Comments by "OllamhDrab" (@OllamhDrab) on "What Worries Japanese Girls about Dating Western Guys (Interview)" video.
Especially in America, it's pretty overbearing and conformist and aggressive. And tends to be about calling everyone else not 'good.' I'm an American gal and there's kind of a lot to avoid, there, even if they aren't very devout and claim to be tolerant of other beliefs or whatnot at first, the pressure about 'You were kind of exotic and funky, but now that I'm here you can cut out all that interesting stuff and 'just be normal,' ...not just about if you're of a minority religion, but a lot of things.
I just don't even date monotheists, just cause sooner or later the bloom goes off yer 'exoticness' and they just want subservience and conformity to their thing, to one degree or another, in my experience. Sooner or later it seems the 'my religion is bigger than yours' card just gets too convenient to play. (I'm a Western Pagan, which actually has a lot in common with Shinto in many respects, just lots less formality, and obviously different Gods, which isn't an uncomfortable idea to me. But I'd be comfortable, belief-wise about praying at shrines, and meaning it, even, cause that seems only polite if nothing else. :) ) Monotheism is generally based on the idea 'everyone else is wrong, cause by our standards someone has to be.'
So there's kind of a lot to be worried about there, not to try and start a theological debate, but just relationshipwise. Obviously in Japan, Japanese people wouldn't be outnumbered, but it's not the done thing to be strident about their religious beliefs, in general. So, do they want to set themselves up for that kind of conflict, especially if they were giving up a fair amount of independence to do so?
If you look at a lot of the boys commenting in threads like this, there's a lot of talk or implication that 'Feminists' ruined everything here cause women don't want to 'stay in their traditional place' here, but hope some Japanese girl might fit that fantasy... But it's a fantasy that was even actually tried over here in postwar booms but fell apart even before the economics made it less and less possible to do even if you wanted to by like 1970, ...Christian preachers blame 'sin' ...and people not obeying Christian men enough, for what the economy's like even if you wanted to be a single-income household with a housewife, but for most people in the world that's just not so viable. Would you really want to be set up as the scapegoat for that?
So that's kind of the hard part. Abrahamic monotheisms just haven't got much of a reputation for playing well with others, and it's not getting any better lately. I would be worried, yes, and I'm from a country where you can't help but hear every darn thing about that religion, and even kinda have to worry about it cause they got political power and are always trying to use it to get in your personal life. Imagine if it's fully foreign, regardless of the sales pitch. If that maybe helps with your question.