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Beau R
Hindustan Times
Comments by "Beau R" (@beaur252) on "Russia vows to crush Zelensky's NATO dreams after bloc chief visits Kyiv | 'Won't Let Ukraine...'" video.
:face-green-smiling::face-green-smiling: Oh....So Russia isn't "serious" yet! Thats why they are losing! Now I understand. ha ha ha.:face-green-smiling:
They arent USING the weapons and weapons don't shoot all by themselves.
So are police officers when dealing with criminals... They have to be. No choice.
@Slowv8Fiero They must of picked up the one the jet accidentally dropped two weeks ago when following the recon plane from UK. Maybe it landed in some soft mud and didnt detonate, so they picked it up and re-used it. :face-purple-crying:
@nuckinfutz1270 Ha ha ha. Im not surprised.
@f-35lightningii6 Americans 58000 dead. Vietcong dead. 1.1 MILLION. Loss.:face-green-smiling::face-purple-crying::text-green-game-over:
According to Putin, over a year ago, he said the war would be over in a week.:face-green-smiling:
Sure they will. As soon as the "war" with Russia is over. Nato does not take in nations currently at war. Its in the rules. Will take a while yet, but Ukraine will get there.
Or have hundreds of thousands of men lost, and trillions of dollars in equipment go up in smoke, so they can hold 20 to 25% of Ukraine temporarily. :face-green-smiling:
Uh, no. They are sure of it. Its the comical Hindu channel that has no clue in delivering the news. NO COUNTRIES that are in a war or conflict are permitted to become nato members... If they did, every country in the world would wait until they were at war, then want to join just to have nato help them with nato forces. So the rule makes perfect sense.
Win the war in a week? Use nukes if weapons are delivered about 75 times now? What did he do about finland joining nato? What he do about Nordstream? Hes a clownshow mini fugitive. Use that information as you wish. :face-green-smiling:
NObody changed anything. THe answer was no. THe answer is no. And the answer will remain no until at the least, the war ends. Its nato rules. Nations cant come whining to join after they get themselves into trouble and war, just so nato can get them out.
They were international ,fugitives. Guess who else is?.... Hint... Its not Zelinsky.....:face-green-smiling:
You forgot, the Russian Ruble is now worth 1/85th of one US dollar... :face-purple-crying: In the USA that will buy you a tenth of a drop of water.:face-green-smiling:
I agree. Soon he will be in the Hague prison.
But Russia voluntarily attacked Ukraine. lol. USA didnt tell them to do it.
There are only 5 members of brics.
US would stop it. Because they have the power to do so. Russia didnt learn their lesson last time they were doing the same things, and their country ended up falling apart into 15 pieces. Does anyone seriously think this is going to work out any better for them? lol. Seriously?:face-green-smiling: In a war they dont belong in, messing around with Cuba, and being sanctioned to death by the international community... EXACTLY the things that were going on that destroyed them in the 90's. Look at the rubles worth for more evidence of what Im saying. ha ha ha. Some dumb azzes just never learn!:face-green-smiling:
@paulbrou6723 Been hearing that for 8 months now, every day. :face-green-smiling::face-green-smiling:
@jamesgreen1116 Russia occupies between 20-25% of the country. After 14 months. And have made no real net gains in over a year. Werent even able to take one city for 8 months. ha ha ha. Yeah, I would call that losing. It was supposed to be over in a week according to the little fugitive. ha ha.
@knutvreb6506 Couldnt care less. Just saying I understand what their intention of what they stated was. I was intelligent enough to figure it out. Frankly I dont care if they give weapons, or march straight into Moscow tomorrow. Russia isnt going to stop it anyway.
@davidchatora8275 The problem is, Russias government is so corrupt that nobody likes or trusts them. Its not just a "nato" thing. Only 31 nations are in nato. There are 195 nations in the world...Yet very very few perhaps even none of them, have very close ties with Russia. Nobody likes or trusts them. Its not a two way street...Nato and RUssia having differences.... The problem is RUSSIA.
Thats odd. Ive seen nobody say that. US is sitting back eating popcorn, laughing at Russia getting b*tchslapped by Ukraine.
Good point. They arent. Could you imagine the asswhoopin Russia would have if they actually were, when they can't even beat Ukraine? With 3rd rate weapons and none of the "good" stuff? ha ha. Russias a joke.
@rosieroblox4874 ha ha ha hah a.:face-green-smiling: The notion of a country that can fight Ukraine and almost not lose is just so terrifying to them all!:face-green-smiling:
To keep winning? Why Putin whine about giving weapons every single time, and threatening "nukes" ha ha? Why putin begging constantly for peace talks? ha ha ha.
@nuckinfutz1270 Oh im terrified. Let me go run hide behind the couch now.:face-green-smiling: Still not as terrified as Putin. He has to worry about his own people killing him. Others putting a hit on him. Getting hauled off to the Hague. Etc. That poor dude will sleep the rest of his life with one eye open. ha ha.
Thats funny, I cant think of once. Unless you want to claim ww2, where USA saved Russia from totally being destroyed, and permitted Russia to symbolically march into Berlin... ha ha ha.:face-green-smiling: They lost in ww1. They lost to the french. They lost to Japan. They got DESTROYED In ww2, until USA mercifully saved them after over 20 million Russians were dispatched by Hitlers forces. And they lost the "cold war" very badly.... Fell into FIFTEEN pieces. And it could be argued that they lost in afghanistan to goat herders. Where Russia killed tons of people, but mostly civilians with random bombings. Hope that clears up your confusion. Mother Russia is a clownshow. ha ha.
His word is worth less than a Russian Ruble. :face-green-smiling:
If Russia has simply learned how to get along with the rest of the world, they wouldnt have to worry about others "setting up shop" as there would be no threat. And they wouldnt need to in the first place. Same with China. USA has TONS of friends worldwide. Most dont care if they have bases nearby because they have nothing to fear from them and they know it.
Better save those shovels. Get as many as you can and sell them. A loaf of bread will be costing you about 7 million rubles soon.
WHy would they do that? Ukraine is doing just fine...and its their country. They should be happy to get all the help that they are already getting, because nobody "owes" them a thing. USA has to keep their eye on the clownshow over in China. They may be the next to be put in their place.
Soon, the only ones in Europe not nato member will be Russia. ha ha. Oh well....The 5 members of brics can get together if they feel lonely... IF they can stand looking at each other. ha ha.