Comments by "Awesome Avenger" (@awesomeavenger2810) on "Owen Jones meets Theo Padnos | 'Western hawks are responsible for my Syria torture'" video.

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  8. Danny Walker My point was, that even if the whole population of Qatar are not all millionaires, the problem there is certainly not one of poverty. The same is true of Saudi Arabia. In fact, poverty does not figure in the reasons why individuals in the west join and fight for Islamist groups. It cannot be because of injustice either. Altho that certainly helps to bring about discontent. And, as in Syria, discontent is the ideal breeding ground for Islamic fascism. So the problem must be one of ideology. And we know where that ideology comes from. And it has nothing to do with the west. Quite the opposite. After all, you don't blow yourself up in the middle of a crowded Afghan marketplace unless you truly believe you will end up sitting at the right hand of mohammed. The reality is, that elites in the middle east and among other Islamic regions fear the power of islam as much as the west does. If not more. Grievance against the west is a strong recruiting tool. And useful too. Because many Arab governments spend a lot of effort on channelling discount away from them. And towards the west and Israel. Then we have the Useful Idiots at home. The ones like this Theo Padnos. Who do their best to convince muslims in the west that they are desperately oppressed. And that the Islamic worlds problems can all be laid at the feet of the west. Or Israel. I think I'm right in saying that Theo Padnos is a convert to Islam. So of course, he couldn't possibly lay the blame where blame lies. And Owen Jones, a keen supporter of any anti-western grievance, isn't about to ask him any difficult questions.    
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