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Thom Hartmann Program
Comments by "StunnedByStupidity" (@StunnedByStupidity) on "James Gilligan: "Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others"" video.
@ggadguy Dear me you have bought into corporate propaganda (and are thus fucking EVERYONE up). This wasn't happening from around 1945-1975 THE GOLDEN AGE OF AMERICA. It has only happened since CORPORATE AMERICA corrupted government - get a clue man...
@StunnedByStupidity People ARE NOT LIKE LIBERTARIANS THINK THEY ARE - in fact just the opposite. Markets DO NOT HAVE INVISIBLE HANDS. Money DOES NOT LEAD TO HAPPINESS - above a VERY low level. The world is FINITE and we are ALREADY way over exploitation possibilities - creating THE BIGGEST MASS EXTINCTION FOR AT LEAST 56 MILLION YEARS. Rewarding mental work with money leads to WORSE OUT COMES. States using libertarian 'free market' ideas to get out of the crisis are doing WORSE than
@ggadguy I just shake my head at you people. Capitalism ALWAYS leads to corruption. Because it ALWAYS leads to wealth and power concentration. The ONLY way to control it is to have the people control it by DEMOCRACY. If you dont it will control government by fascism. WHICH IS (though obviously not in those words) WHAT ARISTOTLE WAS SAYING. See the capitalists try to distribute wealth and power UPWARDS and the people want to distribute it DOWNWARDS! And NOBODY ON THE PLANET wants a 'free market'
@ggadguy So Ron Paul is RIGHT WING - and his ideology will fuck up EVERYONE. NOW BIGOT - I pointed out ALL that stuff and you addressed NONE of it (BECAUSE YOU ARE A BIGOT). So we'll briefly return (and yes we WILL work our way through it till that TINY brain of yours WAKES THE FUCK UP) to it, now,where did the middle class came from and what did the progressive era follow AND WHY? Go, on you knock yourself TRYING out to avoid these FACTS!
@ggadguy Yeah thought you'd run off (confronting your bigotry too hard eh?). Will leave you with this: 'Chomsky refutes "libertarian" "anarcho"- capitalism ' on youtube
@StunnedByStupidity those using Kenesian ideas. The stagnation in the middle and working class pay over the last 30 FUCKING YEARS is because of free market cut taxes, liberation of the markets ideas! Development has NEVER occurred by following free markets. Free markets forced on the third world has led to WORSE outcomes that pre free market ideas. THE STOCK MARKET CRASH just occurred BECAUSE OF FREE MARKETS. And I can go ON AND ON AND ON - But like I said NONE of this matters because you lot a
@StunnedByStupidity unrestricted immigration. Meaning you will then be forced to compete with the Chinese - doing EXACLY THE SAME JOB YOU do but who are used to being paid 1/10th or Indians 1/50th. GOOD BYE LIFESTYLE. It will mean unsafe food (as has just been witnessed by the turkey deaths). Poisoned water supply. Child labor. Prisoners used a cheap labour - AGAIN destroying your lifestyle. NO UNIONISATION - THE bedrock of workers rights and safety. Dangerous working environments.
@StunnedByStupidity RIGHT WING. But he is EXTREMIST in this in that just about EVERYTHING government does that helps THE PEOPLE rather than corporations and capitalism is to be abandoned! what you are talking about is SOCIALLY. And libertarians are indeed more left leaning here. But this would mean fuck all if you lose you HARD WON LIFESTYLES! And again I am loath to explain but free markets will fuck up EVERYTHING. GET A FUCKING CLUE. Free markets will destroy minimum wages, it allows
@StunnedByStupidity BTW anyone else reading this - this MORON is getting American RIGHT WING libertarianism confused with THE REST OF THE WORLD libertarianism - which is LEFT WING and NOT free market. And were we to follow him, we'd ALL BE FUCKED! This is CLEARLY expressed IN THE ARTICLE HE CLAIMED I DIDN'T READ BUT WHICH IN FACT HE DIDN'T READ! But that's the right wing for you STUNNINGLY stupid and bigoted...
@StunnedByStupidity Polluted air. The COMPLETE ABANDONMENT on international agreements to tackle global warming. The MASSIVE concentration of wealth - destroying democracy and leading to fascism. The rise in private armies - UNCONTROLLED BY THE PEOPLE. The MASSIVE market volatility that occurs by short term speculation. The complete fuck up in handling the transition to a post oil world (this may well be too late already)
@ggadguy Ok, am wasting my time on an idiot - PLEASE FUCK OFF...
@ggadguy SCANDINAVIAN - WAKE THE FUCK UP and get a fucking clue . Ron Paul is a FAR RIGHT extremist lunatic. He believes in the Austrian school of economics a school which BY ITS OWN ADMISSION doesn't do facts or reality. Its a fantasy like ALL right wing doctrine. You can spare me the erroneous assumption I don't understand what I'm taking about the problem is YOU don't NOT me...
@ggadguy Disn't I tell you to fuck of?? And a debate isn't one side (mine) providing a whole raft of explanations and refutations and the other side, neither understanding the debate nor offering ANY EVIDENCE WHAT SO EVER about the outcomes of their ideology... That's called an intelligent person arguing with an ignorant bigot and the bigot getting uppity cos the intelligent person is getting pissed off with its stupidity... LEFT LIBERTARIANS favour INCOME REDISTRIBUTION RON PAUL DOES NOT MORON!
@ggadguy You aint gona let it go are you? Look for me to take you by the hand though it will take around an hour - and my experience of conservatives is it is a waste of my time - they are too bigoted to face reality. Right wing favours the elite over the interests of the middle and working class. It supports them screwing over everyone else. Free markets do EXACTLY this. Paul admits to hating the new deal. The system THAT CREATED and SUSTAINS the middle and working class. THAT MAKES HIM
@ggadguy Yeah government CORRUPTED BY CAPITALISM. Am fed up of hearing stupid libertarians spout their stupidity...The billionaires think you're a moron - you are supposed to prove them wrong.... Sheez...
@ggadguy They are talking past each other. The kid stood up is a 'libertarian' and Moore is a social democrat. 'True capitalism' is a fantasy which has not only never existed but WHICH NO ONE ON THE PLANET WOULD WANT (which is Hartmann's view)! Libertatarins are children who are so stupid and gullible that I wouldn't be surprised if they still believe in the tooth fairy and Santa. Their ideology is stunningly simplistic, anti science and reality and HAS BEEN SHOWN TO BE WRONG - over and over!
@StunnedByStupidity If you earn a wage or have the slightest bit of social conscience WHAT YOU WANT IS SOCIALISM. And if you are a good right winger you will recoil at that statement. If you are informed however you will join the 92% of ALL Americans that are that way inclined...