Comments by "" (@kallachi729) on "Modi redefined secularism with Ram Mandir as Hindu voters were fed up of Sonia-Left version" video.

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  5. Kerrie the mystery chose.... secularism Also found in: Thesaurus, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. sec·u·lar·ism (sĕk′yə-lə-rĭz′əm) n. 1. Religious skepticism or indifference. 2. The view that religious considerations should be excluded from civil affairs or public education. sec′u·lar·ist n. sec′u·lar·is′tic adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. secularism (ˈsɛkjʊləˌrɪzəm) n 1. (Philosophy) philosophy a doctrine that rejects religion, esp in ethics 2. the attitude that religion should have no place in civil affairs 3. the state of being secular ˈsecularist n, adj ˌsecularˈistic adj secular (ˈsɛkjʊlə) adj 1. of or relating to worldly as opposed to sacred things; temporal 2. not concerned with or related to religion 3. not within the control of the Church 4. (Education) (of an education, etc) a. having no particular religious affinities b. not including compulsory religious studies or services 5. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (of clerics) not bound by religious vows to a monastic or other order 6. occurring or appearing once in an age or century 7. lasting for a long time 8. (Astronomy) astronomy occurring slowly over a long period of time: the secular perturbation of a planet's orbit. n 9. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a member of the secular clergy 10. another word for layman