Comments by "suraj s" (@surajs5913) on "" video.

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  5.  @veenanayak3194  funnily i dont see arnab and stopped watching ndtv. Arnab is there to create a charged atmosphere, to anger gullible people against opposition legally without police taking action. While NDTV is there to make people feel guilty and bad for india and indians (it will be that way until a left govt comes to power in centre) so that people complain about the "facist" modi govt. NDTV coverage of the entire kerala gold and drug smuggling case is proof enough. If you believe me look at the media bias ranking, both ndtv and republic have same level of factual reporting, ndtv is just better at making it look like a "honest mistake". But those who already have an anglicised worldview about india wouldn't care enough to fact check since it already conforms to their bias... I am more than convinced that indian secularism is a sham when the finances of southern temples are regulated by state governments like in kerala and tamil nadu. That is the reality of secular india and it has been for the past 70 years. Neither ndtv nor republic will tell you that. The ram janmabhoomi verdict will only embolden the right in india, and even i am inclined now to join the RSS since the verdict is based in actual archeological evidence. If you doubt that, try talking to ASI member KK muhammed and try watching some of his interviews. Hindus have been hoodwinked and indias dharmic culture has been under attack for 70 years, by people of all faiths. The secular republic of india is selectively secular.
  6.  @veenanayak3194  you can keep your fears to yourself. I am more than willing to give my blood sweat and tears for my motherland. Modi doesnt divide anyone, the division already exists. The brits didnt divide hindus and muslims, that wound goes way back right from the sack of nalanda. Any peace now will be acieved if and only ifthe bloody history of india is not whitewashed and people are taught not to punish the decendents for the sins of their forefathers. Already the rich aristocracy who are the decendents of invaders now live in pakistan, only those who were poor muslims (either forced conversion or outcasts) remain in india. Real history based on archeological evidence will mean reclaiming krishna janmabhoomi and kashi vishwanath lands, relocating the mosques etc. I dont care what some kid in dubai thinks or wants, i stay in my motherland because i love my motherland despite all her flaws like caste system. I am willing to reform and rebuild my civilisation that my ancestors have fought and died for. I know the level of my integrity. I dont speak or care for anyone else. If hindutva is the means to acheive it then so be it. I do not believe in the half truth "ahimsa paramo dharma". I believe in the whole truth, "dharma himsa thadaiva cha" Hinduism did not survive 3000+ years by simply turning the other cheek. I am sick of the spineless narrative spun by anglicised indians post independence.
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