Comments by "chaosXpert" (@chaosXP3RT) on "The New York Times" channel.

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  44. We need a deep study on all this: I saw a video of man striking an officer mulitple times in the head with a hammer. It wasn't reported in Media. It was celebrated on Twitter. When the man was arrested, protestors screamed the police were being brutal to him. They also edited a video of a man in tear gas being arrested to make it appear as if officers were holding him there as torture. Our study needs to analyze all angles of policing. How does the power of authority and non-lethal weapons affect an officer's mind? Do "non-lethal" weapons make officers feel more justified in their use?What kind of culture is fostered in police departments? What kind of affects does policing have on an officer brain long-term? How is violence, crime, danger and tragedy on the streets affect police officers every day? How does media coverage affect our view of events? How does media coverage shape protests and events? How does social media? How does the words of the President? What does proper protesting look like? What's the difference between antagonizing police and assault? Is antagonizing police go to far? What should police responses be (all the way from graffiti, to rocks, fireworks, shields, and armed protesters)? What tools should officers have to respond? How much authority should the president have to deploy federal forces without Congressional approval? Should it be limited only to military? Should the title Commander-in-Chief be stripped from the president all together? Is the Department of the Homeland necessary? Should the federal government defend federal property? Should states be able to bar federal forces? There needs to be a huge, in-depth study without political involvement. But it'll never happen.
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