Comments by "SCBotanicals" (@SCBotanicals) on "Israeli settlers attack occupied West Bank towns" video.

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  8. The Land cannot be sold in perpetuity” says the Torah , “for the Land is Mine, and you are residents and sojourners with Me.” The Land belongs to G-d, and we are no more than His tenants upon it. Certainly according to the Torah G-d has promised us the land as an eternal inheritance, but the Almighty has not vouchsafed us ownership. We dwell on the land at His pleasure, always on condition. when he said that we belong to the land: We are servants of its moral demands. Divine morality is personified as the moral conscience of the land. Living on the land is not a right but a privilege, and it carries with it certain obligations. These obligations are many, but the one most oft repeated by the Torah is not to mistreat the sojourner, for you know what it is like to be a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. We are G-d’s sojourners on the land, and the Palestinians are our sojourners. They are our litmus test. Our treatment towards them will show if we truly understand who we are and what our status on the land is in G-d’s eyes. The Book of Deuteronomy warns us of the mindset of “my power and my might have gotten me all this wealth”. Power corrupts. For the first time in 2000 years the Jewish People have real political and military power, and I fear that it has gone to our head. Worse still, it has corrupted our religious ideology. We act as if G-d’s promise of the land is equivalent to absolute ownership and as if absolute ownership allows us to trample the rights and the dignity of the indigenous Palestinians. We behave as if the Land is ours and as if the Palestinians are therefore ours to do with them as we please. It is not and they are not.
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