Comments by "わわ" (@user-cp3ip3rw7r) on "TAKASHii" channel.

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  2. 日本社会は極度に他者を尊敬する社会なのです。つまり言い換えると他者と違うことをしてはいけないのです。そういう暗黙のルールがあります。 他者と同じことをするというルールです。なので例えば僕が外国人の友達を作ったとします。すると周りの同僚は「え?お前外国人と知り合いなの?変わってるやつだなお前。お前それ絶対変だよ。俺に近寄るな」みたいになってしまうんですね。日本は中小企業が多いので、会社ではすぐ噂になってしまいます。 「あいつは外国人と友達らしい。変な奴だ」みたいになってしまうんです。 日本の中小企業というのは、先輩後輩の関係がプライベートまで介入してくるので、休みの日に何をしているのかなど詳しく聞かれたり 一緒に居酒屋に飲みにいったり、食事にいかなければなりません。だからそこで外国人の存在が問題になるわけです。 「え?お前外国人と友達なの?お前それ絶対変だよ」って。 大手企業は全く違いますよ。大手の立派な大企業の人達は、外国人になんら偏見もありませんし、プライベートと仕事の区別もはっきりしていますし、アホも少ないです。 しかしながら日本の421万企業のうち99.7%は中小企業です。つまり日本の会社の99.7%は従業員が50人以下の小さい企業なのです。
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  36. ​ @nijimavtuber I am Japanese and I agree with you. What they study for 10 hours before entering university is memorization for the exam. Because the exam is a kind of code. It's not that it's completely meaningless, but it's no exaggeration to say that those exams are slave adaptation tests. In Japan, 32% of men continue to work at the company they joined after graduating from university until they are 65 years old. So the name of the university and the first company you work for are the most important in life. So the university entrance exam is the most important event in life. Thirty years ago, the percentage of people who stay at the same company was higher, but it decreased due to the recession. In Japan, no matter how skilled or experienced a person is, if they leave a company, they will start again at the bottom base salary, and the hierarchy within the company is determined by how many years they have been at the company rather than their experience. So no one leaves the company. Companies only look at the name of the student's university and are not interested in his major. Because Japan has a unique and shitty system that only exists in Japan called "bulk hiring of new graduates". So students only study the bare minimum because they only need to get university credits. Of course, students from unknown universities give up and don't study because they think, "I'm not going to get into a good company anyway." Therefore, most Japanese university students can't speak, read, or write English, and they have very little knowledge about society. This is because, as mentioned above, there is no point in studying.
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