Comments by "" (@rstevewarmorycom) on "China's Ionic Smog-Sucking Vacuum: Upgrade" video.
Robert Zraick Retooling and reinfrastructure costs. If we were buying our energy supply now, we would buy solar and wind for local use close to home. The current cost of wind is actually cheaper than coal and solar cheaper than gas and nuclear. We would not have to pay for the grid, the millions of tons of wire, the steel towers and transformer cores, the trillions of dollars for nuclear reactors, mining, processing and clean up, the coal fired generators, the mines and mining equipment, the trucks, the trains to haul it, the wear on the highway system from heavy trucking, but now we have to replace all that with solar panels and thermosolar generators and wind turbines situated locally and without much grid to shuttle power around, we merely will have to move a small percentage of electricity around to meet shortages due to wind or sun decreases. And we also have to super insulate our homes and buildings, instead of having built them properly in the first place. Add earth source geothermal with surface earth insulation and that's housing. Then eliminate transport of things grown locally, only ship stuff that has to be grown or made elsewhere, and do it by slow wind powered trains with sails, and restructure cities to have work near the workers, and stop lighting all the unoccupied streets at night, and the earth will recover. THAT'S why we don;t have it, and how we will now have to.
Vladimir Komarov Problem partly solved, electric cars use a quarter or less the energy to go the same distance as the equivalent in fossil fuel. And if they are charged by wind, solar, or hydro or wave or tide, or geothermal, then they don't pollute at all. PV panels use toxic metals, but that doesn't mean their use is toxic or that their manufacture is. It COULD be if done irresponsibly, but great care has been employed to address those concerns. Nuclear can be safe, but it is far more costly when safe than other renewable sources, because of the costs of the safety, and they still wind up having to store the hot waste, they do NOT magically send it to the earth's core where it doesn't get into the water, that would take a shaft 35 miles deep. Project MoHo only sent one shaft down about 18 miles, and it melted. And knowing business, they will cut corners. The earth's core is molten partly because of radioactive decay, but mostly because it was hot to begin with and the radiative surface of the planet is bombarded by solar radiation. Sending the waste to the earth's mantle is a good idea, but it would be as expensive and potentially dangerous as shooting it into space. AND the handling to perform that is even more costly and dangerous. The numbers have proved over and over that renewables are cheaper.
Since one of the main reasons the earth is warm is the sun, the primordial heat and radiologic heating are less than all of it, and it is as I said, radiologic and primordial and solar, a mix. The core retains the heat it has and produces as much because of solar heating. Your support for nuclear power is just more equivocational nonsense, every government accounting has shown over and over that the renewables are cheaper. A good use for nuclear waste would be radiothermal generators for remote applications, but that would not meet our needs, And producing much more waste is practically and politically problematic. Nobody wants it. Betting on fusion and ignoring renewables is a bad bet, because we have NO idea how soon fusion can be made practical. What you said about renewables any physicist can tell you are outright lies. I don't know whom you're lying for, but it almost seems like you're paid, since your "info" runs so counter to accepted numbers. Wind and solar are near perfect complements. An example is the Colorado Power wind projects, which they thought would be unreliable and which instead proved so complementary among their several sites that they have forgone two new coal-fired plants in favor of three more wind farms. They were shocked, and Europeans were also surprised to find how when the sun isn't shining the wind is blowing and that it supplanted not merely supplemental power, but is starting to be seen as fine for baseload as well. You ignore the fact that 1/4 of all energy use is for heating, and that near surface geothermal can be used to completely replace residential and structural heating merely by burying pipes 20 feet down and circulating water to bring living spaces to near comfortable ambience, and by superinsulatng the surrounding earth as a heat storage causing thermoclines in the earth;s surface to rise and warm buildings, and that this can be done everywhere but the arctic. Your grasp of hydro potential is ridiculous, we could be controlling where all our rain goes, but we let it run down the river to the ocean, untapped, and your understanding of the immense power available of waves and tides is pitiful, purely amateurish. Tell me how much energy is required to move a cubic meter of water up and down a meter and then do the math.. You're clearly not a physicist as I am, and the fact that you're guessing from YouTube level prejudices and pop notions of science and political hobby horses is obvious and to me disgusting. Every time anyone competent has done the math they have always been amazed at what the human species has thus far failed to utilize in favor of whatever they're burning at the moment. Burning is dramatic, humans have always liked it, but that affinity for flaming glowing things does not translate into science. So far most of what humanity has done is the obvious, and ignored the subtle gigantic power they could be using. We were much smarter before coal and oil, those things have made us stupid and we have to unlearn that. When we run out of oil and atmosphere to burn coal with, we will have to.
Vladimir Komarov Sure, but when the uranium runs out? There are better ways, storage, in batteries, AND in the production of butanol and canola oil from cellulosic crops and rape seed, You can even run jet aircraft with canola, the military has done that already experimentally, a 727. Butanol is a direct substitute for gasoline, but there won't be a lot of it, which is why the rest needs to be solar and wind to charge batteries. And solar thermal power stations use molten salt as heat storage to run all night, they already do that in Spain.
Vladimir Komarov More Koch bros lies. You didn't "disprove" anything. In fact you never presented any evidence at all except your posture. It is well proven that the sun doesn't NEED to shine all the time or in any given location to provide sufficient solar power. Wind, which is ALSO driven by the sun, complements it because wind tends to blow more when the sun is obscured. Combine that with a vast grid to redistribute power and both local and home storage of power and the math works out very well. And renewable solutions have a much LOWER environmental impact than strip-mining for Thorium or polluting streams reprocessing it, or endangering people and encouraging terrorism transporting it. Not to mention storing the waste. You intentionally ignore the fact that the math for 100% renewables proves it can be done and has been done, just because you would prefer nuclear, thinking it will enable you to burn all the energy you want without a care, as we do now, when that isn't true either. They are saying precisely the same lies about Thorium as they said about Uranium nuclear power, and that it will never run out and be too cheap to meter. And we KNOW what happened with that,. Why are you lying? Are you invested in the nuclear industry, or is someone paying you? And PS: Greenpeace isn't even reputable anymore. NREL and the solar physics community IS!!
Vladimir Komarov Alright, if you're ant-Koch and anti-GOP then I'll believe you. But just saying you've disproved something is NOT disproving it. The scientists who have done all the numbers on solar panels and their life embodied energy, their composition and recyclability, have concluded that they are the safest way to obtain energy, as well as being lowest cost all things considered. This has been cited over and over. Solar panels are made in China NOT because they have worse chemical pollution but because it's cheaper. We DO manufacture PV panels here in the US, quite a large percentage in fact, they just don't compete well because of cost. If you're really worried about pollution and the environment, then consider not strip mining literally everywhere to get Thorium, because that's where it is, it is found in similar percentages in all clay sands literally everywhere. And it would take a LOT of strip mining to get enough. And while coal tailings have Thorium, they aren't just sitting around but have been reburied, per US mining laws, and would need to be stripped again and many tons removed and returned on our highways to and from processing plants to extract enough Thorium, more mass even than coal!. And anyway, the MOST efficient production of solar power is thermal solar using mirrors, not even involving a minute amount of rare earths. And thermal can be used at home as well, passive solar design, earth berming, superinsulation,south facing windows and the like, as well as water heating and superinsulated refrigeraton. We could even use 12 foot aluminized dishes and Stirling heat engines driving an alternator, which have been shown to supply nearly 1kWatt, which grows in importance if you don't need it for heating. And I repeat, wind is ALSO solar, and it works best of all, cheaper than coal in the midwest in a high-wind strip down the central plains of the country. You have lots in Ireland and Scotland as well.