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The New York Times
Comments by "chaosXpert" (@chaosXP3RT) on "The New York Times" channel.
I already know the Russian defender's response: the USA has bombed a hospital before so we can do it too
All the dislikes is just from people over-reacting because they don't like change. I think tipping can be good to encourage good customer service, but $2/hr? That's ridiculous! Nobody should have to rely on tips to survive! Nobody should have to put up with sexual harassment just to make ends meet. It's time the minimum wage for these jobs is raised! Or something!
Are they really far right though? Or just concerned citizens?
As a white person, I apologize for all the white people who don't understand why he's using a "White" voice
My friend from high school went to college. He brought a girl home with him and later that night, accused him of sexual assault. In court he was proven innocent, with important evidence being a text that she sent to her friend about wanting to hookup with him. However, the university found him guilty, despite the lack of evidence. He was kicked out of college and wasted 2 years and thousands of dollars there. He's never allowed back into that college ever again. He joined the Marines.
"Counter-protestors"? You mean Antifa and BLM?
Its cool to see a place where much of the Native lifestyle is preserved. And it can't be easy living there! That'd be so harsh!
You clearly don't live in the USA
A unique story for sure. I'm sorry this person lost the love of their life, but I am glad they got to start a family. I certainly would want to see my son take on a... more masculine personality, but that wouldn't stop me from loving and supporting him. I would want him to be himself. Trying to make a kid something they are not, can be extremely damaging, but growing up with...some controversial personality traits can cause some severe damages too. I honestly don't know what I'd do as a parent. But I applaud any parent willing to stand by their child. And I applaud this mother and her moving story.
The difference was nothing could be done. This happened in a short time period and were special forces with support. Benghazi was over the course of many hours and was Special Forces protecting State Department officials that Hillary had failed to make sure had adequate protection in the first place. Then she did nothing over the course of hours as they fought and died! There is no hypocrisy here.
Believe it or not, they actually have TOO much data. Finding a criminal can take time surfing through all the data. Plus, they still have to collect evidence from the crime scene. But a lot of mass shooters and terrorists are already on multiple government watch lists. But by the time the incident happens, it's still too late
We're the most powerful nation in the world and our power is shrinking. If we don't get involved, Russia or China will
"White fragility" you're racism is showing
Free Hong Kong!
Because existing makes white people racist
Its harder to immigrate to Canada than the US. Let that sink in
If you ask liberals, the US should just let everyone in! We should give the world free lunches!
Man, that sucks. Starting out as father and wanting to be a mother. Have you tried talking to therapist? That's not an insult. There are people out there this job is to help people. If you need help figuring things out or to stop hurting inside, there's professional people you can go to. Even councillors will help
@Stopthechaosnow2025 There is no pride in being American. We have ruined the world
jag10 He's using a "White voice" to attract and sell to people. It's harder to be taken seriously in society when you talk like an African-American
@FelixJCHEN US police don't shoot protestors. They haven't in 40 years
Seems to me the British people are tired of being controlled by a foreign government. Most people don't even know the president of the EU or how he got elected to that position!
The government gives you a booklet on how to vote? The same government your gonna vote on?
Initially I didn't want us involved in Syria. But I think now we're in too deep. We've made strikes against Assad and ISIS. And we've made commitment to our allies like the Kurds. We (the USA) should stay and work out a peace deal that turns Syria into a Federation. The Russians, Iranians, and Turks are not in Syria for American interests and that's bad. The USA needs a pro-American/pro-Kurd government in Syria
Just awful. I wish we could help them, but I know Communist China won't let that happen
What makes this so special? Its no different than having your father in prison
I hate Pakistan for sheltering Osama Bin Laden. Don't ever come to the US
Call him his real name, President Pooh
He's a criminal. Who's to say he won't do it again?
The US is generally the worst Western country to live in. It's a joke. Why do people keep immigrating here?!
We shouldn't be sending American troops to Iraq or Afghanistan, but Nigeria to protect the people from these monsters!
Could you do a report on how machinegun laws and stuff work in the US? Like how those guys down in Texas and Arizona get tanks, cannons, machineguns and stuff?
@aezzil3536 Almost everyone in the world will hate us. No matter what we do. It's time to realize that and bring our people back home
@SlongestKongest So because the USA kills innocent people, it's okay for Russia to do it?
"One solution? Gun solution" Why is it always about violence?!
I love living in the USA! I love my country!
No! They're finally outting us! I need to get my AR kit before the liberals start banning them!
@jeremywhite5725 I'm a big a fan of the 2nd Amendment and such. I was just watching Vice News' report on the Big Sandy Shoot. And I watched Forgotten Weapons shooting the guns on an old Sherman tank. I don't really understand the process in obtaining those. And I'm sure plenty of Americans don't know anything about them. I think it'd be interesting to learn more!
Yeah, but didn't a woman in the EU just lose her job for texting a friend that transwomen are still men? And then a couple years ago that Dracula guy who taught his pug a "Nazi" salute was arrested for hate speech. All this data protection in the EU and yet they still incriminate you for private messages and strip you of freedom of speech 😂
So did the Russians rig the US election in 2016 like so many claim? Because that other New York Times journalist in this video said 'US elections are very difficult to rig.' Are major media outlets also spreading misinformation and/or disinformation?
I had no idea Peele was the director! That's awesome! Good for him!
Why should I?
Well of course. We still love our country. And it's the only country that didn't have to have 3 civil wars, revolutions and coups to get a constitution that guarantees the right to free speech, self defense, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion
We need a deep study on all this: I saw a video of man striking an officer mulitple times in the head with a hammer. It wasn't reported in Media. It was celebrated on Twitter. When the man was arrested, protestors screamed the police were being brutal to him. They also edited a video of a man in tear gas being arrested to make it appear as if officers were holding him there as torture. Our study needs to analyze all angles of policing. How does the power of authority and non-lethal weapons affect an officer's mind? Do "non-lethal" weapons make officers feel more justified in their use?What kind of culture is fostered in police departments? What kind of affects does policing have on an officer brain long-term? How is violence, crime, danger and tragedy on the streets affect police officers every day? How does media coverage affect our view of events? How does media coverage shape protests and events? How does social media? How does the words of the President? What does proper protesting look like? What's the difference between antagonizing police and assault? Is antagonizing police go to far? What should police responses be (all the way from graffiti, to rocks, fireworks, shields, and armed protesters)? What tools should officers have to respond? How much authority should the president have to deploy federal forces without Congressional approval? Should it be limited only to military? Should the title Commander-in-Chief be stripped from the president all together? Is the Department of the Homeland necessary? Should the federal government defend federal property? Should states be able to bar federal forces? There needs to be a huge, in-depth study without political involvement. But it'll never happen.
There's so many videos and things you could show them, but of course there is an agenda to push
You like when Iran and China do it, but hate how the USA do it?
The USA produces enough gasoline for itself. It's one of the largest oil producers in the world
This is basically mass kidnapping. The same as what Stalin and the Soviets did. This here is why Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia hated the Soviet Union. This is why they joined NATO. Putin is a Fascist.
If this happened today, NYT would call him an incel and right-wing terrorist before any evidence
I know Natives that get thousands of dollars every year from their tribe. Why should I feel sorry, again?