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The Rational National
Comments by "DynamicWorlds" (@dynamicworlds1) on "The Rational National" channel.
This is attemped murder and all the cops covering for the criminal are accessories/accomplices. Edit: oh, and btw, if the driver was not a cop, it's also state-sponsored terrorism.
Feudalism supposedly ended centuries ago. Stop thinking like serfs!
So they fired a guy for criticizing ethno-nationalism, but get called left wing? And we're supposed to take the right seriously?
Right wingers gonna right wing There were signs all around. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened no matter how much his fanboys wanted to pretend otherwise.
Can we also notice how he basically pulled a "I'll buy you a pony" with her? Can we please get someone checking in on his behavior around little girls while we're at it, because that's incredibly suspicious.
Fascist get so much special and preferential legal treatment it's not even funny.
@rm4po4 probably too optimistic, but we're short on hope so I won't blame you for it.
I'd like to point out that in the last couple years, the FBI stopped tracking statistics for right-wing domestic terrorism. Just let that sink in.
These talking heads: "no, YOUR world is literally ending. This isn't going to affect me much at all, so stop bothering me about it. How dare you rudely inconvenience me with your desire for a livable planet!?"
That's what happens when you're on the right side of things for decades. Why doesn't she have a catalogue of clips like that, since she's "been doing thisnfor 30 years"? Sorry, rhetorical question.
I appriciate the open-mindedness. If I may take a moment to try and convince you a bit more solidly; his "Universal" Basic Income is paid for (not even completely) with a regressive VAT tax, which will fall mostly on the poor, and, since you have to choose between the "UBI" and other assistance programs...well that leaves the poorest completely fucked, the rich $12k/year richer, and those in the middle exactly where they were. (And we haven't even talked about what it would do to housing prices) More: We will likely need some form of UBI in the future (especially if we're not going real, post-capitalism socialiam), but not Yang's, and using a jobs guarentee to do all the work needed to fight climate change and rebuild our infrastructure (which Bernie's plan does) will set back the deadline for the automation issue a good decade at least (and we need housing as a human right before a UBI anyway) so step 1 appears to need to be Bernie's platform.
@wakemiamigreatagain most Palestinians weren't even born when there was last an election
That moment when the Pope schools you on a matter of science.
Ben's closet is about as transparent as that flute.
True (also, the FBI should be investigating her anyway for obvious evidence of criminal misconduct)
Not to mention helping to level the playing field slightly between big and small businesses, which is an immeasurable boon to the economy.
Yeah well...we have the most powerful military and a whole bunch of nukes. We need to fix these problems pronto before we get full-out fascism taking over and dropping the pretenses.
@tinahorn3671 cheap wine??? No, we'll celebrate dragging them out of their bunkers to face justice with their wine.
Fascists do not give a single, solitary fuck if what they are saying is true.
She gets better every time I see her speak. If she keeps this up she'll be amazing at 35.
@wayneshilcock3027 Musk alone pretty openly engaged in market manipulation for this currency in question, so you're obviously wrong.
It's not the Earth. It's the rich fucks willing to exterminate humanity if it means they can die on a pile of gold. They must be stopped by ANY means necessary.
@zerefdragneel2289 tackling climate change and rebuilding our infrastructure will take care of your concern about a jobs guarentee for at least a decade. There is a lot of work that needs doing because we need to mobilize in a way we haven't done since WW2. Luckily it won't need a draft or sending people off to kill and die and all the work will go into useful things instead of bombs and tanks. Once that problem is dealt with, we can decide how we want to tackle the automation problem.
@jth4242 you're almost getting it: no country is allowed to do jen o cide in the name of self-defense.
It's not that he doesn't know. He simply does not care if anything he's saying is true or not.
Reminds me of when an account/group that was documenting abuse and illegal activity by police was shut down to try and appear "neutral" when also taking down some fascist hate groups. The compulsion to appear neutral when it comes to fascists is really telling of any person or organization.
The 1st debates pretty clearly showed, to anyone able to read between the lines and notice favorable treatment, that Warren is the establishment's real intended candidate in this race. Biden and the other chaff are just the opener. They want another faux progressive to defeat Bernie and either loose to Trump ("proving" that progressivism can't defeat Trump and his reactionary ilk) or win and become an Obama 2.0, "fighting" the GOP and just "having to compromise" all the way to their position on most issues while they slide further right. Warren herself has only shown a real interest in change in-so-far as it keeps the current status-quo from destroying itself. Dispite her rhetoric, that doesn't make her a progressive. That makes her a liberal conservative, and mildly right wing. How well did Obama work out last time? Normalizing most of the bad things from the previous administration, dirrecting the energy of the left down dead-end alleys to stab us in the back, and give us a bad name, paving the way for a yet more extreme right wing demogogue than the one he replaced. #HindsightIs2020 #Bernie2020 Accept no substitutes
@WhyNotTruth you just going to spam those quotes you don't understand on every comment?
They are protesting complacent moderates like YOU who care more about how they made their statement than anything else. You are entirely missing the point to avoid self-reflection.
Yeah, Biden, if you want to know what "being the next FDR" would look like, just look at Bernie, you bigoted right-wing warcriminal. The even worse part: if we didn't have Covid and the BLM protests hit the same year, not only would we not have Bernie, but we would have a second Trump term, because Biden was on track to loose to him before Trump's poor decisions exploded on all of us because all that BS about the "moderate" being more electable was a lie
No, she doesn't. Psychopaths are way overrepresented in the positions of CEO and politician.
Lead the way with courage my northern neighbors. We'll join you as soon as we restore democracy to our government to displace the oligarchy. Apologies for not being able to do more to support you with the mess the boomers put between us and any actual action.
Yup. He knows better, but he's unwilling to apply the same logic to trans people.
There is a difference between being a corporatist and being a fascist, but Greenspan does a good job showing how blurred that distinction is.
-says the person who won't even by on the ship when it starts sinking Seriously, it's just that they don't actually give a fuck about the victims and know that it's not going to significantly affect THEM so they're just irritated that they're being reminded of the problem and inconvenienced.
Also, WallStreet is starting to look favorably on Warren. What does that tell you when the thing she was mainly liked by the left for was banking regulation?
@chrisraczak6931 ignoring the party flip, as your side always does because you can't own up to where your ideology leads, because then no reasonable person would tolerate it.
At her heart, Warren is a right-leaning moderate who is interested only in the reforms she thinks are needed to keep the current established power structures from destroying themselves, not in changing the status quo. There's a term for that: Moderate/liberal conservative...and for a former Republican, that makes sense. She only appears progressive because the US political Overton Window is filled with radical conservatives and reactionaries.
The same reasons any working class person votes Republican: Bigotry overriding self interest and/or being hopelessly misinformed
Remember when he was actually a good journalist? Peppridge Farm remembers.
More accurately, the people who would vote for Biden over Trump, but Trump over Bernie are not at all disenfranchised, no matter how much they whine.
@xmobile. and let's not forget his "Universal" Basic Income is paid for with a regressive VAT tax, which will fall mostly on the poor, and, since you have to choose between the "UBI" and other assistance programs...well that leaves the poorest completely fucked, the rich $12k/year richer, and those in the middle exactly where they were. Fuck! That! Shit! (And we haven't even talked about what it would do to housing prices)
@emilianorosales235 ah, I see your mistake. No, they're pro-punnishing women for sex. Not the same thing.
I mean...just look at how cookie-cutter Faux News makes all its women look and act to see the political divide there. You want women who are allowed to be people and actually express themselves. Fascists want them to be objects for men.
Bernie should have considered that the cheating freed him from his promise, but he's literally honorable to a fault.
There's not a pattern of behavior THAT WE KNOW OF....yet
And would pave the way for a right wing demogogue more extreme and less competant than Trump and whoops, there goes 12-16 years when we only have a decade to take drastic action on climate change. Younger generations simply can't afford the time Biden would take from us.
It used to be common among many Western Christians too with that whole "brotherhood of man" outlook. Not as much talk like that since the rise of "prosperity gospel" theology, it seems, if I may gesture towards a correlation.
And let's not forget that a VAT tax is regressive, or that it would just raise housing costs if done without massive reform there, meaning if you're poor enough to have to choose between Yang's "Universal" Basic Income and other assistance programs, you get fucked!