Not a single one? But they did make notes, and they kept records about really mundane, boring things, (like how many loaves of bread they were able to bake in a day).
But the miracles of Jesus Christ, himself? ... Nothing - No records - no notes - no drawings - no carvings - no statues - or even any references mentioning him, from anyone of the time, now, isn't that simply remarkable?
So, being honest, rather than teaching mankind of his father, God's, existence? He's gone out of his way, to hide, and to make sure he left absolutely no evidence of even, his very own existence, let alone any evidence of his father, God? Nothing? Not a single thing? Zip! Nada! Nowt!.
So, really, could we not also claim that, as a miracle? No, I guess not, as maybe, just maybe, he could have just changed his mind? LOL. (well, you have to laugh).
So, we can say, for a great God, who sent his own son, (born to a virgin mother), to teach us, and to prove to all of us, the existence of his father, God, as well as to pay for all of our sins? We must continue only being honest, and say, he sure did a miraculous job of hiding every single last detail of evidence, that even he existed, right?
Two whole thousand years, (and more), later, and after many of mankind's greatest minds, have studied, have researched, have looked for something, anything at all, to prove this myth, and yet all of them, every single one of them, have come up with absolutely nothing! Not a thing, zero, squat, Nada, nowt?
Yet we never see any of the religious, even, question these basically juvenile tales? Why not?
@gfranks5080 The Bible (religion says are the words of God) claims God created mankind? Yet we know, today, that we evolved from other creatures over millions of years. (Scientific fact).
So can you explain why the Bible (the words of an all powerful God), makes that completely wrong claim? How could a God religion claims is perfect, get anything so wrong?
You see, you just can't answer that with anything factual, real, or even logical? Why?
The Bible also claims God created the Earth? Only, today we know that Earth was created following the explosion of a star, (as the Earth is made up entirely of star particles), and we know how, and why, those particles clumped together.
So, again, can explain why the Bible (the words of an all powerful God), makes that completely wrong claim? How could a God, religion claims is perfect, get anything so wrong?
The Bible claims the Romans crucified Jesus Christ. Yet a few years after these so-called events. We can read “Pliny the Younger” who wrote a letter to Emperor Trajan around 112AD (less than 100 years later) asking for counsel on dealing with Christians.
In the letter, Pliny explained to Trajan that he had never been present at any trials of the Christians (who appeared before him as a result of anonymous accusations).
So he asked for the Emperor's guidance on how they should be treated. He added, If they still persevered after being interrogated, he had ordered them to be executed, as he thought that obstinacy deserved chastisement.
However, he wished to consult the Emperor in order to be on solid ground regarding his actions, so he saved his letters he sent to Trajan, and he saved Trajan's replies.
What we find in the reply, shows us the Romans, who lived less than 100 years later, knew anything about Jesus Christ, and they certainly knew nothing about crucifying him!
In the reply, it is mentioned that the Christians are a hated cult, for their, (excessive superstitions and their stubbornness).
That's the reply from the Roman Emperor, Trajan, who lived not long after the apparent crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Yet his reply clearly shows us, the Romans knew nothing of Jesus Christ (son of God), and certainly knew nothing about crucifying him! He calls it (superstition and stubbornness)!
Yet the Bible claims the Romans crucified him?
So, again, can you explain why the Bible (the words of an all powerful God), makes that completely wrong claim? How could a God, religion claims is perfect, get anything so wrong?
@theriveroffaith852 You testify, do you? To what exactly? A load of rubbish you've been fooled into believing?
So why is it, that you can't ever answer even the most simple of questions? Questions that categorically prove all you claim to believe in is only a man made myth?
I can prove this to you now, isn't that remarkable? Yet you can't prove a single thing you claim?
The bible (you claim are the words of God) claims God created mankind? Only, today, we know that no God created us at all. We evolved from other creatures over millions of years. (Scientific fact).
Do you really not understand, that just that one thing alone, proves the Bible is wrong? And if it's wrong about that, it will more than likely be wrong about everything else it claims. So please do explain for everybody, how you're all powerful, all knowing God, could ever make such a mistake? Or tell such an outright lie?
The Bible also claims God created the Earth? Only, again, we're on the cusp of proving that no God created Earth? We know today that Earth was created following the explosion of a star, as the Earth is made up entirely of star particles, and we know how and why those particles clumped together.
Just by taking those two things alone, proves beyond any doubt, that religion is only a man made myth. And the only question can be, is, how on earth, you haven't worked that out?
This is why people like you, should not speak, you understand absolutely nothing, and unlike you, I always prove every word I say.
So please do tell us all why we read so many of you Americans, blaming Russia for any of this, today? (you people have literally no idea what's going on in Ukraine, absolutely no idea it's been going on for the last 9 years, and no idea, it was the USA that planned, financed and purposely caused the coup in Ukraine, 2014, during Maidan).
Yet, as we see, you all do want an opinion on it? Explain, just how anyone could ever form any kind of logical opinion on anything, without knowing and being fully aware of all the facts?
That's more commonly known as outright ignorance! Do you understand?
Seemingly, the Americans just have no idea, that we have Victoria Nuland, (in a leaked phone call), to the US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt, where she's heard explaining to him, who would be replacing Yanukovych, while also insisting Klitschko is prevented from taking part in the elections, saying the USA couldn't trust a former sports star. (I mean, you what, that's highly illegal actions, right there)?
And when he asked her what the EU might say to it? She replied with "F*** the EU", PROVING even the EU knew nothing at all about the US planned and executed criminal illegal coup against Ukraine in 2014.
And It was all said, about 6 months before the coup, took place.
So, have any of you Americans, who we see, and we read blaming Russia, ever listened to that phone call? No? Why not? So, you have indeed, formed an opinion, without knowing or being aware of all the facts? It's just more of that outright stupidity!
We also have the Snowden leaks, showing us many of the USA's plans in Ukraine! So, again, have any of these "really intelligent American people" (who we see and read blaming Russia), ever read those leaks? No? Why not? The man risked his own freedom to show us so many of these truths? So, explain, is thee just something wrong with you all?
We even have the old parliament of Ukraine, (spelling out exactly what they'd found out the USA was trying to do, about 7 months before the coup took place). As anyone can read for themselves... (See below).
But we read you Americas all blaming Russia? For what, explain please, as I've no idea whatsoever! For doing 100% the right, and the correct thing, maybe?
As Russia could not be any more in the right today, even if they really tried to be right.
While the USA, and all of you uneducated Americans, could not be any more wrong in all you're doing. Get it yet?
Deputy Oleg Tsarov has the word...
Honourable Colleagues...
Honourable Vladimir Vasiljevitch...
In my role as a representative of the Ukrainian people, activists of the public organization “Volya”, have turned to me, providing clear evidence that within our territory, and with support and direct participation of the USA Embassy in Kiev, the “Tech Camp” project is realized, under which preparations are being made for a civil war in Ukraine.
The “Tech Camp” project prepares specialists for information warfare and for the discrediting of state institutions, by using modern social media platforms, that can be used to create potentials to arouse possible revolutionaries, for the organizing of violent protests, and aimed at the toppling of the State Order.
The project is currently overseen, and under the responsibility of the US ambassador to Ukraine... Geoffrey R. Pyatt.
After my conversation with the organization “Volya”, I have learned that they succeeded in accessing facilities of the project “Tech Camp” by disguising themselves as a team of IT specialists, and to their surprise, briefings on the peculiarities of modern social media platforms were held.
American instructors explained how social media networks and Internet technologies can be used for targeted manipulation of public opinion, as well as, to activate protest potential, and to provoke violent unrest on the territory of Ukraine, with complete radicalization of the population, and for the triggering of infighting.
They also showed examples of successful uses of social media networks and technologies, that were used to organize mass and violent protests, in Egypt - Tunisia - Libya - Syria - and Venezuela.
Tech Camp representatives currently hold conferences throughout Ukraine, a total of five events have been held so far, and about 300 people have been trained as operatives, which are now active throughout Ukraine.
The last conference “Tech Camp” took place on 14th and 15th of November 2013... In the Heart of Kiev, on the territory of the US Embassy.
You tell me, what country, in the world, would ever allow an “NGO” to operate out of, and from... (the US Embassy in Kiev)?.
This is extremely dangerous, to the Ukrainian government, and it's completely against the Ukrainian People.
I appeal to the constitutional authorities of Ukraine, with the following question...
"Is it conceivable that representatives of the US Embassy, in Kiev… (which organize the Tech Camp Conferences)... misuse their diplomatic mission?"
—– Let him speak ––
Carry On...
UN Resolution, of 21 December 1965, regulates the inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of a state, to protect its independence and its sovereignty. In accordance with paragraphs one, two, and five.
I ask you to consider this, as an official beseech... to pursue an investigation of this case...
Thank You.
I mean, honestly, could It be any more obvious? It really must take the most backward thinking people, just like YOU, who could ever see any of this as anything other than 100% the USA's fault!
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, eventually the people will come to believe it ~ Joseph Goebbels, 1941. You only need to say it once to an American, as long as it was the American government saying it, they'd all believe it.
Get an education, you are the problem, understand yet?
@andrewmellon5072 70? And you DON'T understand this? Just astonishing! Explain this to every other European and every other Brit?
Because I'd be fascinated to hear any European, or any Brit, tell us why we don't see this being said by any of them? Well, apart from, it seems, myself?
I'd expect to read thousands saying this?
As when you're speaking the truth, no matter if you're the only one speaking the truth?, you'll always be right, while the rest, (regardless of how many), will always be wrong. Do you understand that, old man?
Well the only real truth, today is, it's the Americans themselves, and clearly you, an uneducated pensioner, who, really do need to learn, and more importantly they all need to understand, that no matter where anyone's loyalty may lie?, that we, (the people), never support wrong over right, but we should always be willing, and prepared, to stand up, and fight for, right, over wrong!
The Americans completely misunderstand this today, and it's driving us all to Nuclear war.
These Americans, and apparently you, in all your wisdom, really do believe, that supporting your own country, (no matter what), is the patriotic thing to do. Really, quite unbelievably, this is exactly what many of them believe!
Only, that's so far from patriotism, It's not even close, but it is the complete opposite of patriotism, it's treason, and it's outright treachery!
So, brains, why do we see so many Americans only being traitors against themselves, and against Europe? Well? It really can only be, because, they don't actually know, or understand what patriotism actually is!
To the rest of the world, well apart from the idiots in this world today, many we read here, when, and if, we ever found out that our own government was breaking International law, (doing illegal things against another country and their people), then being 100% (against) our own country/government is known throughout the entire world, as being patriotic! (Well, apart from the USA).
Yet obviously, no patriot, would ever support his own country, (if he ever knew his own country was doing illegal wrongs against another country and their people), because doing so, would be, in effect, no different from supporting the corruption, supporting the terrorism, supporting the brutal murder of innocent people, and supporting their own government breaking International law!
And that's no different from supporting your very own country's demise! - And that's known as treachery, not patriotism! Get it yet, dunce?
This enormous mistake, they all continue to make, also comes down to morals, ethics, and a reasonable education, as surely, we all understand right from wrong, above all else?, and we should also understand the importance of truth, and only ever want to hear the truth!
Well, the undeniable truth, is, that it's the American people themselves, who are all at fault, and responsible for all of these troubles today, as I'll explain (though I shouldn't need too, we should all know and understand this).
In 2015, Russia exposed the US government (to the American people), and to the entire world, for supporting terrorists in Syria! And that forced the US government, (to admit to the American people) and admit to the whole world, they had recruited — trained — armed — supplied — protected — paid — and used, brutal terrorists, the “Free Syria Army”, in Syria, (sorry, the Americans like to use the term "moderate" head chopping so-called rebels, and it's only terrorists, to the rest of this world, pardon me, my mistake).
Yet, not one of them has ever condemned it, or done the right thing, and stood up against it, or even protested against it, let alone start to demand it stops, (as every other society on earth, would be doing, if any of our governments were forced to admit what the USA admitted).
We'd all be out on the streets in the millions, bringing our countries to a standstill, if any of our governments had admitted what the US government did. Right, old man?
So, It just seems, that today, these Americans must feel that's below them all, (or something just as self-righteous, cowardly, and ignorant). I guess, those lives, just don't matter?
And far from seeing, anyone of them, protest against it? What is the reality, and what have we all really seen, (since they all found that out)? We've seen millions of them, cheering their criminal presidents, and we've seen millions of them chanting USA USA USA, (just like the Na*i's of the 30s).
And we have never seen a single American stand up against it, let alone, start to demand it stops, why not? This really does need to be answered? So why don't you try and answer this for them? After all, we've just had to read your very own treachery against our own countries, old man?
2018... Teresa May announces British strikes on Syria, within 3 hours, literally hundreds of thousands of people are stood outside Parliament protesting against it.
2018, Emmanuel Macron announces French strikes on Syria, later that evening in Paris, hundreds of thousands of people are protesting against it.
2015, Russia exposes the USA to the American people and the entire world for supporting and supplying terrorists in Syria, and still, 9 years later, man! Not one American has even condemned it, let alone stood up and protested against it!
These people really don't even seem to know, or understand, that the only society we've ever seen do this before, (throughout modern history), an entire society not even bother to stand up and protest against their own government's admitted criminal murder and killing of innocent people, (once the people found out), was indeed, Na*i Germany 1933-1945! 70, you claim, and you don't understand this? CLUELESS!
That's the only time in modern history, the people of any society, have done (or not done), what these Americans are today. They clearly, and without any doubt whatsoever, have no morals, and as for any kind of understanding of ethics?, you're joking, they'd all need to look up what ethics are!
Also, this is just another truth! Just another truth, that seems to be forgotten by all of them today, but what was the most asked question, after WW2, a question asked all the way into the early 1980s?
"Why did the German people do nothing"?
What's worse, is, that we can understand today, why the German people did what they did, they were starving to death with the harshness of the Versailles treaty, and dying in large numbers during the great depression, so quite naturally, they'd of supported absolutely anything that offered them hope!
These Americans have absolutely no such excuse! And this is the biggest problem facing the rest of us, in this world today, it is the biggest problem, the rest of us, have ever faced in our lifetimes!
Obviously, because it's up to all of them, to stand up and start demanding their criminal government stops all of this! Nobody else can do that, only they can!
But the huge problem we all have, and we all face, today, is, that none of these Americans will do a thing. Do you understand yet, idiot?
Even basic principles seem to elude these people today! Principles like, the (people) of any society, only ever need to remember, that the easiest way to figure out the right from the wrong in any likely oncoming, or future war scenario, is to just ask yourself what you'd be fighting for?
Because it's the answer to that question, that should always be showing you, whose right, and whose wrong.
For example, if the Americans just asked themselves, that if the USA went to war against either Russia or China, what would they be fighting for? And then just ask themselves what the Russians, or the Chinese, would be fighting for?
They'd come to find, that both the Russians and the Chinese, would be fighting for their own country's freedom! While the Americans would only be fighting for attempted American global tyranny, (and that's no different from Nazi Tyranny). How Ironic!
That's what they're all, in effect, supporting today, and if they really can't see that?, well all I can say to that, is, the Nazis were just like that, and they all claimed they couldn't see it either!
The Americans will all be seen by history, as the Axis powers, trying for American Tyranny over the world. While the Russians, the Chinese, and much of the rest of the world, will be seen by history as the allied powers, fighting against this clear attempted American tyranny, and fighting for their own freedom.
But tell us, old man, will it be all the Americans paying for their own lack of morals, their own lack of ethics, their own stupidity, that sees them, once again, swallowing dangerous, yet remedial propaganda claims, and really obvious lies?
Or will it actually be, all of Europe and the UK, who are, without doubt, going to pay for it, well? Who? TELL ALL OF US??????
Make of that, what you will, but again, it's just more of that good old thing known as, the truth, honesty, and the reality.
@andrewmellon5072 Tyrant Putin? You claim? Really, then why don't you now show us all just how uneducated you actually are, and name us, just one thing you believe Putin has done, that could make even the most stupid uneducated person on earth claim what we've just read from you?
Come on, old man, you must know to make that statement, right? So do show us just how the BBC and ITV have completely turned you into an uneducated imbecile?
Just oner thing you believe Putin had done wrong, in absolutely anything he has done, surely you must be able to tell us? Only remember, you also need to understand what he has done? And why? Because hilariously, you think he invaded Ukraine, don't you, old man?
You even more hilariously believe he stole Crimea, don't you, old man? And how any Brit could ever think that, is so embarrassing, as it only proves you know nothing at all about our very own history, how can this be?
@andrewmellon5072 As for me saying this? Absolutely hilarious, man, you'd think I was the traitor, for pointing out these truths today?
This really is, the mentality of many of my own so-called fellow countrymen, in this country, the UK today, and why?
Again I've no idea, you'd like to believe at least the British people would grasp this understand this, and agree with it?
But today, the entire and complete opposite, is all you'll read from many of my so-called fellow countrymen, like you, the traitor against every one of us, because you talk without knowing what you're talking about. That's more commonly known as outright ignorance.
Yet only 25–30 years ago, the whole country would have understood this perfectly. Today? It just seems that nobody understand this, any more. So learn you backward uneducated people!
"With God’s help, I will put an end to the future, and the very existence of England".~ Napoleon Bonaparte, 1803.
- I return to you, many thanks for the honour you have done me, but Europe is not to be saved by any single man. England has saved herself by her exertions, and will, as I trust, save Europe by her example ~ Prime Minister William Pitt the younger, 1805.
"Where Napoleon failed, I shall succeed. I shall land on the shores of Britain". ~ Adolf Hitler, 1940.
- I am, myself, full of confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made (as they are being made), we shall prove ourselves, once again, able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, (and to outlive the menace of TYRANNY), if necessary for years, If necessary alone!
At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do, that is the resolve of His Majesty’s Government (every man of them), that is the will of Parliament, and the will of the people of this great nation.
The British Empire, and the French Republic, linked together in their cause, and in their need, will defend to the death, their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength.
Even though large tracts of Europe, and many old and famous States have fallen, or may fall, into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Na*i rule, we shall not flag nor fail, we shall fight on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and on the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be.
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender. ~ Sir Winston Churchill ~ July 1940.
Yet today, we're seen supporting the USA's attempt at global control, both financially and militarily, (Tyranny in other words), only this time it's American tyranny?
Surely we would only ever fight against that, and certainly, never for it? Otherwise, why isn't everyone asking, when will it be our turn?
Britain, the only country in the world, that's always fought against every attempt at tyranny in our world's modern history, whether tyranny over Europe, or tyranny over the world, Britain has always fought against it, (and is unbeaten doing so).
Only, today, we have a society of the worst kind of people we could possibly find ourselves with, and right at a time we need the exact opposite.
Today, we're inundated with these fools, fools who believe they're bright, fools who want to go to war with the USA? And why? They've no idea at all, but will only see them fighting for American tyranny, against so many others, fighting for their freedoms!
This country, Great Britain, must move as far away as possible, from this United States stranglehold, they've had on us since WW2, as today, Britain, supporting the USA, is no different to us supporting Nazi Germany in 1939!
In the air — often at serious odds, often at odds hitherto thought overwhelming — we have been clawing down three or four to one of our enemies; and the relative balance of the British and German air forces is now considerably more favourable to us, than at the beginning of the battle.
In cutting down the German bombers, we are fighting our own battle, as well as that, of France. My confidence in our ability to fight it out to the finish with the German Air Force has been strengthened by the fierce encounters which have taken place, and are taking place as I speak.
At the same time, our heavy bombers are striking nightly at the tap-root of German mechanized power, and have already inflicted serious damage upon the oil refineries on which the Nazi effort to dominate the world directly depends.
We must expect that as soon as stability is reached on the Western Front, the bulk of that hideous apparatus of aggression which gashed Holland into ruin and slavery in a few days will be turned upon us.
I am sure I speak for all when I say we are ready to face it; to endure it; and to retaliate against it — to any extent that the unwritten laws of war permit.
There will be many men and many women on this island who when the ordeal comes upon them, as come it will, will feel comfort, and even a pride, that they are sharing the perils of our lads at the Front — soldiers, sailors and airmen, God bless all of them ~ Sir Winston Churchill ~ 1940.
Today, my own country, is nothing but a US lapdog, a global parasite, with the worst society of people we've ever experienced or seen before.
And man, ain't they all soon going to pay the ultimate price for it!
@andrewmellon5072 You think the USA would protect you? Then clearly, you really do not even understand British history, what a moron you really are.
If you had even the remotest of a clue what you're talking about, you'd be asking the OBVIOUS question, none of you uneducated fools even think about.
Don't any of you people we read here ever ask yourselves the obvious big questions? If you did, you'd all be horrified at what you'd see and learn!
For a start you'd all be questioning today, why (Britain), the country to have invented more than any other, and has invented more military hardware than any other, is one of many if not all European countries, without any sort or kind of anti-ballistic missile defence at all? Why is this you ever so bright people?
The reality is, that this country, the UK, (an Island nation), should easily be the best protected country on earth today. But are we?
Don't make me laugh, our defences for this country consist of a couple of Type 45 destroyers (that can't even shoot down unmanned aircraft or any modern missiles, let alone trying to defend against an ICBM attack).
We have NOTHING at all. And why could that really be? Could it be, because the USA would not allow us our own ability to defend our own airspace? Because that would mean we could simply lock down our airspace (if we ever needed or wanted too).
The truth is, the USA would not allow us our own ability to lock down and defend our own airspace, as it would mean we could also lock it down to the USA, and they would simply not allow that, this is not only our reality, but the reality of every European country, isn't that amazing?
You only need to think, who would it be, that either Russia or China would attack and destroy as a warning to the USA to back right off, (without needing to fire at the USA)? One of us in Europe, of course, idiots.
Europe is perfect for the USA, as we're simply their alarm clock, If any of us get struck and wiped out, the USA then knows they've gone too far, (a European country would be wiped out), then seeing the USA come to some kind of arrangement, agreement with whoever destroyed us, but far too late for any of us in Europe. We'll just be history.
And another FACT would be, if that happened?, what you'd more than likely see, would be the USA make it one of their public holidays every year, (to celebrate the day the USA fooled the European mugs, to commit suicide).
But read these superbly educated crop of people in Europe today? They all see some kind of GREAT ALLY? You couldn't make it up.
@andrewmellon5072 I really do think, and believe, that the Americans today, actually think that "American tyranny" over the world, would see all of them better off, and would see them on a level above the rest of us, or something just as self-righteous, cowardly and vile, this really is what these Americans think, today. It must be!
Showing us, they don't even understand what a tyrannical government is, or what it always does? As if they did, they'd all know, that actually, it's always the people living directly under a tyrannical government who are always the first to be suppressed, threatened, and subdued.
It's always the people living directly under a Tyrannical government, who are always the first to be dumbed down, and turned into nothing other than meaningless canon fodder, they're always the first crushed!
And as it happens, that's exactly what we're watching them all being turned into today! Isn't that ironic?
They have, easily, by far, the world's biggest idiot running their country, and he took over from the Orange man! Ffs!
They have, by far, the most divided, and easily, the most racist society (both ways) on earth today.
They all claimed for years, the reason they all needed "big bad guns", was just in case they ever got a "rogue government", (so they could all fight against it), remember all that hilarious outright rubbish?
Only the obvious truth is, they've always been a society of outright cowards, and they always have been cowards, as, once again, they've all quite beautifully proven this to the whole world (again), with once again, and as always, their own support of their own criminal government.
They've only had those "rogue governments" (they were all going to fight against) for at least the last 25 years, as each of them has only ever worked 100% against all of them, and only ever worked for their own interests, and for their military complexes, (and they've even destroyed those).
The Americans all cower away, and they don't dare stand up against any of it, (so much for those "big bad cowardly guns") they all claimed they needed?
Not one of them have been big enough, brave enough, or intelligent enough to stand up for all their own rights, let alone stand up for right, over wrong, the incredibly foolish, and uneducated cowards.
We see far weaker, and much poorer societies, all around the world today, who are only armed with sticks and stones, yet we see them all bravely taking on fully armed militaries, and their criminal governments, all fighting for their own rights.
While the extremely mouthy, yet cowardly shower of American weaklings and LGBT whingers, wouldn't dare.
Today we see millions of them, homeless and living on nothing but food stamps, and living in huge enormous tent cities, or millions more of them living out of your cars.
They have police forces who are all highly racially motivated, and who just gun them down (with it seems impunity) if they cause a problem.
Seriously, they're easily the most deluded society ever seen on earth before, plus they're easily the most cowardly society we've ever seen before, and they are, without question, the dumbest, and least educated society we've ever seen before.
They're, in all essence, completely f** today! And they've not even got anyone who would offer to do the right thing for them all. They're history, man!
@andrewmellon5072 Here, you 70-year-old, maybe you might remember this? LOL. Oh no, you're not that old, hahaha.
This is something I leaned many years ago, and It's something many British don't understand. Russia's viewpoint of history, what Russia has really watched, and seen going on throughout history?
It still makes me laugh, as it couldn't be more true! If you had a clue about our own history, you'd all know this, yet you don't, so you really should all shut up, as you're a problem today.
France takes Algeria from Turkey, and so what, that doesn't matter?. Almost every year, England annexes another Indian principality! None of this disturbs the balance of power in Europe, but when Russia occupies Moldavia and Wallachia, (albeit only temporarily), that disturbs the balance of power in Europe. LOL.
France occupies Rome, and stays there several years during peacetime, (while refusing to leave), that's just nothing? Yet Russia only thinks of occupying Constantinople, and the peace of Europe is threatened. LOL.
The English declare war on the Chinese, (who have, it seems, offended them), LOL, no one has the right to intervene, speak, or even ask a question! Yet, Russia is obliged to ask Europe for permission, if it quarrels with its neighbour. LMAO.
England threatens Greece, (to support the false claims of a miserable Jew), and burns the entire Greek fleet, and apparently, that is a lawful action? LMAO. Yet Russia demands a treaty (to protect millions of Christians), only that's deemed to strengthen Russia's position in the East, and of course, at the expense of the balance of power in Europe! LOL.
Russia can expect nothing from the West, but blind hatred, and malice! LOL. History is never, just black, and white, and the reality is, that so much British history can be explained by Britain's own paranoia of the Russian Empire. And so much Russian history, can be explained by Russia's own paranoia of the British Empire.
This is some "Old time" British propaganda, LOL.
This is something the propaganda swallowing dunces, we read today, will all love! LOL.
The "Dogs of War" are loose, and the rugged Russian Bear, all bent on blood and robbery, has crawled out of his lair. It seems a thrashing now and then, will never help to tame that brute, and so he's out upon the same old game.
The Lion did his best, to find him some excuse to crawl back to his den. All efforts were of no use, he hungered for his victim, he's pleased when blood is shed, but let us hope his crimes, may recoil on his head.
We don't want to fight, but by jingo if we do, we've got the ships, we've got the men, and got the money too! We've fought the Bear before, and while we're Britons, true, the Russians shall not have Constantinople.
The misdeeds of the Turks - have been spouted through all lands, but how about the Russians, can they show spotless hands?, they slaughtered well at Khiva, in Siberia, icy cold, how many subjects done to death, we'll never, perhaps, be told.
They butchered the Circassians, man, woman, yes, and child, with cruelties of their Generals, their murderous hours beguiled, and poor unhappy Poland, their cruel yoke must bear, while prayers for freedom and revenge, all go up into the air.
We don't want to fight, but by jingo if we do, we've got the ships, we've got the men, and got the money too! We've fought the Bear before, and while we're Britons, true, the Russians shall not have Constantinople.
May he who gain the quarrel, soon, have to bite the dust, the Turk should be thrice armed, for he hath his quarrel just, ’tis said that countless thousands should die through cruel war, but let us hope most fervently ere, that long it shall be over.
Let them be warned! Old England is brave. Old England is still, we've proved our might, we've claimed our right, and ever, ever will. Should we have to draw the sword, our way to victory, we'll forge with the Battle cry of the Britons, "Old England and St George!"
We don't want to fight, but by jingo if we do, we've got the ships, we've got the men, and got the money too! We've fought the Bear before, and while we're Britons, true, the Russians shall not have Constantinople. LMFAO.
@andrewmellon5072 How about this truth, old man? Is truth too much for you to comprehend, maybe? As clearly you're infected with western propaganda.
You see, unlike you, I did waste much of my youth achieving a Master's in comparative politics & economics, and a Bachelor’s in Anglo/American history, so as we've just read that hilariously dumb account of Putin being a tyrant, as we've all just read from you?
All I say is, can you imagine what would happen if you asked this question in the U.S.A.?
"Are we all living at the same time as two of the greatest leaders in human history?"
Because there is nobody else, (throughout modern history), whose ever taken a country that had collapsed from a leading global superpower, to a country on its knees, to a broken corrupted nightmare of a country.
Whose resources had been illegally sold off in corrupted CIA led auctions, whose economy had been smashed to pieces, and to the point, it saw some people close to starving to death!
To within 20 years, taking that country, improving that country, and leading that country, to once again, become a leading global power, with a society who've seen their country get everything right, and who all have so much hope again, today!
Nobody, from any time throughout modern history, has even got remotely close to achieving all that Putin has for Russia and the Russian people.
Well, almost nobody, because there is one other, and the Irony is, that Xi Jinping is the one other, as he's lifted, near on, a billion people, out of a life of absolute poverty, and into a life of prosperity!
Quite simply, there are no other leaders, of any other nation, in the world's entire history, who have ever done, or ever achieved anything like these two have, and there's not even anyone we could suggest comes a close third, to achieving what these two have.
And if anyone of you, we read here, thinks otherwise, then just name us this other leader, you must believe can claim more? Not difficult, right? Good, go on then, tell us? LOL
Yet the world's biggest gang of criminals, we have leading us all today, who are all just sold out Washington puppets, who have all willingly broken international law, and openly supported Na*ism, and have deliberately created much of the world's terrorism, we hear, all accusing both Putin and Xi Jinping of being corrupt? LOL.
Seriously, though, can such a grotesque claim, be met with anything other than infernal laughter?
And out of their endless accusations, against both Putin and Xi Jinping, there's not a single claim they've made, that they've ever proven, or even just partially proven! Understand, yet? Hilarious outright idiocy, idiocy on a scale of idiocy, never seen before.
This really is the level of intelligence we are talking about, man, there just is none!
@jf7078 Read your very own propaganda?
24 minutes ago
@hotstepper887 In fact, it weren't for OUR money and defense, oh AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS, y'all would've been turned into Lake Russia by now.
Reading you only shows you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, as is always the case with absolutely everything we read from you uneducated American people today.
So, please do tell all of us British, where the USA came up with her "military technology"?
You must think the US government just clicked its fingers, and all of a sudden all this modern military technology just fell from the sky? LOL, get an education.
The truth however is, the USA would be years behind the modern world, today, in technology terms, if not for Great Britain, yet none of you Americans know this fact, why not? Oh, because you've been taught propaganda, as if it's factual and real.
You all need to put down the propaganda you all get taught from birth, and learn all about the “Tizard mission” because that's where "your" military technology, actually came from. So, learn it.
The information, the technology, the know-how, and all the top-secret designs provided by the British, saw it subject to very carefully vetted secret security procedures, because it contained some of the greatest scientific advances, ever made.
The technology included, radar, including (the greatly improved, cavity magnetron) which American historian, James Phinney Baxter III, later called “the most valuable cargo ever brought to our shores”.
The design for the "proximity VT fuse" (a fuse that detonates an explosive device automatically when the distance to the target becomes smaller than a predetermined value).
Details and blueprints of Frank Whittle's jet engine, (the US has attempted to lie about, ever since, and even tried to steal to credit themselves), LOL.
The Frisch–Peierls memorandum, describing the feasibility of an atomic bomb, (without which, there would have been no nuclear bomb).
Those alone were an enormous leap forward in US technological abilities, and may be considered the most significant leap taken by the USA, (and all without thanks to British intuition and expertise), but we actually saw the opposite to any thanks, we saw them try to steal some of those inventions, to credit themselves.
The hypocrisy we read from you Americans today, like claiming China stole "your tech"? Not only is that erroneous claim nothing but outright rubbish, but the facts are, the USA have never had any "tech" for China to steal.
The USA was good at one thing, mass production, the ingenuity, the invention and brains, all come from the UK, and that still applies in many areas today.
Many other items were also transported including many various designs for rockets, newly improved superchargers, highly advanced gyroscopic gunsights, newly built submarine detection devices, self-sealing fuel tanks, plastic explosives, and many more British technologies.
That's the only reason you're not still many decades behind in this modern in technology terms, no other reason, only that!
It's extraordinary, what you've all been taught? Why do none of you know this? And what is this outright lie?
24 minutes ago
@hotstepper887 In fact, it weren't for OUR money and defense, oh AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS
Keep learning idiot, Britain also developed its own atom bomb (to avoid complete dependence on the United States), which was now refusing to share atomic information! (dirty cheating losers), as it was Britain that allowed them all their technical know-how, as well as the most important Frisch–Peierls memorandum, describing the feasibility of an atomic bomb, (without which the USA would never have had any nuclear bomb).
But British spies soon changed the reality of that, LOL. Get educated moron.
We read you people today, without a clue, that the British had been working on an A. Bomb long before the USA were even involved.
(Tube Alloys) was the code name of the research and development programme authorised by the United Kingdom before the Second World War.
The British efforts were kept classified, and as such had to be referred to by code, even within the highest circles of government.
This had been going on long before the Manhattan Project, and everything that was used to set up and start up the Manhattan Project, was British research, and British technical know how and understanding. Not American!
A secret cabinet committee discussed the question of a British bomb in October 1946, with Hugh Dalton and Stafford Cripps opposing a British bomb, on grounds of cost. Ernest Bevin, however, was determined. He famously said...
“We have got to have this thing over here whatever it costs… we’ve got to have the bloody Union Jack on top of it”.
He got his way, and the work went ahead. The decision was kept extremely quiet, and most cabinet ministers, apparently, did not know of it.
By the time the bomb was ready for testing, the second Churchill government was in power.
YouTube's search: Equinox - A very British bomb.
Stop making claims you can't back up with a single fact, but this is what every Brit should read, to understand the sickness of these people, today.
@jf7078 More education... The reality of WW2, was, the American people themselves protested in millions against supporting the British, many Americans wanted to support Germany, how many of you today, even know that?
The USA really believed Britain would be crushed by Germany, and they waited, and they waited, and they waited, for the Germans to defeat Britain.
They even put up with 1000s of tonnes of their own shipping (in the Atlantic gap), being sunk by German U Boats, killing thousands of American Merchant Seamen, yet still, Roosevelt refused to declare War on Germany!
And also, let's not forget, that Hitler had made his intention of global domination known in 1936, meaning, it was always going to be a world war.
The USA tried to suggest it was just another "European War", but were soon forced to change their minds, as soon as, and only because, they got attacked at Pearl Harbor.
Otherwise, the USA were doing nothing, and they'd refused to do anything, is more truth we see completely misunderstood today, yet the history is still there for anyone to look up.
How much longer it will be there, is unknown, as we watch so much history being rewritten today. Again, as anyone could see for themselves, you only need to look up anything about WW2, scroll down to Wikipedia, and you'll find the history was edited a day ago, or a week or fortnight ago, etc.
Yet obviously, there should never be a need to edit any part of history, unless of course, new information has come to light, but no new information has come to light, yet you can look up virtually anything about WW2, and it will be recently edited.
Then, when you read the edited parts, it's hilarious, outright rubbish, as is the history of Rus/Russia, for another example. Loom up the history of Rus, and it's all been edited ion the last 4 months!
The Americans arrived in WW2, after being forced to fight, (with the attack on Pearl Harbor), to help with the final assault in Europe.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the British declared war on Japan without a second thought, and they then fought Japan long before the USA did, (In the Battle of Hong Kong). But the USA, once again, still refused to declare war on Germany (who were Japan's ally).
And that actually speaks volumes about the USA. It really says it all. They all really believed, and they really thought the British would be crushed by Na*i Germany, so they waited, and they waited, and they waited for Germany to defeat Britain.
Roosevelt, refused Britain the use of 50 old, half sinking, rotting, wooden, WW1 destroyers that were just left rotting away in US waters, as Roosevelt had an election coming up, (and he knew it would not be welcomed by the American people).
What does that actually show us? We needed them to patch up, for the protection of our convoys, convoys that were carrying the kids, (our parents and grandparents), from the Island before the Blitz!
Roosevelt only agreed to allow Britain the use of those 50 rotting useless wooden destroyers, after the UK agreed to give up all of her military bases across the world, (and lease them all to the USA for 100 years).
Some great ally, right? And just look what they've done with those military bases since?
By the end of 1941, Britain had survived Dunkirk.
Britain had survived the blitz.
Britain had beaten Germany in the Battle of Britain, (Inflicting Hitler's first defeat, and his first airborne defeat).
Britain, and the Aussies, had held Tobruk, and forced Rommel all the way back to El Agheila, where he came from. (Inflicting Hitler's second defeat, his first land defeat). Britain (with tremendous support from Canada), had overcome the German U-Boats in the North Atlantic, and was receiving her needed cargo again, (Inflicting Hitler's third defeat, and first Naval defeat).
While over on the other front, (a front only opened by Hitler, because he could not defeat the British), the Soviets at massive manpower loss, had turned Germany around (in the battle of Moscow), and were now forcing them back to Berlin and their demise.
That's also the point of WW2, where every historian agrees, and says, Germany could no longer win the War.
That was all before the end of 1941. When did the American arrive? Exactly!
Britain had also been successfully destroying many German resources, their weapons factories, their submarine infrastructures, their chemical plants, right across Europe, in country after country. And most importantly, they'd been destroying all the oil refineries Germany were going to need if they were going to achieve their ambitions of global control/tyranny.
Britain were also fighting in Greece, in Egypt, in Burma, in Singapore, (our heaviest military defeat), and many other countries around the world.
Sure, they had some hard times. Sure, they lost a few battles. But they won far more! Britain were never beaten, or even close to being beaten, in WW2.
The closest Britain came to defeat in WW2, was right at the start, in Dunkirk. Surely, the whole world knows this?
So just where these propaganda accounts we read from most of you Americans, like how we endlessly read you all claiming that the USA saved Britain and Europe in WW2, nobody knows?
When the USA arrived in WW2, both Britain and the Soviets were winning the war, the USA saved us from nothing.
Take your uneducated thoughts on mankind's most brutal and murderous war in history, and keep them top yourself, you're trying to claim credit for things you never did!