Comments by "Angela Christle" (@angelachristle2116) on "Static CamperVan" channel.

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  5. 💜 i’m not real sure how to respond to all of this. There were so much in this video. I feel like I should be saying something so profound but you kind of had that figured out when you were a young boy. To even have thought about being able to bring that up to an adult in your youth is pretty profound. I understand it deeply. there’s always this tendency to compare each of us to one another, especially in our younger years. I actually remember getting to college and the world changed for me. I no longer cared about what anybody thought about me. I didn’t care to try to fit in I didn’t care to try to be like everybody else and I am braced being different. and different isn’t bad is unique. And you are unique. And that’s why you have so many followers on your shell because you are so different than what we are used to out here. You have such a consistent vibe that draws in people and attracts people. It is so comforting to join you out here in this manner where you share what you want to share with us. So I can say, I see you… And I do I see you here where you share with us. I am glad you are who you are. Yes, it is human nature to want to say things like oh you remind me of so-and-so or so-and-so. And I agree with you. I don’t think this is meant as anything to offend you. I think it is something that is meant to, just strike up a conversation and it may have some people fall into that trap of thinking you are someone other than who you are. Seems to me that you don’t let this take you down and that you were comfortable with who you are. My best friend still falls into, the comparison game where she feels like she compares herself with everybody else and she tries to break away from that. I ended that part of me many many many years ago. I am grateful for all that makes me who I am. As far as Hollywood and or Holly weird… I can kind of understand that as well being the person that grew up around that, and seeing the part of that that the rest of us don’t see. But I’d like to think that the people who go that route in their life or also people who are just trying to attain their dreams, and something they love and express themselves in that manner. I don’t think it’s all that weird. I just think what Hollywood can do to people can be very traumatic to the people who are going through potentially and for those of us who watch it and think that all of those actors and actress, actresses and producers etc. etc. in entertainment have it all together and have the best life ever is really not real. It’s all fade. So, wow, I just took up a lot of space here. I am dictating as well so I am sorry if it’s all over the place. But I just wanted to say I really appreciate this video and I think so many of us are going to be responding to you in such a manner that we understand where you’re coming from and and we appreciate you for you. please keep your videos coming out. They really allow us to get to know you better. And we get to see so many places that you share with us that are so beautiful. Like I said, your vibe is very relaxing, mellow and comforting. In this day and age that’s a really hard thing for us to find in this world so if we can keep living vicariously through someone like you, we embrace that. Thank you so much! This was a pretty RAW video… And now, I’m just rambling I suppose… Take care be well and stay with us!💜
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  21. 💜 I appreciate you! So happy that I had finally seen one of your videos and it only took me one to know I needed to follow you. As I and many have said before your vibe is very calm and it relaxes us. And your sense of humor is perfect. Yes, people need to watch your videos fully to appreciate who you are. And the other thing I’m not sure why people assign Health conditions and disabling conditions to people out here in this virtual world anyway. Because, even if you had any of those issues or concerns, it doesn’t matter. I think maybe some people are just concerned about you when you say that you’ve got some health stuff going on. But I assume most of us can say we have health stuff going on. Speaking of that I Had some significant life changes that started last spring and because of them my life has definitely been a little topsy-turvy for the last several months. I was grateful to find you because listening to your videos and watching your videos has been such a comfort for me. So, thank you for that. Thank you for being you. Keep being who you are. Never feel like you need to explain yourself to any of us out here. Just live your life and find the joy. We will continue to support you because we like you. We appreciate you. Take care and may you have the happiest of years in this one to come… I wish that for all of your viewers as well. And, just reminding every everybody to get out there and watch Scott’s videos, he will appreciate each one of the and, don’t forget to like them and interact with other viewers… It’s good to get to know all of you out here as well. m… I know I am grateful for this life. And even in the harder times, I still see the light and keep moving forward. In this new year, let’s keep having personal growth and living as fully as we can. No matter what, I find the joy in every single day. And for what it’s worth, Scott, if you feel like you need to improve being on camera you do whatever it is that you need to do to make you feel more at ease with that. From my perspective, I think you’re doing just fine and those of us who are watching your videos fully do see You for who you are. So happy that you’ve been able to spend lots of time with your friends over the year and wishing that for your new year as well. Now I’ve gone on and on and on… So I’m going to stop… Take care 😁
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