Comments by "" (@zeberdee1972) on "Shocking: When VETERANS Turn AGAINST the British Public!" video.
Tim I hear you and you are 100% right , for some reason this Country is losing it's pride and love of this great Country and it's People . I blame Globalist politics and lets face it Labour , Conservative and the other smaller parties such as the green party lib dem are all Globalists . They don't like any body that shows some pride and love for this Country , they label people with tags that are degrading like " Far Right " , " little Englander " and of cause the oldie but a goldie " Racist " . Terms they use to silence and degrade us , well it does not work any more as people have had enough . Those that managed to travel down to London to the Cenotaph as I would imagine there were many more that couldn't make it for one reason or another , but those that did were showing support for the one weekend in a year were we honour those that gave the ultimate sacrifice , the ones that died fighting evil and oppression so we can enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy today . It seems there are people in this Country that have lost sight of that , they should be reminded . And another thing main stream media again spreading lies about what happened that day , you really dropped the ball on this one as I would have thought that more people were actually watching all this on live streams than the actual TV . People know what you have written and said was a lie and again trying to rubbish the British Public , you in the media should hold your heads in shame .